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AbsGoogGS71051736.29556Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance, Interpersonal Success, Happiness, or Healthier Lifestyles?Baumeister, Roy F. .et al
AbsGoogGS58427142.801230Implicit Social Cognition: Attitudes, Self-Esteem, and Stereotypes.Greenwald, Anthony G. and Banaji, Mahzarin R.
AbsGoogGS388310852.238218Measuring Global Self-Esteem: Construct Validation of a Single-Item Measure and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleRobins, Richard W. .et al
AbsGoogGS351136631.08894TARGET ARTICLE: Toward a Conceptualization of Optimal Self-EsteemKernis, Michael H.
AbsGoogGS33641886.130324Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations Traits—self-Esteem, Generalized Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Emotional Stability—with Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis.Judge, Timothy A. and Bono, Joyce E.
AbsGoogGS33417142.801230Social Stigma and Self-Esteem: The Self-Protective Properties of Stigma.Crocker, Jennifer and Major, Brenda
AbsGoogGS23944083.799416Distinguishing optimism from neuroticism (and trait anxiety, self-mastery, and self-esteem): A reevaluation of the Life Orientation Test.Scheier, Michael F. .et al
AbsGoogGS23004083.799416Self-Esteem as an Interpersonal Monitor: The Sociometer Hypothesis.Leary, Mark R. .et al
AbsGoogGS22837142.801230Relation of Threatened Egotism to Violence and Aggression: The Dark Side of High Self-Esteem.Baumeister, Roy F. .et al
AbsGoogGS215022251.466169Self-presentation 2.0: Narcissism and self-esteem on FacebookMehdizadeh, S
AbsGoogGS20406882.854300Low Self-Esteem Is Related to Aggression, Antisocial Behavior, and DelinquencyDonnellan, M. Brent .et al
AbsGoogGS19594083.799416Development and Validation of a Scale for Measuring State Self-Esteem.Heatherton, Todd F. and Polivy, Janet
AbsGoogGS162230591.20599Social capital, self-esteem, and use of online social network sites: A longitudinal analysisSteinfield, Charles .et al
AbsGoogGS16071297.412222Global Self-Esteem and Specific Self-Esteem: Different Concepts, Different OutcomesRosenberg, Morris .et al
AbsGoogGS15711247.635345Does Low Self-Esteem Predict Depression and Anxiety? A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies.Sowislo, Julia F. and Orth, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS15547142.801230A Unified Theory of Implicit Attitudes, Stereotypes, Self-Esteem, and Self-Concept.Greenwald, Anthony G. .et al
AbsGoogGS149473280.68478Self-esteem: Clinical assessment and measurement validationSilber, E and Tippett, JS
AbsGoogGS143812842.030136Ethnic and American identity as predictors of self-esteem among African American, Latino, and White adolescentsPhinney, JS .et al
AbsGoogGS139121821.481127Self-Categorisation, Commitment to the Group and Group Self-Esteem as Related but Distinct Aspects of Social IdentityEllemers, Naomi .et al
AbsGoogGS13701247.635345Gender Differences in Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analysis.Kling, Kristen C. .et al
AbsGoogGS134218661.626107The Crucible Within: Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem, and Segmented Assimilation among Children of ImmigrantsRumbaut, Rubén G.
AbsGoogGS13404083.799416Simultaneous Administration of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in 53 Nations: Exploring the Universal and Culture-Specific Features of Global Self-Esteem.Schmitt, David P. and Allik, Jüri
AbsGoogGS13194083.799416Cross-Cultural Correlates of Life Satisfaction and Self-Esteem.Diener, Ed and Diener, Marissa L.
AbsGoogGS13091247.635345The Costly Pursuit of Self-Esteem.Crocker, Jennifer and Park, Lora E.
AbsGoogGS128252520.87093Cyberbullying and Self-Esteem*Patchin, Justin W. and Hinduja, Sameer
AbsGoogGS12796053.028196The Development of Self-EsteemOrth, Ulrich and Robins, Richard W.
AbsGoogGS12754083.799416Self-Esteem and Clarity of the Self-Concept.Campbell, Jennifer D.
AbsGoogGS126110852.238218Narcissism, Self-Esteem, and the Positivity of Self-Views: Two Portraits of Self-LoveCampbell, W. Keith .et al
AbsGoogGS12536832.864378Childhood Obesity and Self-EsteemStrauß, Richard
AbsGoogGS124393500.55368Ethnic identity and self-esteem: A review and integrationPhinney, JS
AbsGoogGS11556053.028196Self-Esteem, Narcissism, and AggressionBaumeister, Roy F. .et al
AbsGoogGS115473840.68037Impression management 2.0: The relationship of self-esteem, extraversion, self-efficacy, and self-presentation within social networking sitesKrämer, NC and Winter, S
AbsGoogGS11252105.709177Social Identity Theory's Self-Esteem Hypothesis: A Review and Some Suggestions for ClarificationRubin, Mark and Hewstone, Miles
AbsGoogGS11206053.028196Self-Esteem Development Across the LifespanRobins, Richard W. and Trzesniewski, Kali H.
AbsGoogGS109765980.742105Responses to Social Exclusion: Social Anxiety, Jealousy, Loneliness, Depression, and Low Self-EsteemLeary, Mark R.
AbsGoogGS10694083.799416Using the Implicit Association Test to Measure Self-Esteem and Self-Concept.Greenwald, Anthony G. and Farnham, Shelly
AbsGoogGS10611247.635345Why Do People Need Self-Esteem? A Theoretical and Empirical Review.Pyszczynski, Tom .et al
AbsGoogGS103916711.731236Low Self-Esteem During Adolescence Predicts Poor Health, Criminal Behavior, and Limited Economic Prospects During Adulthood.Trzesniewski, Kali H. .et al
AbsGoogGS102912842.030136Resilience in Adolescents: Protective Role of Social Support, Coping Strategies, Self-Esteem, and Social Activities on Experience of Stress and DepressionDumont, Mîchelle and Provost, Michel
AbsGoogGS102716711.731236Transitions During Early Adolescence: Changes in Children's Domain-Specific Self-Perceptions and General Self-Esteem Across the Transition to Junior High School.Wigfield, Allan .et al
AbsGoogGS10164083.799416Using the Implicit Association Test to measure self-esteem and self-concept.Greenwald, Anthony G. and Farnham, Shelly
AbsGoogGS10124083.799416The Dimensionality of Self-Esteem: II. Hierarchical Facet Model for Revised Measurement Scales.Fleming, James S. and Courtney, Barbara E.
AbsGoogGS98711562.135281A Longitudinal Study of Consistency and Change in Self-Esteem From Early Adolescence to Early AdulthoodBlock, Jack and Robins, Richard W.
AbsGoogGS9156053.028196Making Sense of Self-EsteemLeary, Mark R.
AbsGoogGS9134083.799416Pancultural Explanations for Life Satisfaction: Adding Relationship Harmony to Self-Esteem.Kwan, Virginia S. Y. .et al
AbsGoogGS89819311.596161How Low Can You Go? Ostracism by a Computer Is Sufficient to Lower Self-Reported Levels of Belonging, Control, Self-Esteem, and Meaningful ExistenceZadro, Lisa .et al
AbsGoogGS8894083.799416Are measures of self-esteem, neuroticism, locus of control, and generalized self-efficacy indicators of a common core construct?Judge, Timothy A. .et al
AbsGoogGS8821367.213261Self-Esteem Within the Work and Organizational Context: A Review of the Organization-Based Self-Esteem LiteraturePierce, Jon L. and Gardner, Donald G.
AbsGoogGS87210852.238218Reciprocal Effects Between Academic Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, Achievement, and Attainment Over Seven Adolescent Years: Unidimensional and Multidimensional Perspectives of Self-ConceptMarsh, Herbert W. and O'Mara, Alison J
AbsGoogGS8706662.884197Self-Perceptions of Black Americans: Self-Esteem and Personal EfficacyHughes, Michael L. and Demo, David H.
AbsGoogGS86784070.610114Self-esteem in a broad-spectrum approach for mental health promotionMann, Michal .et al
AbsGoogGS8666882.854300When social networking is not working: Individuals with low self-esteem recognize but do not reap the benefits of self-disclosure on FacebookForest, AL and Wood, JV
AbsGoogGS8431297.412222Self-Esteem and Adolescent Problems: Modeling Reciprocal EffectsRosenberg, Morris .et al
AbsGoogGS8426662.884197Social class and self-esteem among children and adultsRosenberg, M and Pearlin, LI
AbsGoogGS8282105.709177Self-Esteem and Socioeconomic Status: A Meta-Analytic ReviewTwenge, Jean M. and Campbell, W. Keith
AbsGoogGS8284083.799416Collective Self-Esteem and Ingroup Bias.Crocker, Jennifer and Luhtanen, Riia
AbsGoogGS81718661.626107The Crucible within: Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem, and Segmented Assimilation among Children of ImmigrantsRumbaut, Rubén G.
AbsGoogGS80610852.238218Dispositional Affect and Leadership Effectiveness: A Comparison of Self-Esteem, Optimism, and EfficacyChemers, Martin M. .et al
AbsGoogGS80043240.984126What Are the Differences Between Happiness and Self-EsteemLyubomirsky, Sonja .et al
AbsGoogGS7994083.799416Why Do People Need Self-Esteem? Converging Evidence That Self-Esteem Serves an Anxiety-Buffering Function.Greenberg, Jeff .et al
AbsGoogGS79360670.79173Body Image Dissatisfaction: Gender Differences in Eating Attitudes, Self-Esteem, and Reasons for ExerciseFurnham, Adrian .et al
AbsGoogGS7842105.709177On the Confluence of Self-Esteem Maintenance MechanismsTesser, Abraham
AbsGoogGS77210852.238218Collective Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-Being among White, Black, and Asian College StudentsCrocker, Jennifer .et al
AbsGoogGS7574083.799416Stability of Self-Esteem Across the Life Span.Trzesniewski, Kali H. .et al
AbsGoogGS7534083.799416Positive and negative global self-esteem: A substantively meaningful distinction or artifactors?Marsh, Herbert W.
AbsGoogGS72772240.69186Depressive symptomatology, self-esteem, and self-blame in battered womenCascardi, M and O'Leary, KD
AbsGoogGS72315531.811148Insecure Attachment, Dysfunctional Attitudes, and Low Self-Esteem Predicting Prospective Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety During AdolescenceLee, Adabel and Hankin, Benjamin L.
AbsGoogGS72017891.66285The Relations Among Social Media Addiction, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in University StudentsHawi, Nazir S. and Samaha, Maya
AbsGoogGS7059142.465232Social Support, Self-Esteem and DepressionBrown, George W. .et al
AbsGoogGS70511562.135281Longitudinal Assessment of Autonomy and Relatedness in Adolescent-Family Interactions as Predictors of Adolescent Ego Development and Self-EsteemAllen, Joseph P. .et al
AbsGoogGS7032105.709177Ingroup Bias and Self-Esteem: A Meta-AnalysisAberson, Christopher L. .et al
AbsGoogGS70328191.271111Self-Linking and Self-Competence as Dimensions of Global Self-Esteem: Initial Validation of a MeasureTafarodi, Romin W. and Swann, William B.
AbsGoogGS69910852.238218Self-Evaluated Self-Esteem, Peer-Evaluated Self-Esteem, and Defensive Egotism as Predictors of Adolescents’ Participation in Bullying SituationsSalmivalli, Christina .et al
AbsGoogGS6984083.799416Terror Management Theory and Self-Esteem: Evidence That Increased Self-Esteem Reduced Mortality Salience Effects.Harmon‐Jones, Eddie .et al
AbsGoogGS69711612.132143A Theory of Self-EsteemCast, Alicia D. and Burke, Peter J.
AbsGoogGS6944083.799416Stalking the perfect measure of implicit self-esteem: The blind men and the elephant revisited?Bosson, JK .et al
AbsGoogGS6845043.363256Do People's Self-Views Matter? Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Everyday Life.Swann, William B. .et al
AbsGoogGS66425561.348168Global Self-Esteem Across the Life Span.Robins, Richard W. .et al
AbsGoogGS6624083.799416Cross-cultural correlates of life satisfaction and self-esteem.Diener, Ed and Diener, Marissa L.
AbsGoogGS65112842.030136A Longitudinal Study of Self-Esteem: Implications for Adolescent DevelopmentZimmerman, Marc A. .et al
AbsGoogGS65055190.84487Social Support, Self-Esteem, and Stress as Predictors of Adjustment to University Among First-Year UndergraduatesFriedlander, Laura J. .et al
AbsGoogGS6494083.799416Beyond Self-Esteem: Influence of Multiple Motives on Identity Construction.Vignoles, Vivian L. .et al
AbsGoogGS6234083.799416Gender and Self-Esteem.Josephs, Robert .et al
AbsGoogGS62310852.238218Defensiveness Versus Remediation: Self-Theories and Modes of Self-Esteem MaintenanceNussbaum, A. David and Dweck, Carol S.
AbsGoogGS62315531.811148Body Dissatisfaction Prospectively Predicts Depressive Mood and Low Self-Esteem in Adolescent Girls and BoysPaxton, Susan J. .et al
AbsGoogGS62112842.030136The dynamics of self-esteem: A growth-curve analysisBaldwin, SA and Hoffmann, JP
AbsGoogGS62012842.030136The role of parental and peer attachment in the psychological health and self-esteem of adolescentsWilkinson, RB
AbsGoogGS6159722.387210Toward Understanding the Insight Paradox: Internalized Stigma Moderates the Association Between Insight and Social Functioning, Hope, and Self-esteem Among People with Schizophrenia Spectrum DisordersLysaker, Paul H. .et al
AbsGoogGS61549400.90655Authentic and Hubristic Pride: The Affective Core of Self-Esteem and NarcissismTracy, Jessica L. .et al
AbsGoogGS61444480.96870Biceps and Body Image: The Relationship Between Muscularity and Self-Esteem, Depression, and Eating Disorder Symptoms.Olivardia, Roberto .et al
AbsGoogGS60610852.238218Dialectical Self-Esteem and East-West Differences in Psychological Well-BeingSpencer‐Rodgers, Julie .et al
AbsGoogGS6044083.799416Secure and Defensive High Self-Esteem.Jordan, Christian H. .et al
AbsGoogGS6044083.799416Positive and Negative Global Self-Esteem: A Substantively Meaningful Distinction or Artifactors?Marsh, Herbert W.
AbsGoogGS6014083.799416Low Self-Esteem Prospectively Predicts Depression in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.Orth, Ulrich .et al
AbsGoogGS59230891.198161Self-esteem and life satisfaction in adolescents—gender and age as potential moderatorsMoksnes, UK and Espnes, GA
AbsGoogGS58419311.596161Group-Based Dominance and Opposition to Equality as Independent Predictors of Self-Esteem, Ethnocentrism, and Social Policy Attitudes among African Americans and European AmericansJost, John T. and Thompson, Erik P.
AbsGoogGS58116451.750136Perceived parental behaviour, self-esteem and happinessFurnham, A and Cheng, H
AbsGoogGS57482610.62051The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Translation and Validation in University StudentsMartín‐Albo, José .et al
AbsGoogGS5651247.635345Race and Self-Esteem: Meta-Analyses Comparing Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians and Comment on Gray-Little and Hafdahl (2000).Twenge, Jean M. and Crocker, Jennifer
AbsGoogGS5654083.799416Stability and Level of Self-Esteem as Predictors of Anger Arousal and Hostility.Kernis, Michael H. .et al
AbsGoogGS5644083.799416Are Normal Narcissists Psychologically Healthy?: Self-Esteem Matters.Sedikides, Constantine .et al
AbsGoogGS56215321.829112Gender Differences in Domain-Specific Self-Esteem: A Meta-AnalysisGentile, Brittany .et al
AbsGoogGS56116711.731236Depression, Self-Esteem, and Anger in Emerging Adulthood: Seven-Year Trajectories.Galambos, Nancy L. .et al
AbsGoogGS55826671.314136The effect of exercise on body satisfaction and self-esteem as a function of gender and ageTiggemann, M and Williamson, S
AbsGoogGS55743010.987100Beyond the Looking-Glass Self: Social Structure and Efficacy-Based Self-EsteemGecas, Viktor and Schwalbe, Michael
AbsGoogGS55427471.293130Does Low Self-Esteem Predict Health Compromising Behaviours Among Adolescents?McGee, Rob and Williams, Sheila
AbsGoogGS5472105.709177Age and Birth Cohort Differences in Self-Esteem: A Cross-Temporal Meta-AnalysisTwenge, Jean M. and Campbell, W. Keith
AbsGoogGS54424751.373155The Relationship Between Social Connectedness and Anxiety, Self-Esteem, and Social Identity.Lee, Richard M. and Robbins, Steven B.
AbsGoogGS5434083.799416Adult attachment security and symptoms of depression: The mediating roles of dysfunctional attitudes and low self-esteem.Roberts, John Η. .et al
AbsGoogGS5436053.028196Understanding the Link Between Low Self-Esteem and DepressionOrth, Ulrich and Robins, Richard W.
AbsGoogGS54265980.742105Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-Being: Implications of Fragile Self-EsteemParadise, Andrew W. and Kernis, Michael H.
AbsGoogGS5404083.799416There's More to Self-Esteem Than Whether It Is High or Low: The Importance of Stability of Self-Esteem.Kernis, Michael H. .et al
AbsGoogGS5344083.799416Life-Span Development of Self-Esteem and Its Effects on Important Life Outcomes.Orth, Ulrich .et al
AbsGoogGS5283524.196195Minority identity and self-esteemPorter, JR and Washington, RE
AbsGoogGS52816651.734251Exercise and self-esteemSonstroem, Robert J. and Morgan, William P.
AbsGoogGS52510852.238218Self-Esteem and Emotion: Some Thoughts About FeelingsBrown, Jonathon D. and Marshall, Margaret A.
AbsGoogGS5223524.196195Black identity and self-esteem: A review of studies of Black self-concept, 1968-1978Porter, JR and Washington, RE
AbsGoogGS51010852.238218Level of Self-Esteem and Contingencies of Self-Worth: Unique Effects on Academic, Social, and Financial Problems in College StudentsCrocker, Jennifer and Luhtanen, Riia
AbsGoogGS496255360.10827Self-Esteem at Work: Research, Theory, and Practice.Brockner, Joel
AbsGoogGS49222151.468152Improving the body image, eating attitudes, and behaviors of young male and female adolescents: A new educational approach that focuses on self-esteemO’Dea, Jennifer A. and Abraham, Suzanne
AbsGoogGS4919742.386177Parental Behavior and Adolescent Self-EsteemGecas, Viktor and Schwalbe, Michael
AbsGoogGS4856882.854300Unconscious Unease and Self-Handicapping: Behavioral Consequences of Individual Differences in Implicit and Explicit Self-EsteemSpalding, Leah R. and Hardin, Curtis D.
AbsGoogGS48565980.742105The Role of Low Self-Esteem in Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Why Is Low Self-Esteem Dysfunctional?Leary, Mark R. .et al
AbsGoogGS48225561.348168Global self-esteem across the life spanRobins, RW .et al
AbsGoogGS4779602.409141Deinstitutionalization, Social Rejection, and the Self-Esteem of Former Mental PatientsWright, Eric R. .et al
AbsGoogGS476110140.46578Relation Between Body-Esteem and Self-Esteem of Obese and Normal ChildrenMendelson, Beverley K. and White, Donna R.
AbsGoogGS46825221.356130Personality Correlates of Self-EsteemRobins, Richard W. .et al
AbsGoogGS46422351.463193Two-dimensional self-esteem: theory and measurementTafarodi, Romin W. and Swann, William B.
AbsGoogGS46222931.438243Obesity Stigmatization and Coping: Relation to Mental Health Symptoms, Body Image, and Self-EsteemMyers, Anna and Rosen, James C.
AbsGoogGS4596882.854300Increasing Implicit Self-Esteem Through Classical ConditioningBaccus, Jodene R. .et al
AbsGoogGS45949810.90172Self-esteem: Its relationship to the family and school social environments among chinese adolescentsCheung, P.C.
AbsGoogGS4577082.80673Sociometer theory and the pursuit of relational value: Getting to the root of self-esteemLeary, Mark R.
AbsGoogGS45735721.105202Acute Threat to the Social Self: Shame, Social Self-Esteem, and Cortisol ActivityGruenewald, Tara L. .et al
AbsGoogGS45211102.192160Self-Esteem, Self-Presentation, and Future Interaction: A Dilemma of ReputationBaumeister, Roy F.
AbsGoogGS45173280.68478Relationship between self-esteem and depressionBattle, J
AbsGoogGS4484083.799416Stability of self-esteem across the life spanTrzesniewski, KH .et al
AbsGoogGS44772240.69186The impact of specific battering experiences on the self-esteem of abused womenAguilar, RJ and Nightingale, NN
AbsGoogGS44611612.132143Black and White Self-Esteem: The Urban School Child.Weisman, Carol S. .et al
AbsGoogGS44638611.05581Adjustment, Social Skills, and Self-Esteem in College Students With Symptoms of ADHDShaw-Zirt, Barbara .et al
AbsGoogGS4311247.635345Race and self-esteem: Meta-analyses comparing Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians and comment on Gray-Little and Hafdahl (2000)Twenge, J.
AbsGoogGS43011562.135281Longitudinal Assessment of Autonomy and Relatedness in Adolescent-Family Interactions as Predictors of Adolescent Ego Development and Self-EsteemAllen, Joseph P. .et al
AbsGoogGS42924751.373155Self-Esteem as a Mediator Between Perfectionism and Depression: A Structural Equations Analysis.Rice, Kenneth G. .et al
AbsGoogGS4284083.799416Downward Comparison, Prejudice, and Evaluations of Others: Effects of Self-Esteem and Threat.Crocker, Jennifer .et al
AbsGoogGS4274083.799416What's in a name: Implicit self-esteem and the automatic self.Koole, Sander L. .et al
AbsGoogGS42522351.463193Personality, self-esteem, and demographic predictions of happiness and depressionCheng, Helen and Furnham, Adrian
AbsGoogGS42412842.030136Adolescent attachment to parents and friends in relation to aspects of self-esteemPaterson, J .et al
AbsGoogGS4232105.709177Rejection Elicits Emotional Reactions but Neither Causes Immediate Distress Nor Lowers Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analytic Review of 192 Studies on Social ExclusionBlackhart, Ginette C. .et al
AbsGoogGS42052110.87479God Image as a Function of Self-Esteem and Locus of ControlBenson, Peter and Spilka, Bernard
AbsGoogGS4194083.799416Self-Esteem Development From Age 14 to 30 Years: A Longitudinal Study.Erol, Ruth Yasemin and Orth, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS41655630.84078Relations of friendship quality to self-esteem in early adolescenceKeefe, K and Berndt, TJ
AbsGoogGS41411102.192160Self-Esteem and the Effects of Success and Failure Feedback on Performance1Shrauger, J. Sidney and Rosenberg, Saul E.
AbsGoogGS40917441.69098Revolutions within: self-government and self-esteemCruikshank, Barbara
AbsGoogGS40882720.61968The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Self-Esteem, and Academic Achievement in 12-Year-Old ChildrenTremblay, Mark S. .et al
AbsGoogGS4051247.635345Factors Influencing Racial Comparisons of Self-Esteem: A Quantitative Review.Gray-Little, Bernadette and Hafdahl, Adam R.
AbsGoogGS40555630.84078Ethnic Differences in Processes Contributing to the Self-Esteem of Early Adolescent GirlsCarlson, Cindy .et al
AbsGoogGS39655630.84078Children's Competence Beliefs, Achievement Values, and General Self-EsteemWigfield, Allan and Eccles, Jacquelynne S.
AbsGoogGS39547790.92357Psychometric Properties of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Overall and Across Demographic Groups Living Within the United StatesSinclair, Stephen .et al
AbsGoogGS3914083.799416Sex role orientation and self-esteem: A critical meta-analytic review.Whitley, Bernard E.
AbsGoogGS39087270.59189The Impact of Parental Support, Behavioral Control, and Psychological Control on the Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem of African American and European American AdolescentsBean, Roy A. .et al
AbsGoogGS3891956.024210Are Close Friends the Enemy? Online Social Networks, Self-Esteem, and Self-ControlWilcox, Keith and Stephen, Andrew T.
AbsGoogGS3894083.799416The thrill of victory, the complexity of defeat: Self-esteem and people's emotional reactions to success and failure.Brown, Jonathon D. and Dutton, Keith A.
AbsGoogGS38812832.031213When depression breeds contempt: Reassurance seeking, self-esteem, and rejection of depressed college students by their roommates.Joiner, Thomas E. .et al
AbsGoogGS3871297.412222Entry Into Early Adolescence: The Impact of School Structure, Puberty, and Early Dating on Self-EsteemRg, Simmons .et al
AbsGoogGS3872105.709177A Meta-Analysis of Heavyweight and Self-EsteemMiller, Carol T. and Downey, Kathryn T.
AbsGoogGS3874083.799416Self-esteem and the quest for felt security: How perceived regard regulates attachment processes.Murray, Susan .et al
AbsGoogGS3874083.799416Effects of social comparison direction, threat, and self-esteem on affect, self-evaluation, and expected success.Aspinwall, Lisa G. and Taylor, Shelley E.
AbsGoogGS38310852.238218It's Not My Fault: When and Why Attributions to Prejudice Protect Self-EsteemMajor, Brenda .et al
AbsGoogGS3824083.799416The Measurement of Self-Esteem: Refining Our Methods.Demo, David H.
AbsGoogGS38148360.91887Maternal and Paternal Parenting Styles in Adolescents: Associations With Self-Esteem, Depression and Life-SatisfactionMilevsky, Avidan .et al
AbsGoogGS37845640.95266Self-Esteem and IdentitiesStets, Jan E. and Burke, Peter J.
AbsGoogGS3754073.804205Collectivism, Propensity to Trust and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship in a Non-Work SettingDyne, Linn Van .et al
AbsGoogGS37416711.731236The Contribution of Peer and Media Influences to the Development of Body Satisfaction and Self-Esteem in Young Girls: A Prospective Study.Dohnt, Hayley and Tiggemann, Marika
AbsGoogGS3734083.799416When Rejection Stings: How Self-Esteem Constrains Relationship-Enhancement Processes.Murray, Susan .et al
AbsGoogGS3704083.799416Age and Gender Differences in Self-Esteem—A Cross-Cultural Window.Bleidorn, Wiebke .et al
AbsGoogGS37023211.429193Emotion and Psychosis: Links Between Depression, Self-Esteem, Negative Schematic Beliefs and Delusions and HallucinationsSmith, Ben .et al
AbsGoogGS3664083.799416Calibrating the sociometer: The relationship between interpersonal appraisals and the state self-esteem.Leary, Mark R. .et al
AbsGoogGS36415201.837187Associations of Depression, Self-Esteem, and Substance Use with Sexual Risk among AdolescentsShrier, Lydia A. .et al
AbsGoogGS3582415.322278Feedback, Self-Esteem, and Performance in OrganizationsKuhnen, Camelia M. and Tymula, Agnieszka
AbsGoogGS35830891.198161Physical Activity and Quality of Life Among University Students: Exploring Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Affect as Potential MediatorsJoseph, Rodney P. .et al
AbsGoogGS3578242.590229When Leadership Goes Unnoticed: The Moderating Role of Follower Self-Esteem on the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Follower BehaviorAvey, James B. .et al
AbsGoogGS3554083.799416Global Self-Esteem in Relation to Structural Models of Personality and Affectivity.Watson, David .et al
AbsGoogGS35543840.97571Relationships among measures of career self-efficacy, generalized self-efficacy, and global self-esteemBetz, NE and Klein, KL
AbsGoogGS35312842.030136Culture, Obesity Stereotypes, Self-Esteem, and the “Thin Ideal”: A Social Identity PerspectiveKlaczynski, Paul A. .et al
AbsGoogGS35333591.141104Exercise and self-esteem in middle-aged adults: Multidimensional relationships and physical fitness and self-efficacy influencesMcAuley, E .et al
AbsGoogGS35282590.62041Exercise-, Nature- And Socially Interactive-Based Initiatives Improve Mood and Self-Esteem in the Clinical PopulationBarton, Jo .et al
AbsGoogGS34867550.72940The connections between self-esteem and psychopathologyZeigler-Hill, V
AbsGoogGS3474083.799416A Comparison of Self-Esteem Lability and Low Trait Self-Esteem as Vulnerability Factors for Depression.Butler, Andrew C. .et al
AbsGoogGS3434083.799416Narcissistic Self-Esteem Management.Raskin, Robert .et al
AbsGoogGS34216451.750136Self-esteem and depressionBrown, G. W. .et al
AbsGoogGS34110852.238218Self-Evaluation, Persistence, and Performance Following Implicit Rejection: The Role of Trait Self-EsteemSommer, K. L. and Baumeister, R. F.
AbsGoogGS34011562.135281The transition to junior high school: a longitudinal study of self-esteem, psychological symptomatology, school life, and social support.Hirsch, B.
AbsGoogGS34015531.811148The Relation of Narcissism and Self-Esteem to Conduct Problems in Children: A Preliminary InvestigationBarry, Christopher T. .et al
AbsGoogGS33735561.107105Resilience in Homeless Youth: The Key Role of Self-Esteem.Kidd, Sean A. and Shahar, Golan
AbsGoogGS33610122.335107The Roles of Self-Esteem and the Sense of Personal Control in the Academic Achievement ProcessRoss, Catherine E. and Broh, Beckett A.
AbsGoogGS3344083.799416Self-Esteem and Direct Versus Indirect Forms of Self-Enhancement.Brown, Jonathon D. .et al
AbsGoogGS3324083.799416Attachment, Self-Esteem, Worldviews, and Terror Management: Evidence for a Tripartite Security System.Hart, Joshua .et al
AbsGoogGS33161520.78358How Dyslexic Teenagers Cope: An Investigation of Self-Esteem, Coping and DepressionAlexander-Passe, Neil
AbsGoogGS33187270.59189Self-esteem and appraisals of parental behaviorBuri, JR
AbsGoogGS3309152.464226Cyberbullying, Self-Esteem, Empathy and LonelinessBrewer, Gayle and Kerslake, J.M.
AbsGoogGS33022491.45998Body dissatisfaction and adolescent self-esteem: Prospective findingsTiggemann, Marika
AbsGoogGS3294083.799416Savoring Versus Dampening: Self-Esteem Differences in Regulating Positive Affect.Wood, Joanne V. .et al
AbsGoogGS3274083.799416Effects of Self-Esteem, Perceived Performance, and Choice on Causal Attributions.Fitch, Gordon
AbsGoogGS3276882.854300Apparent Universality of Positive Implicit Self-EsteemYamaguchi, Susumu .et al
AbsGoogGS3254083.799416Self-esteem in young men: A longitudinal analysis of the impact of educational and occupational attainment.Bachman, Jerald G. and O’Malley, Patrick M.
AbsGoogGS32412842.030136Self-esteem in early adolescence: The identification and prediction of contrasting longitudinal trajectoriesHirsch, BJ and DuBois, DL
AbsGoogGS32349400.90655Adolescent Self-Esteem: Differences by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and AgeBachman, Jerald G. .et al
AbsGoogGS32212842.030136The relationship between body shape satisfaction and self-esteem: An investigation of gender and class differencesAbell, SC and Richards, MH
AbsGoogGS32116321.757161Longitudinal Tests of Competing Factor Structures for the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Traits, Ephemeral Artifacts, and Stable Response Styles.Marsh, Herbert W. .et al
AbsGoogGS32126671.314136Body Image Concerns and Contingent Self-Esteem in Male and Female College StudentsGrossbard, Joel R. .et al
AbsGoogGS3181886.130324Enhancement of Children's Self-Esteem Through Social Support Training for Youth Sport Coaches.Smoll, Frank L. .et al
AbsGoogGS3174083.799416What's in a Name: Implicit Self-Esteem and the Automatic Self.Koole, Sander L. .et al
AbsGoogGS31512832.031213When Depression Breeds Contempt: Reassurance Seeking, Self-Esteem, and Rejection of Depressed College Students by Their Roommates.Joiner, Thomas E. .et al
AbsGoogGS31512842.030136Social support and self-esteem in adolescenceHoffman, MA .et al
AbsGoogGS31526671.314136Self-esteem and body satisfaction in male and female elementary school, high school, and university studentsFrost, J and McKelvie, S
AbsGoogGS31351150.88476Quality of Life and Self-Esteem in Working and Nonworking Persons With Mental IllnessDongen, Carol J Van
AbsGoogGS31119311.596161Social Stigma and Self-Esteem: Situational Construction of Self-WorthCrocker, Jennifer
AbsGoogGS31127471.293130Self-Esteem and Mental Health in Early Adolescence: Development and Gender DifferencesBolognini, Monique .et al
AbsGoogGS31011182.175181The Link Between Body Dissatisfaction and Self-Esteem in Adolescents: Similarities Across Gender, Age, Weight Status, Race/Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic StatusBerg, Patricia A. van den .et al
AbsGoogGS31048020.92183Shame and self-esteem: A critiqueDeigh, J
AbsGoogGS3078332.572108The Effects of Homeownership: on the Self-Esteem, Perceived Control and Life Satisfaction of Low-Income PeopleRohe, William M. and Stegman, Michael A.
AbsGoogGS3054083.799416A comparison of self-esteem lability and low trait self-esteem as vulnerability factors for depression.Butler, Andrew C. .et al
AbsGoogGS30110852.238218Measuring Self-Esteem Using the Implicit Association Test: The Role of the OtherKarpinski, Andrew
AbsGoogGS29837641.069135Authoritarian Parenting in Individualist and Collectivist Groups: Associations With Maternal Emotion and Cognition and Children's Self-Esteem.Rudy, Duane and Grusec, Joan E.
AbsGoogGS29710852.238218Group identification and self-esteem of deaf adultsBat-Chava, Y
AbsGoogGS29727441.29390Received Ethnic–racial Socialization Messages and Youths’ Academic and Behavioral Outcomes: Examining the Mediating Role of Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem.Hughes, Diane .et al
AbsGoogGS29648360.91887Perceived Parent–Child Relations and Adolescent Self-EsteemBulanda, Ronald E. and Majumdar, Debarun
AbsGoogGS2944083.799416Perceived Discrimination as Worldview Threat or Worldview Confirmation: Implications for Self-Esteem.Major, Brenda .et al
AbsGoogGS29412832.031213Perfectionism, Perceived Weight Status, and Self-Esteem Interact to Predict Bulimic Symptoms: A Model of Bulimic Symptom Development.Vohs, Kathleen D. .et al
AbsGoogGS29422351.463193Psychosocial work stressors and well-being: self-esteem and optimism as moderators in a one-year longitudinal sampleMäkikangas, Anne and Kinnunen, Ulla
AbsGoogGS29212842.030136Parent-child attachment working models and self-esteem in adolescenceMcCormick, CB and Kennedy, JH
AbsGoogGS29118931.613113Exercise and Self-EsteemSonstroem, Robert J.
AbsGoogGS29143240.984126Loneliness and Self-Esteem as Mediators Between Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Late AdolescenceKong, Feng and You, Xuqun
AbsGoogGS29145760.950125Unpackaging Culture’s Influence on Self-Esteem and EmbarrassabilitySingelis, Theodore M. .et al
AbsGoogGS29152810.86777Self-Handicapping Among Competitive Athletes: The Role of Practice in Self-Esteem ProtectionRhodewalt, Frederick .et al
AbsGoogGS2899152.464226Toward a comprehensive theory of problematic Internet use: Evaluating the role of self-esteem, anxiety, flow, and the self-rated importance of Internet activitiesKim, Ho-Kyung and Davis, Keith E.
AbsGoogGS28913461.978270Meaning-making intervention during breast or colorectal cancer treatment improves self-esteem, optimism, and self-efficacyLee, Virginia .et al
AbsGoogGS28949400.90655Self-Enhancement Tendencies Among People With High Explicit Self-Esteem: The Moderating Role of Implicit Self-EsteemBOSSON, JENNIFER K. .et al
AbsGoogGS2864083.799416Sex Role Orientation and Self-Esteem: A Critical Meta-Analytic Review.Whitley, Bernard E.
AbsGoogGS28612832.031213Low Self-Esteem Is a Risk Factor for Depressive Symptoms From Young Adulthood to Old Age.Orth, Ulrich .et al
AbsGoogGS2854083.799416Self-Esteem and the Cognitive Accessibility of Strengths and Weaknesses After Failure.Dodgson, Philip G. and Wood, Joanne V.
AbsGoogGS2848772.512399Self-esteem, locus of control, hippocampal volume, and cortisol regulation in young and old adulthoodPruessner, Jens C. .et al
AbsGoogGS28425221.356130The impact of hope, self-esteem, and attributional style on adolescents’ school grades and emotional well-being: A longitudinal studyCiarrochi, Joseph .et al
AbsGoogGS28370720.703106Social Connectedness, Self-Esteem, and Depression Symptomatology Among Collegiate Athletes Versus NonathletesArmstrong, Shelley and Oomen‐Early, Jody
AbsGoogGS2814083.799416Calibrating the Sociometer: The Relationship Between Interpersonal Appraisals and the State Self-Esteem.Leary, Mark R. .et al
AbsGoogGS28110852.238218Confluence of Self-Esteem Regulation Mechanisms: On Integrating the Self-ZooTesser, Abraham .et al
AbsGoogGS28121921.476100The Self-Perception of a Learning Disability and Its Relationship to Academic Self-Concept and Self-EsteemHeyman, Wendy B.
AbsGoogGS28173280.68478Burnout and stress, depression and self-esteem of teachersBeer, J and Beer, J
AbsGoogGS28012832.031213Depressive Reactions to Failure in a Naturalistic Setting: A Test of the Hopelessness and Self-Esteem Theories of Depression.Metalsky, Gerald I. .et al
AbsGoogGS2756053.028196Separating Narcissism From Self-EsteemBrummelman, Eddie .et al
AbsGoogGS27519311.596161Attributions to discrimination and self-esteem: Impact of group identification and situational ambiguityMajor, Brenda .et al
AbsGoogGS27410852.238218Personality Moderators of Reactions to Interpersonal Rejection: Depression and Trait Self-EsteemNezlek, John B. .et al
AbsGoogGS27373280.68478Parenting Styles and Adolescents' Self-Esteem in BrazilMartínez, Isabel .et al
AbsGoogGS2721367.213261Moderating Effects of Organization-Based Self-Esteem on Organizational Uncertainty: Employee Response RelationshipsHui, Chun and Lee, Cynthia
AbsGoogGS2704083.799416Low and Decreasing Self-Esteem During Adolescence Predict Adult Depression Two Decades Later.Steiger, Andrea E. .et al
AbsGoogGS27019311.596161Choosing the Right Pond: The Impact of Group Membership on Self-Esteem and Group-Oriented BehaviorSmith, Heather J. and Tyler, Tom R.
AbsGoogGS27023801.402182Physical Self-Concept and Self-Esteem Mediate Cross-Sectional Relations of Physical Activity and Sport Participation With Depression Symptoms Among Adolescent Girls.Dishman, Rod K. .et al
AbsGoogGS26826671.314136Body Image and Self-Esteem Across Age and Gender: A Short-Term Longitudinal StudyMellor, David .et al
AbsGoogGS2644563.566129The paradox of low academic achievement but high self-esteem in African American students: An attributional accountLaar, C Van
AbsGoogGS26446380.941142From the top down: Self-esteem and self-evaluationBrown, Jonathon D. .et al
AbsGoogGS2631297.412222Two Dimensions of Self-Esteem: Reciprocal Effects of Positive Self-Worth and Self-Deprecation on Adolescent ProblemsOwens, Timothy J.
AbsGoogGS2634363.663264Self-Esteem Deficits and Suicidal Tendencies among AdolescentsOverholser, James C. .et al
AbsGoogGS26310852.238218Types of High Self-Esteem and Prejudice: How Implicit Self-Esteem Relates to Ethnic Discrimination Among High Explicit Self-Esteem IndividualsJordan, Christian H. .et al
AbsGoogGS26322151.468152The Role of Stress in the Association Between Low Self-Esteem, Perfectionism, and Worry, and Eating DisordersSassaroli, Sandra and Ruggiero, Giovanni Maria
AbsGoogGS2624083.799416Intergroup Discrimination and Self-Esteem in the Minimal Group Paradigm.Lemyre, Louise and Smith, Philip M.
AbsGoogGS2614083.799416Effects of Strategic Self-Presentation on Subsequent Self-Esteem.Jones, Edward E. .et al
AbsGoogGS26112832.031213Self-Esteem in Schizophrenia: Relationships Between Self-Evaluation, Family Attitudes, and Symptomatology.Barrowclough, Christine .et al
AbsGoogGS26121901.477138Mental Health Support Groups, Stigma, and Self-Esteem: Positive and Negative Implications of Group IdentificationCrabtree, Jason .et al
AbsGoogGS26016451.750136Neuroticism and Low Self-Esteem as Risk Factors for PsychosisKrabbendam, Lydia .et al
AbsGoogGS2594083.799416When rejection stings: How self-esteem constrains relationship-enhancement processes.Murray, Susan .et al
AbsGoogGS25927471.293130Ethnic Identity and Its Relationship to Self-Esteem, Perceived Efficacy and Prosocial Attitudes in Early AdolescenceSmith, Emilie Phillips .et al
AbsGoogGS2574083.799416From self-conceptions to self-worth: On the sources and structure of global self-esteem.Pelham, Brett W. and Swann, William B.
AbsGoogGS25312842.030136The social context of adolescent self-esteemWalker, LS and Greene, JW
AbsGoogGS25319311.596161Effects of Self-Esteem on Vulnerability-Denying Defensive Distortions: Further Evidence of an Anxiety-Buffering Function of Self-EsteemGreenberg, Jeff .et al
AbsGoogGS253152150.29834The Impact of Dyslexia on Pupils' Self-EsteemGlazzard, Jonathan
AbsGoogGS25220731.52895The Relationships Among Gratitude, Self-esteem, Social Support and Life Satisfaction Among Undergraduate StudentsKong, Feng .et al
AbsGoogGS25222151.468152Improving the body image, eating attitudes, and behaviors of young male and female adolescents: A new educational approach that focuses on self-esteemO'Dea, JA and Abraham, S
AbsGoogGS2519742.386177Family Relations and the Self-Esteem of Adolescents and Their ParentsDemo, David H. .et al
AbsGoogGS24910852.238218Academics, Self-Esteem, and Race: A Look at the Underlying Assumptions of the Disidentification HypothesisOsborne, Jason W.
AbsGoogGS2478502.543120Intrinsic Motivations, Self-Esteem, and Luxury Goods ConsumptionTruong, Yann and McColl, Rod
AbsGoogGS24646000.94692A longitudinal study of stress and self-esteem in student nursesEdwards, Deborah .et al
AbsGoogGS2452255.529168Understanding the Vital Human Quest for Self-EsteemGreenberg, Jeff
AbsGoogGS2456083.025234Adolescent Body Image Dissatisfaction: Relationships with Self-esteem, Anxiety, and Depression Controlling for Body MassKostanski, Marion and Gullone, Eleonora
AbsGoogGS24539401.043227Psychological effects of illness in adolescence. I. Anxiety, self-esteem, and perception of controlKellerman, Jonathan .et al
AbsGoogGS2446662.884197The dynamics of self-esteem and delinquencyMcCarthy, JD and Hoge, DR
AbsGoogGS24313461.978270Self-rated oral health as an independent predictor of self-rated general health, self-esteem and life satisfactionBenyamini, Yael .et al
AbsGoogGS24371150.69986The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents: A Concurrent Validity StudyHagborg, Winston J.
AbsGoogGS2429152.464226The influence of computer self-efficacy, metacognitive self-regulation and self-esteem on student engagement in online learning programs: Evidence from the virtual world of Second LifeΠέλλας, Νικόλαος
AbsGoogGS24126671.314136Stress, self-esteem, and mental health: How does gender make a difference?Zuckerman, DM
AbsGoogGS2404083.799416Self-Esteem and Persistence in the Face of Failure.Paula, Adam Di and Campbell, Jennifer D.
AbsGoogGS2404153.749161Self-Esteem and Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Self-Esteem ContingenciesFerris, D. Lance .et al
AbsGoogGS23955190.84487The Adverse Impact of Racial Microaggressions on College Students’ Self-EsteemNadal, Kevin L. .et al
AbsGoogGS23830591.20599Self-esteem and body esteem: Effects of gender, age, and weightMendelson, Beverley K. .et al
AbsGoogGS23846380.941142High self-esteem buffers negative feedback: Once more with feelingBrown, JD
AbsGoogGS2379152.464226Association between Facebook addiction, self-esteem and life satisfaction: A cross-sectional studyBłachnio, Agata .et al
AbsGoogGS23733681.14069Acculturation, Internalizing Mental Health Symptoms, and Self-Esteem: Cultural Experiences of Latino Adolescents in North CarolinaSmokowski, Paul R. and Bacallao, Martica
AbsGoogGS23561070.78875Self-esteem and the intersection of age, class, and genderMcMullin, Julie Ann and Cairney, John
AbsGoogGS23443010.987100Gender Identity, Self-Esteem, and Physical and Sexual Abuse in Dating RelationshipsBurke, Peter J. .et al
AbsGoogGS23312832.031213Self-Esteem, Restraint, and Eating Behavior.Polivy, Janet .et al
AbsGoogGS23313861.949105The Social Self-Esteem InventoryLawson, Joanne .et al
AbsGoogGS2329152.464226The relationships among the Big Five Personality factors, self-esteem, narcissism, and sensation-seeking to Chinese University students’ uses of social networking sites (SNSs)Wang, Jinliang .et al
AbsGoogGS2329152.464226The effects of personality traits, self-esteem, loneliness, and narcissism on Facebook use among university studentsSkues, Jason .et al
AbsGoogGS23222351.463193The Big Five, self-esteem, and narcissism as predictors of the topics people write about in Facebook status updatesMarshall, Tara C. .et al
AbsGoogGS2308782.511241School Experiences Predicting Changes in Self-Esteem of Sixth- And Seventh-Grade Students.Hoge, Dean R. .et al
AbsGoogGS23063710.76361The relative age effect and the development of self-esteemThompson, AH .et al
AbsGoogGS2294083.799416Implicit Self-Esteem: Nature, Measurement, and a New Way Forward.Buhrmester, Michael D. .et al
AbsGoogGS2296113.014116Correlates of the Rosenberg self-esteem scale method effectsQuilty, LC .et al
AbsGoogGS2296832.864378Obesity and Risk of Low Self-Esteem: A Statewide Survey of Australian ChildrenFranklin, Janet .et al
AbsGoogGS2284083.799416Terror management theory and self-esteem: Evidence that increased self-esteem reduced mortality salience effects.Harmon‐Jones, Eddie .et al
AbsGoogGS22816711.731236Analysis of Age Effects in Longitudinal Studies of Adolescent Self-Esteem.McCarthy, John and Hoge, Dean R.
AbsGoogGS22822351.463193Perfectionism and learned resourcefulness in depression and self-esteemFlett, Gordon L. .et al
AbsGoogGS2274083.799416Deconfounding the Effects of Dominance and Social Acceptance on Self-Esteem.Leary, Mark R. .et al
AbsGoogGS22742071.00147An Analysis of Bullying Among Students Within Schools: Estimating the Effects of Individual Normative Beliefs, Self-Esteem, and School ClimateGendron, Brian .et al
AbsGoogGS22755190.84487Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Health-Related Behaviors Among Male and Female First Year College StudentsLowery, Sarah E. .et al
AbsGoogGS22648750.91498Peer Influences, Body-Image Dissatisfaction, Eating Dysfunction and Self-Esteem in Adolescent GirlsShroff, Hemal and Thompson, J. Kevin
AbsGoogGS2249132.466113A cross-cultural and developmental analysis of self-esteem in Chinese and Western childrenWang, Y and Ollendick, TH
AbsGoogGS22212832.031213Fluctuations in Self-Esteem and Paranoia in the Context of Daily Life.Thewissen, Viviane .et al
AbsGoogGS22218051.650103Health Behavior and Academic Achievement Among Adolescents: The Relative Contribution of Dietary Habits, Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, and Self-EsteemKristjánsson, Álfgeir L. .et al
AbsGoogGS2214083.799416Pancultural explanations for life satisfaction: Adding relationship harmony to self-esteem.Kwan, Virginia S. Y. .et al
AbsGoogGS2214083.799416It feels like yesterday: Self-esteem, valence of personal past experiences, and judgments of subjective distanceRoss, M and Wilson, AE
AbsGoogGS22124751.373155Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Distress: The Role of Personal and Ethnic Self-Esteem.Cassidy, Clare .et al
AbsGoogGS22171150.69986The Effects of Developmental Mentoring and High School Mentors' Attendance on Their Younger Mentees' Self-Esteem, Social Skills, and ConnectednessKarcher, Michael J.
AbsGoogGS21910852.238218The Role of Cultural Identity Clarity for Self-Concept Clarity, Self-Esteem, and Subjective Well-BeingUsborne, Esther and Taylor, Donald M.
AbsGoogGS219109030.47030Gender Differences for Optimism, Self-Esteem, Expectations and Goals in Predicting Career Planning and Exploration in AdolescentsPatton, Wendy .et al
AbsGoogGS21810852.238218Culture-Specific Patterns in the Prediction of Life Satisfaction: Roles of Emotion, Relationship Quality, and Self-EsteemKang, Sun-Mee .et al
AbsGoogGS21819241.601112Compulsive buying: An exploration into self-esteem and money attitudesHanley, Alice and Wilhelm, Mari S.
AbsGoogGS21820021.564149Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among Low-Income, African American Women With a History of Intimate Partner Violence and Suicidal Behaviors: Self-Esteem, Social Support, and Religious CopingBradley, Rebekah .et al
AbsGoogGS21526231.328142Teasing, body image, and self-esteem in a clinical sample of obese womenGrilo, Carlos M. .et al
AbsGoogGS21316711.731236Self-Esteem: Change and Stability Between Ages 13 and 23.O'Malley, Patrick M. and Bachman, Jerald G.
AbsGoogGS21316951.716120Self-esteem and achievement motivation as determinants of students' approaches to studyingAbouserie, R
AbsGoogGS21319311.596161What Lies Beneath: Parenting Style and Implicit Self-EsteemDeHart, Tracy .et al
AbsGoogGS21322931.438243Body Mass Index and Parent-Reported Self-Esteem in Elementary School Children: Evidence for a Causal RelationshipHesketh, Kylie .et al
AbsGoogGS21364680.754114Sports Participation as a Protective Factor Against Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents as Mediated by Self-Esteem and Social SupportBabiss, Lindsay A. and Gangwisch, James E.
AbsGoogGS21378460.649112Exercise and Self-Esteem: Validity of Model Expansion and Exercise AssociationsSonstroem, Robert J. .et al
AbsGoogGS2126492.926175Employee self-esteem: A review of the literatureTharenou, Phyllis
AbsGoogGS21110852.238218Day-to-Day Relationships Among Self-Concept Clarity, Self-Esteem, Daily Events, and MoodNezlek, John B. and Plesko, Rebecca M.
AbsGoogGS21122151.468152Children's Figure Ratings: Relationship to Self-Esteem and Negative StereotypingTiggemann, Marika and Wilson-Barrett, Elise
AbsGoogGS21145520.95388Perceived Discrimination and Self-Esteem Among Ethnic Minority AdolescentsVerkuyten, Maykel
AbsGoogGS2104083.799416Self-esteem and ''if ... then'' contingencies of interpersonal acceptanceBaldwin, MW and Sinclair, L
AbsGoogGS21022351.463193The association between stress and emotional states in adolescents: The role of gender and self-esteemMoksnes, Unni Karin .et al
AbsGoogGS20823431.417106If YOU LET ME PLAY SPORTS: How Might Sport Participation Influence the Self-Esteem of Adolescent Females?Richman, Erin L. and Shaffer, David R.
AbsGoogGS2071247.635345Adoptees Do Not Lack Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analysis of Studies on Self-Esteem of Transracial, International, and Domestic Adoptees.Juffer, Femmie and IJzendoorn, M.H. van
AbsGoogGS2071247.635345Development of Self-Esteem From Age 4 to 94 Years: A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies.Orth, Ulrich .et al
AbsGoogGS2074083.799416Self-Esteem and Reactions to Failure: The Mediating Role of Overgeneralization.Kernis, Michael H. .et al
AbsGoogGS20710852.238218Master of One’s Psychological Domain? Not Likely if One’s Self-Esteem Is UnstableKernis, Michael H. .et al
AbsGoogGS2064083.799416Global self-esteem in relation to structural models of personality and affectivity.Watson, David .et al
AbsGoogGS20623431.417106Acculturation, Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Eating-Disorder Symptomatology in Adolescent Mexican American WomenJoiner, Greg W. and Kashubeck, Susan
AbsGoogGS20411132.188259Parental perceptions of child behavior problems, parenting self-esteem, and mothers' reported stress in younger and older hyperactive and normal children.Mash, Eric J. and Johnston, Charlotte
AbsGoogGS20419901.570100Reliability and validity of the sexual self-esteem inventory for womenZeanah, P Doyle and Schwarz, JC
AbsGoogGS20426671.314136Adolescents' possible selves and their relationship to global self-esteemKnox, M .et al
AbsGoogGS20490760.57088Development and Validation of the Self-Esteem and Relationship (SEAR) Questionnaire in Erectile DysfunctionCappelleri, Joseph C. .et al
AbsGoogGS20322351.463193The relationship of Eysenck's personality factors and self-esteem to bully-victim behaviour in Australian schoolboysSlee, Phillip T. and Rigby, Ken
AbsGoogGS20326021.33680The direct and indirect benefits of dispositional mindfulness on self-esteem and social anxietyRasmussen, Michael K. and Pidgeon, Aileen M.
AbsGoogGS2024723.508152Role of Identification with a Group, Arousal, Categorization Processes, and Self-Esteem in Sports Spectator AggressionBranscombe, Nyla R. and Wann, Daniel L.
AbsGoogGS20287270.59189Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem of Latino AdolescentsUmaña‐Taylor, Adriana J. .et al
AbsGoogGS2016882.854300Within-Person Relationships Among Daily Self-Esteem, Need Satisfaction, and AuthenticityHeppner, Whitney L. .et al
AbsGoogGS20010292.311169Physical Activity, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem: Longitudinal Relationships in Older AdultsMcAuley, Edward .et al
AbsGoogGS19926671.314136Integrating Social Comparison Theory and Self-Esteem Within Objectification Theory to Predict Women’s Disordered EatingTylka, Tracy L. and Sabik, Natalie J.
AbsGoogGS19811562.135281A Longitudinal Study of Consistency and Change in Self-Esteem from Early Adolescence to Early AdulthoodBlock, Jack and Robins, Richard W.
AbsGoogGS19817231.70192Character strengths predict resilience over and above positive affect, self-efficacy, optimism, social support, self-esteem, and life satisfactionMartínez-Martí, María Luisa and Ruch, Willibald
AbsGoogGS19819221.602116Does Low Self-Esteem Enhance Social Pain? The Relationship Between Trait Self-Esteem and Anterior Cingulate Cortex Activation Induced by OstracismOnoda, Keiichi .et al
AbsGoogGS19845640.95266Social class, occupational conditions, and self-esteemGecas, V and Seff, MA
AbsGoogGS19855630.84078Self-Esteem and Physical Development in Early Adolescence:Williams, Joanne and Currie, Candace
AbsGoogGS1974933.408169Layoffs, self-esteem, and survivor guilt: Motivational, affective, and attitudinal consequencesBrockner, Joel .et al
AbsGoogGS1964083.799416The Functional Domain Specificity of Self-Esteem and the Differential Prediction of Aggression.Kirkpatrick, Lee A. .et al
AbsGoogGS19612842.030136Self-esteem and family challenge: An investigation of their effects on achievementSchmidt, JA and Padilla, B
AbsGoogGS19616821.721164Psychological maltreatment, emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents: The mediating role of resilience and self-esteemArslan, Gökmen
AbsGoogGS19512842.030136Adolescent Self-Esteem and Gender: Exploring Relations to Sexual Harassment, Body Image, Media Influence, and Emotional ExpressionPolce-Lynch, Mary .et al
AbsGoogGS19525221.356130Self-handicapping by procrastinators: Protecting self-esteem, social-esteem, or both?Ferrari, Joseph R
AbsGoogGS19311562.135281The Transition to Junior High School: A Longitudinal Study of Self-Esteem, Psychological Symptomatology, School Life, and Social SupportHirsch, Barton J. and Rapkin, Bruce D.
AbsGoogGS19243010.987100Gender Differences in Sources of Self-EsteemSchwalbe, Michael and Staples, Clifford L.
AbsGoogGS19121821.481127Distinctiveness threat and prototypicality: Combined effects on intergroup discrimination and collective self-esteemJetten, J.
AbsGoogGS191105580.48748Physical, Sexual and Psychological Abuse in High School Dating Relationships: Prevalence Rates and Self-Esteem IssuesJezl, David R. .et al
AbsGoogGS19044700.96571Social relations and the self-esteem of older personsLee, GR and Shehan, CL
AbsGoogGS18912842.030136Self-Esteem and Delinquency RevisitedBynner, John .et al
AbsGoogGS18919311.596161How many likes did I get?: Purpose moderates links between positive social media feedback and self-esteem.Burrow, Anthony L. and Rainone, Nicolette
AbsGoogGS18923211.429193Stigma moderates the associations of insight with depressed mood, low self-esteem, and low quality of life in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disordersStaring, A.B.P. .et al
AbsGoogGS18725221.356130Narcissism and the non-equivalence of self-esteem measures: A matter of dominance?Brown, Ryan P. and Zeigler‐Hill, Virgil
AbsGoogGS1864083.799416Implicit Self-Esteem Compensation: Automatic Threat Defense.Rudman, Laurie A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1869632.40482High Self-Esteem Prospectively Predicts Better Work Conditions and OutcomesKuster, Farah .et al
AbsGoogGS18681700.62636Psychometric Properties of the Dutch Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleFranck, Erik .et al
AbsGoogGS18516301.758133Social Phobia Among University Students and Its Relation to Self-Esteem and Body ImageIzgiç, Ferda .et al
AbsGoogGS18523801.402182The Influence of Social Support and Problematic Support on Optimism and Depression in Chronic Illness: A Prospective Study Evaluating Self-Esteem as a Mediator.Symister, Petra and Friend, Ronald
AbsGoogGS18525221.356130Predictive validity of explicit and implicit self-esteem for subjective well-beingSchimmack, Ulrich and Diener, Ed
AbsGoogGS18526601.315186Does Adolescent Self-Esteem Predict Later Life Outcomes? A Test of the Causal Role of Self-EsteemBoden, Joseph M. .et al
AbsGoogGS1841886.130324Role of Self-Esteem Within the Job Search Process.Ellis, Rob and Taylor, M. Susan
AbsGoogGS18425221.356130Assessing Construct Validity in Personality Research: Applications to Measures of Self-EsteemBagozzi, Richard P.
AbsGoogGS18496880.53658Gender Differences in Adolescent Self-Esteem: An Exploration of DomainsQuatman, Teri and Watson, Cary M.
AbsGoogGS18316711.731236Is Low Self-Esteem a Risk Factor for Depression? Findings From a Longitudinal Study of Mexican-Origin Youth.Orth, Ulrich .et al
AbsGoogGS18373360.68385The role of play and motor skill development in building children's self-confidence and self-esteemBunker, LK
AbsGoogGS1824083.799416Do People With Low Self-Esteem Really Want to Feel Better? Self-Esteem Differences in Motivation to Repair Negative Moods.Heimpel, Sara A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1824083.799416Self-Concepts, Self-Esteem, and Educational Experiences: The Frog Pond Revisited (Again).Bachman, Jerald G. and O'Malley, Patrick M.
AbsGoogGS18225221.356130The Factor Structure of Global Self-Esteem among Adolescents and AdultsCorwyn, Robert F.
AbsGoogGS18255630.84078A Longitudinal Examination of Latino Adolescents' Ethnic Identity, Coping With Discrimination, and Self-EsteemUmaña‐Taylor, Adriana J. .et al
AbsGoogGS18278900.64535Importance and Usefulness of Evaluating Self-Esteem in ChildrenHosogi, Mizuho .et al
AbsGoogGS182117320.43443Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Social Connectedness as Mediators of the Relationship Between Volunteering and Well-BeingBrown, Kevin M. .et al
AbsGoogGS1814083.799416Terror Management Theory and Self-Esteem Revisited: The Roles of Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem in Mortality Salience Effects.Schmeichel, Brandon J. .et al
AbsGoogGS1814083.799416The relationship between racial identity and self-esteem in African American college and high school students.Rowley, Stephanie J. .et al
AbsGoogGS1814933.408169Organizational supports and organizational deviance: The mediating role of organization-based self-esteemFerris, D. Lance .et al
AbsGoogGS18112832.031213Mania and Low Self-Esteem.Winters, Ken C. and Neale, John M.
AbsGoogGS18122351.463193Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction in Chinese university students: The mediating role of self-esteem and social supportKong, Feng .et al
AbsGoogGS18126751.311230The Neural Sociometer: Brain Mechanisms Underlying State Self-EsteemEisenberger, Naomi I. .et al
AbsGoogGS18173280.68478Global self-esteem scales: Unidimensional or multidimensional?O'Brien, EJ
AbsGoogGS18178460.649112The Effect of Exercise on Global Self-Esteem: A Quantitative ReviewSpence, John C. .et al
AbsGoogGS18011132.188259Self-Esteem, Social Support, Internalized Homophobia, and Coping Strategies of HIV+ Gay Men.Nicholson, William D. and Long, Bonita C.
AbsGoogGS18057350.82287The Role of Self-Esteem and Anxiety in Decision Making for Self Versus Others in RelationshipsWray, Laura D. and Stone, Eric R.
AbsGoogGS180102980.50250Self-esteem of children and adolescents with physical disabilities: Quantitative evidence from meta-analysisMiyahara, M and Piek, J
AbsGoogGS17910852.238218Rumination Mediates the Prospective Effect of Low Self-Esteem on DepressionKuster, Farah .et al
AbsGoogGS17988400.58469Self-esteem and Coping Strategies among Deaf StudentsJambor, Edina E. and Elliott, Marta
AbsGoogGS17993740.552101Self-Esteem, Social Support, And Positive Health PracticesMuhlenkamp, Ann F. and Sayles, Judy A.
AbsGoogGS1786882.854300Religiosity, Social Self-Esteem, and Psychological AdjustmentGebauer, Jochen E. .et al
AbsGoogGS178100310.51753Self-Esteem as Folk Theory: A Comparison of European American and Taiwanese Mothers' BeliefsMiller, Peggy J. .et al
AbsGoogGS1779632.40482Does Self-Love or Self-Hate Predict Conspiracy Beliefs? Narcissism, Self-Esteem, and the Endorsement of Conspiracy TheoriesCichocka, Aleksandra .et al
AbsGoogGS17718181.64463Relationship of Gender, Self-Esteem, Social Class, and Racial Identity to Depression in BlacksMunford, Maria B.
AbsGoogGS17722351.463193Low self-esteem, induced failure and the adrenocortical stress responsePruessner, Jens C. .et al
AbsGoogGS17773960.67967Effects of Three Years of Piano Instruction on Children’s Academic Achievement, School Performance and Self-EsteemCosta-Giomi, Eugenia
AbsGoogGS1764083.799416Effects of Self-Esteem, Hypothetical Explanations, and Verbalization of Expectancies on Future Performance.Campbell, Jennifer D. and Fairey, Patricia J.
AbsGoogGS17619311.596161Relating self-discrepancy to self-esteem: The contribution of discrepancy beyond actual-self ratingsMoretti, Marlene M. and Higgins, E. Tory
AbsGoogGS17622351.463193Self-esteem and perfectionism in elite athletes: effects on competitive anxiety and self-confidenceKoivula, Nathalie .et al
AbsGoogGS17625051.360121Feeling good about oneself, being bad to others? Remarks on self-esteem, hostility, and aggressive behaviorSalmivalli, Christina
AbsGoogGS17645760.950125Self-Esteem and Self-Enhancement in Japan and AmericaKobayashi, Chihiro and Brown, Jonathon D.
AbsGoogGS17661520.78358Self-Esteem and Anxiety in the Educational Histories of Adult Dyslexic StudentsRiddick, Barbara .et al
AbsGoogGS1754083.799416The Effects of Self-Esteem, Success–failure, and Self-Consciousness on Task Performance.Brockner, Joel
AbsGoogGS17515861.787204The cognitive-behavioural treatment of low self-esteem in psychotic patients: a pilot studyHall, Pauline and Tarrier, Nicholas
AbsGoogGS17413461.978270Self-esteem and women with disabilitiesNosek, Margaret A. .et al
AbsGoogGS17442320.99784Coming Out to Parents and Self-Esteem Among Gay and Lesbian YouthsSavin‐Williams, Ritch C.
AbsGoogGS17322151.468152Self-Esteem, Eating Problems, and Psychological Well-Being in a Cohort of Schoolgirls Aged 15-16: A Questionnaire and Interview StudyButton, Eric .et al
AbsGoogGS1714083.799416Calibrating the Sociometer: The Relational Contingencies of Self-Esteem.Murray, Susan .et al
AbsGoogGS17127471.293130Effect of Underemployment on School-Leavers' Self-EsteemPrause, JoAnn and Dooley, David
AbsGoogGS1704083.799416Depression, Self-Esteem, and the Absence of Self-Protective Attributional Biases.Tennen, Howard and Herzberger, Sharon D.
AbsGoogGS1709142.465232Neuroticism and Self-Esteem as Indices of theRoberts, Seth B. and Kendler, Kenneth S.
AbsGoogGS17010852.238218Appearance-Related Social Comparisons: The Role of Contingent Self-Esteem and Self-Perceptions of AttractivenessPatrick, Heather .et al
AbsGoogGS17022931.438243Fat, Plain, but Not Friendless: Self-Esteem and Peer Acceptance of Obese Pre-Adolescent GirlsPhillips, RG and Hill, AJ
AbsGoogGS16943250.984128Tai Chi Chuan, Health-Related Quality of Life and Self-Esteem: A Randomized Trial With Breast Cancer SurvivorsMustian, Karen M. .et al
AbsGoogGS16843010.987100Accentuate the Positive-and the Negative: Rethinking the Use of Self-Esteem, Self-Deprecation, and Self-ConfidenceOwens, Timothy J.
AbsGoogGS1674083.799416The Role of Uncertain Self-Esteem in Self-Handicapping.Harris, Robert N. and Snyder, C. R.
AbsGoogGS16716581.738271Self-Esteem Modulates Medial Prefrontal Cortical Responses to Evaluative Social FeedbackSomerville, Leah H. .et al
AbsGoogGS16719311.596161The Effects of in-Group Versus Out-Group Social Comparison on Self-Esteem in the Context of a Negative StereotypeBlanton, Hart .et al
AbsGoogGS16720261.554155The association between self-esteem and anxietyRosenberg, Morris
AbsGoogGS16726671.314136A Longitudinal Investigation of Sport Participation, Peer Acceptance, and Self-Esteem Among Adolescent Girls and BoysDaniels, Elizabeth A. and Leaper, Campbell
AbsGoogGS16643010.987100Self-Esteem and the Psychological Impact of UnemploymentShamir, Boas
AbsGoogGS16669270.71581Relationship Between Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating: Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and DepressionBrechan, Inge and Kvalem, Ingela Lundin
AbsGoogGS16511542.139159Investigating self-esteem in individuals with schizophrenia: Relevance of the Self-Esteem Rating Scale-Short FormLecomte, Tania .et al
AbsGoogGS16520731.52895Perceived Parental Rearing Style, Self-Esteem and Self-Criticism as Predictors of HappinessCheng, Helen and Furnham, Adrian
AbsGoogGS16528391.26643Physical activity and depression, anxiety, and self-esteem in children and youth: An umbrella systematic reviewDale, Leila Pfaeffli .et al
AbsGoogGS16538761.05270Factor Structures of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleHuang, Chiungjung and Dong, Nianbo
AbsGoogGS16572240.69186Retrospective reports of parental partner abuse: Relationships to depression, trauma symptoms and self-esteem among college studentsSilvern, Louise .et al
AbsGoogGS16423701.405160Self-Esteem as an Outcome Measure in Studies of Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults With Severe Mental IllnessTorrey, William C. .et al
AbsGoogGS16425051.360121The relationship of self-esteem to bullying perpetration and peer victimization among schoolchildren and adolescents: A meta-analytic reviewTsaousis, Ioannis
AbsGoogGS16428451.26463Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement: Strategies for Maintaining Self-Esteem in Students Experiencing Academic FailurePeixoto, Francisco and Almeida, Leandro S.
AbsGoogGS16439691.03879Eating disturbance, self-esteem, reasons for exercising and body weight dissatisfaction in adolescent malesFurnham, Adrian and Calnan, Alison
AbsGoogGS1631446.963246Self-Esteem in Children With Nocturnal Enuresis and Urinary Incontinence: Improvement of Self-Esteem After TreatmentHägglöf, Bruno .et al
AbsGoogGS1634083.799416Help Seeking, Self-Esteem, and Achievement Motivation: An Attributional Analysis.Tessler, Richard C. and Schwartz, Shalom H.
AbsGoogGS16316711.731236Self-Esteem and Children's Reactions to Youth Sport Coaching Behaviors: A Field Study of Self-Enhancement Processes.Smith, Ronald E. and Smoll, Frank L.
AbsGoogGS16322351.463193The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: its dimensionality, stability and personality correlates in EstonianPullmann, Helle and Allïk, Jüri
AbsGoogGS16224931.36798Academic achievement: The unique contribution of self-efficacy beliefs in self-regulated learning beyond intelligence, personality traits, and self-esteemZuffianò, Antonio .et al
AbsGoogGS16240781.02178Self-Esteem, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status: Their Relation to Perceptions of Constraint on Leisure Among AdolescentsRaymore, Leslie A. .et al
AbsGoogGS16245760.950125Factor Structure of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleSupple, Andrew J. .et al
AbsGoogGS16273280.68478Dimensions of Rosenburg's self-esteem scaleHensley, WE and Roberts, MK
AbsGoogGS1614083.799416Interpersonal Evaluations Following Threats to Self: Role of Self-Esteem.Heatherton, Todd F. and Vohs, Kathleen D.
AbsGoogGS1614083.799416Relationship-Contingent Self-Esteem and the Ups and Downs of Romantic Relationships.Knee, C. Raymond .et al
AbsGoogGS1614083.799416Stability and level of self-esteem as predictors of anger arousal and hostility.Kernis, Michael H. .et al
AbsGoogGS1616492.926175Self-Esteem and Proactive Personality as Predictors of Future Work Self and Career Adaptability: An Examination of Mediating and Moderating ProcessesCai, Zijun .et al
AbsGoogGS16118511.63187Responding to Societal Devaluation: Effects of Perceived Personal and Group Discrimination on the Ethnic Group Identification and Personal Self-Esteem of Latino/Latina AdolescentsArmenta, Brian E. and Hunt, Jennifer S.
AbsGoogGS16144700.96571Activities and self-esteem: Continuing the development of activity theoryReitzes, DC .et al
AbsGoogGS16012842.030136School Belonging, Self-Esteem, and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: An Examination of Sex, Sexual Attraction Status, and UrbanicityGalliher, Renee Vickerman .et al
AbsGoogGS16030201.217131Performance-based self-esteem and burnout in a cross-sectional study of medical studentsDahlin, Marie .et al
AbsGoogGS16045760.950125The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Parenting StyleHerz, Lara and Gullone, Eleonora
AbsGoogGS160142210.33036Self-Trust, Autonomy, and Self-EsteemGovier, Trudy
AbsGoogGS1594083.799416Continuity and Change in Self-Esteem During Emerging Adulthood.Chung, Joanne M. .et al
AbsGoogGS1594083.799416Self-Esteem and Threats to Self: Implications for Self-Construals and Interpersonal Perceptions.Vohs, Kathleen D. and Heatherton, Todd F.
AbsGoogGS15912832.031213Depressive reactions to failure in a naturalistic setting: A test of the hopelessness and self-esteem theories of depression.Metalsky, Gerald I. .et al
AbsGoogGS15936631.08894“Quiet ego” functioning: The complementary roles of mindfulness, authenticity, and secure high self-esteemHeppner, WL and Kernis, MH
AbsGoogGS15998150.52953Bullying in Orthodontic Patients and Its Relationship to Malocclusion, Self-Esteem and Oral Health-Related Quality of LifeSeehra, Jadbinder .et al
AbsGoogGS1584363.663264Mothers' Expressed Attitudes: Associations with Maternal Depression and Children's Self-Esteem and PsychopathologyGoodman, Sherryl H. .et al
AbsGoogGS15810852.238218Dissonance on the Road: Self-Esteem as a Moderator of Internal and External Self-Justification StrategiesHolland, Rob W. .et al
AbsGoogGS15816711.731236Friendship Jealousy in Young Adolescents: Individual Differences and Links to Sex, Self-Esteem, Aggression, and Social Adjustment.Parker, Jeffrey G. .et al
AbsGoogGS1579742.386177Children's Self-Esteem and Parental SupportFelson, Richard B. and Zielinski, Mary
AbsGoogGS15789250.57969Autonomy in Work and Self-EsteemSchwalbe, Michael
AbsGoogGS1564083.799416The body as a source of self-esteem: The effect of mortality salience on identification with one's body, interest in sex, and appearance monitoringGoldenberg, JL .et al
AbsGoogGS15610852.238218Ideological and Personal Zeal Reactions to Threat Among People With High Self-Esteem: Motivated Promotion FocusMcGregor, Ian .et al
AbsGoogGS15626231.328142Overlapping addictions and self-esteem among college men and womenGreenberg, Joshua L .et al
AbsGoogGS1554083.799416Self-Esteem Moderates Neuroendocrine and Psychological Responses to Interpersonal Rejection.Ford, Maire and Collins, Nancy L.
AbsGoogGS1534083.799416Refining the Vulnerability Model of Low Self-Esteem and Depression: Disentangling the Effects of Genuine Self-Esteem and Narcissism.Orth, Ulrich .et al
AbsGoogGS15329721.22778Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement Among AdolescentsMartins, Margarida Alves .et al
AbsGoogGS15335781.103104Extremes of Self-Esteem and Narcissism and the Experience and Expression of Anger and AggressionPapps, Benjamin and O'Carroll, Ronan E.
AbsGoogGS1524083.799416The Relationship Between Self-Esteem Level, Self-Esteem Stability, and Cardiovascular Reactions to Performance Feedback.Seery, Mark D. .et al
AbsGoogGS15226231.328142Self-Esteem and Resilience: The Connection With Risky Behavior Among AdolescentsVeselská, Zuzana Dankulincová .et al
AbsGoogGS15233681.14069Familism, Parent-Adolescent Conflict, Self-Esteem, Internalizing Behaviors and Suicide Attempts Among Adolescent LatinasKuhlberg, Jill .et al
AbsGoogGS1514083.799416Stability of Self-Esteem as a Moderator of the Relation Between Level of Self-Esteem and Depression.Kernis, Michael H. .et al
AbsGoogGS1514083.799416The functional domain specificity of self-esteem and the differential prediction of aggressionKirkpatrick, LA .et al
AbsGoogGS15115861.787204Implicit self-esteem and social anxiety: differential self-favouring effects in high and low anxious individualsJong, Peter J. de
AbsGoogGS1501886.130324Enhancement of children's self-esteem through social support training for youth sport coaches.Smoll, Frank L. .et al
AbsGoogGS1504083.799416Deconfounding the effects of dominance and social acceptance on self-esteemLeary, MR .et al
AbsGoogGS15053740.85873Low Self-Esteem: A Cognitive PerspectiveFennell, Melanie
AbsGoogGS15088090.58670Validation of a clinical measure of self-esteemNugent, WR and Thomas, JW
AbsGoogGS1494083.799416Self-Esteem Maintenance in Family Dynamics.Tesser, Abraham
AbsGoogGS1494083.799416Self-Esteem, Similarity, and Reactions to Active Versus Passive Downward Comparison.Gibbons, Frederick X. and McCoy, Sue Boney
AbsGoogGS14910852.238218Self-Evaluation, Persistence, and Performance Following Implicit Rejection: The Role of Trait Self-EsteemSommer, Kristin L. and Baumeister, Roy F.
AbsGoogGS14911182.175181Eating attitudes, health-risk behaviors, self-esteem, and anxiety among adolescent females in a suburban high schoolFisher, Martin .et al
AbsGoogGS14913321.988217Social support and self-esteem predict changes in bipolar depression but not maniaJohnson, Sheri L. .et al
AbsGoogGS14922351.463193Dysfunctional procrastination and its relationship with self-esteem, interpersonal dependency, and self-defeating behaviorsFerrari, Joseph R.
AbsGoogGS14810292.311169Religiosity and Self-Esteem among Older AdultsKrause, Neal
AbsGoogGS14811132.188259Self-Esteem: A Self-Social Construct.Ziller, Robert C. .et al
AbsGoogGS1474083.799416Dishonest Behavior as a Function of Differential Levels of Induced Self-Esteem.Aronson, Elliot and Mettee, David R.
AbsGoogGS1476113.014116Wording Effects in Self-Esteem Scales: Methodological Artifact or Response Style?Horan, Patrick M. .et al
AbsGoogGS14722351.463193Social skills and self-esteemRiggio, Ronald E. .et al
AbsGoogGS14739381.043119Self-Esteem in Pure Bullies and Bully/Victims: A Longitudinal AnalysisPollastri, Alisha R. .et al
AbsGoogGS14745640.95266Identities, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Distress: An Application of Identity-Discrepancy TheoryMarcussen, Kristen
AbsGoogGS1464083.799416Puffed-Up but Shaky Selves: State Self-Esteem Level and Variability in Narcissists.Geukes, Katharina .et al
AbsGoogGS14610852.238218Interpersonal Consequences of Seeking Self-EsteemPark, Lora E. and Crocker, Jennifer
AbsGoogGS14611132.188259Negative cognitive errors in children: Questionnaire development, normative data, and comparisons between children with and without self-reported symptoms of depression, low self-esteem, and evaluation anxiety.Leitenberg, Harold .et al
AbsGoogGS14611182.175181Self-Esteem, Emotional Distress and Sexual Behavior Among Adolescent Females: Inter-Relationships and Temporal EffectsEthier, Kathleen A. .et al
AbsGoogGS14645520.95388Social Categorization, Self-Esteem, and the Estimated Musical Preferences of Male AdolescentsTarrant, Mark .et al
AbsGoogGS14511542.139159Internalized Stigma and Quality of Life Among Persons With Severe Mental Illness: The Mediating Roles of Self-Esteem and HopeMashiach–Eizenberg, Michal .et al
AbsGoogGS14522351.463193Relations of academic and general self-esteem to school achievementPullmann, Helle and Allik, Jüri
AbsGoogGS1441886.130324Procedures: Do We Really Want to Know Them? An Examination of the Effects of Procedural Justice on Self-Esteem.Schroth, Holly A. and Shah, Priti
AbsGoogGS14416711.731236Online Racial Discrimination and the Protective Function of Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem for African American Adolescents.Tynes, Brendesha M. .et al
AbsGoogGS14418801.621229Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Among Late Adolescents With Acne: Results From a Population SurveyDalgard, Florence .et al
AbsGoogGS14422351.463193Coping, affect and aging: the roles of mastery and self-esteemBen‐Zur, Hasida
AbsGoogGS1434083.799416Self-esteem and persistence in the face of failureDi Paula, A and Campbell, JD
AbsGoogGS14372240.69186Perceptions of Control, Depressive Symptomatology, and Self-Esteem of Women in Transition From Abusive RelationshipsOrava, Tammy A. .et al
AbsGoogGS14222151.468152Children's figure ratings: Relationship to self-esteem and negative stereotypingTiggemann, M and Wilson-Barrett, E
AbsGoogGS14224751.373155Self-Esteem as a Moderator Between Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Distress Among Women.Corning, Alexandra F.
AbsGoogGS14226671.314136Self-esteem and sexual behavior: Exploring gender differencesWalsh, A
AbsGoogGS14228611.25967Self-Esteem and the Quality of Romantic RelationshipsErol, Ruth Yasemin and Orth, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS14243240.984126Self-Esteem as Mediator and Moderator of the Relationship Between Social Support and Subjective Well-Being Among Chinese University StudentsKong, Feng .et al
AbsGoogGS14248360.91887Adolescent Perceptions of Parental Behaviors, Adolescent Self-Esteem, and Adolescent Depressed MoodPlunkett, Scott W. .et al
AbsGoogGS14299020.52560Acculturation and Substance Use Among Hispanic Early Adolescents: Investigating the Mediating Roles of Acculturative Stress and Self-EsteemZamboanga, Byron L. .et al
AbsGoogGS142201740.18220Pathologic Forms of Self-Esteem RegulationReich, Annie
AbsGoogGS14115861.787204Self-criticism, low self-esteem, depressive symptoms, and over-evaluation of shape and weight in binge eating disorder patientsDunkley, David M. and Grilo, Carlos M.
AbsGoogGS14155190.84487Depression and College Stress Among University Undergraduates: Do Mattering and Self-Esteem Make a Difference?Dixon, Sarah and Kurpius, Sharon E. Robinson
AbsGoogGS14191320.567133Efficacy of a Self-Esteem Module in the Empowerment of Individuals with SchizophreniaLecomte, Tania .et al
AbsGoogGS14010852.238218Physical Attractiveness Contrast Effect: Implications for Self-Esteem and Evaluations of the Social SelfThornton, Bill and Moore, Scott D.
AbsGoogGS14015321.829112Mean-Level Change in Self-Esteem From Childhood Through Adulthood: Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal StudiesHuang, Chiungjung
AbsGoogGS14015861.787204Self-esteem and depression revisited: Implicit positive self-esteem in depressed patients?Raedt, Rudi De .et al
AbsGoogGS14022351.463193Who forgives others, themselves, and situations? The roles of narcissism, guilt, self-esteem, and agreeablenessStrelan, Peter
AbsGoogGS1394083.799416Vulnerable Self-Esteem and Depressive Symptoms: Prospective Findings Comparing Three Alternative Conceptualizations.Roberts, John E. and Monroe, Scott M.
AbsGoogGS13916451.750136Self-esteem and depression - 1. Measurement issues and prediction of onsetBrown, G.W.
AbsGoogGS13934201.131170Attributions and self-esteem in depression and chronic fatigue syndromesPowell, Richard D. .et al
AbsGoogGS13940781.02178The Relationship Among Self-esteem, Acculturation, and Recreation Participation of Recently Arrived Chinese Immigrant AdolescentsYu, Ping and Berryman, Doris L.
AbsGoogGS1382105.709177Compensating, Resisting, and Breaking: A Meta-Analytic Examination of Reactions to Self-Esteem ThreatvanDellen, Michelle R. .et al
AbsGoogGS1384933.408169Self-Enhancement Biases and Negotiator Judgment: Effects of Self-Esteem and MoodKramer, Roderick M. .et al
AbsGoogGS1389152.464226Social comparison on Facebook: Motivation, affective consequences, self-esteem, and Facebook fatigueCramer, Emily .et al
AbsGoogGS13815321.829112An Exchange Theory of Money and Self-Esteem in Decision MakingZhang, Liqing
AbsGoogGS13853740.85873Group Treatment of Perceived Stigma and Self-Esteem in Schizophrenia: A Waiting List Trial of EfficacyKnight, Matthew .et al
AbsGoogGS13865980.742105Perfectionism, Body Dissatisfaction, and Self-Esteem: An Interactive Model of Bulimic Symptom DevelopmentVohs, Kathleen D. .et al
AbsGoogGS13714151.91869Peer Relationship and Adolescent Smartphone Addiction: The Mediating Role Of self-Esteem and the Moderating Role of the Need to BelongWang, Pengcheng .et al
AbsGoogGS13738611.05581Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Resources in Adults With ADHDNewark, Patricia .et al
AbsGoogGS13758910.80758Evidence for a Self-Esteem Approach in the Prevention of Body Image and Eating Problems among Children and AdolescentsO’Dea, Jennifer A.
AbsGoogGS1366632.895236Subordinate–manager gender combination and perceived leadership style influence on emotions, self-esteem and organizational commitmentMcColl‐Kennedy, Janet R. and Anderson, Ronald D.
AbsGoogGS13622351.463193Self-esteem in marriageShackelford, Todd K.
AbsGoogGS13635781.103104Understanding the connection between self-esteem and aggression: The mediating role of emotion dysregulationGarofalo, Carlo .et al
AbsGoogGS13649400.90655Autonomy and Control Motivation and Self-EsteemHodgins, Holley S. .et al
AbsGoogGS13666130.74156Self-Understanding and Self-Esteem in Children With Learning DisabilitiesCosden, Merith .et al
AbsGoogGS1354083.799416Social Acceptance and Self-Esteem: Tuning the Sociometer to Interpersonal Value.Anthony, Danu B. .et al
AbsGoogGS1354583.561236Influence of place-based senses of distinctiveness, continuity, self-esteem and self-efficacy on residents' attitudes toward tourismWang, Suosheng and Xu, Honggang
AbsGoogGS1358182.597249Self-Esteem – A Psychiatric ViewRobson, Philip
AbsGoogGS13518511.63187Attributions to Discrimination and Self-Esteem: The Role of Group Identification and AppraisalsEccleston, Collette P. and Major, Brenda
AbsGoogGS13518531.630146Insight Into the Motivation of Selfie Postings: Impression Management and Self-EsteemPounders, Kathrynn .et al
AbsGoogGS13522151.468152Weight Concern Across the Life-Span: Relationship to Self-Esteem and Feminist IdentityTiggemann, Marika and Stevens, Claire
AbsGoogGS13533941.13587Characteristics Associated With Low Self-Esteem Among US AdolescentsMcClure, Auden C. .et al
AbsGoogGS13543240.984126The effects of religion and social support on self-esteem and depression among the suddenly bereavedSherkat, Darren E. and Reed, Mark D.
AbsGoogGS1341297.412222Self-Esteem, Delinquent Peers, and Delinquency: A Test of the Self-Enhancement ThesisJang, Sung Joon and Thornberry, Terence P.
AbsGoogGS13411182.175181Changes in self-esteem in black and white girls between the ages of 9 and 14 yearsBrown, Kathleen M. .et al
AbsGoogGS13413461.978270Is low self-esteem an inevitable consequence of stigma? An example from women with chronic mental health problemsCamp, Debbie .et al
AbsGoogGS13416071.776378Self-Esteem and Social Adjustment in Young Women With Turner Syndrome—Influence of Pubertal Management and Sexuality: Population-Based Cohort StudyCarel, Jean‐Claude .et al
AbsGoogGS13421821.481127Distinctiveness threat and prototypicality: combined effects on intergroup discrimination and collective self-esteemJetten, Jolanda .et al
AbsGoogGS13425221.356130Narcissism assessment in social–personality research: Does the association between narcissism and psychological health result from a confound with self-esteem?Rosenthal, Seth A. and Hooley, Jill M.
AbsGoogGS13442320.99784The Relation of Social Support, Connectedness, and Collective Self-Esteem to the Psychological Well-Being of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual YouthDetrie, Pamela M. and Lease, Suzanne H.
AbsGoogGS13452860.867152Self-Esteem in Children With Specific Language ImpairmentJerome, Annette .et al
AbsGoogGS13456980.826105The effects of cosmetic surgery on body image, self-esteem, and psychological problemsSoest, Tilmann von .et al
AbsGoogGS134126440.39367Impact of Breast Cancer Surgery on the Self-Esteem and Sexual Life of Female PatientsMarkopoulos, Christos .et al
AbsGoogGS1339742.386177Family Factors, Self-Esteem, and Adolescent DepressionRobertson, Joan F. and Simons, Ronald L.
AbsGoogGS13322151.468152Relationship of Weight, Body Dissatisfaction, and Self-Esteem in African American and White Female DietersCaldwell, Melissa B. .et al
AbsGoogGS13324931.36798How social support influences university students' academic achievement and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of self-esteemLi, Jie .et al
AbsGoogGS13332901.156105Youth debt, mastery, and self-esteem: Class-stratified effects of indebtedness on self-conceptDwyer, Rachel E. .et al
AbsGoogGS13337641.069135Effects of Parental Marital Status, Income, and Family Functioning on African American Adolescent Self-Esteem.Mandara, Jelani and Murray, Carolyn B.
AbsGoogGS13359040.80697Marital Conflict, the Parent-Child Relationship and Child Self-EsteemAmato, Paul R.
AbsGoogGS1321247.635345Self-Esteem and Intelligence Affect Influenceability: The Mediating Role of Message Reception.Rhodes, Nancy and Wood, Wendy
AbsGoogGS1324083.799416Self-Esteem and Educational Achievement: Independent Constructs With a Common Cause?Maruyama, Geoffrey M.
AbsGoogGS13213461.978270The role of social support and self-esteem in the presence and course of depressive symptoms: a comparison of cancer patients and individuals from the general populationSchroevers, Maya J. .et al
AbsGoogGS13222251.466169Adolescent Internet Addiction: Testing the Association Between Self-Esteem, the Perception of Internet Attributes, and Preference for Online Social InteractionsFioravanti, Giulia .et al
AbsGoogGS13245760.950125Culture and Implicit Self-EsteemBoucher, Helen C. .et al
AbsGoogGS13269270.71581Social comparisons, appearance related comments, contingent self-esteem and their relationships with body dissatisfaction and eating disturbance among womenBailey, Shannon D. and Ricciardelli, Lina A.
AbsGoogGS1311886.130324Rewarding Leadership and Fair Procedures as Determinants of Self-Esteem.Cremer, David De .et al
AbsGoogGS13110852.238218Attachment-Style Differences in Attitudes toward and Reactions to Feedback from Romantic Partners: An Exploration of the Relational Bases of Self-EsteemBrennan, Kelly A. and Bosson, Jennifer K.
AbsGoogGS13122351.463193Affect-regulated indirect effects of trait anxiety and trait resilience on self-esteemBenetti, Celeste M. and Kambouropoulos, Nicolas
AbsGoogGS13127441.29390Cultural Predictors of Self-Esteem: A Study of Chinese American Female and Male Young Adults.Tsai, Jeanne L. .et al
AbsGoogGS13134201.131170A Japanese Version of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Translation and Equivalence AssessmentMimura, Chizu and Griffiths, Peter
AbsGoogGS13155630.84078Dynamic Growth Models of Self-Esteem and Adolescent Alcohol UseScheier, Lawrence M. .et al
AbsGoogGS13157230.82343Relations of Parenting Styles and Friendship Quality to Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction and Happiness in AdolescentsRaboteg-Šarić, Zora and Šakić, Marija
AbsGoogGS13163310.76748'I Might as Well Give Up': Self-esteem and mature students' feelings about feedback on assignmentsYoung, Pat
AbsGoogGS1304083.799416Self-Investment and Self-Esteem: Evidence for a Jamesian Model of Self-Worth.Pelham, Brett W.
AbsGoogGS1304083.799416Similarity and uniqueness: The effects of attribute type, relevance, and individual differences in self-esteem and depression.Campbell, Jennifer D.
AbsGoogGS13011132.188259Self-Esteem as a Function of Masculinity in Both Sexes.Antill, John K. and Cunningham, John D.
AbsGoogGS13033681.14069Influence of Risk Factors and Cultural Assets on Latino Adolescents’ Trajectories of Self-Esteem and Internalizing SymptomsSmokowski, Paul R. .et al
AbsGoogGS13043010.987100Relationships with Parents, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Well-Being in Young AdulthoodRoberts, Robert E. and Bengtson, Vern L.
AbsGoogGS1294083.799416Interpersonal evaluations following threats to self: Role of self-esteemHeatherton, TF and Vohs, KD
AbsGoogGS12910852.238218Remembering Everyday Experience Through the Prism of Self-EsteemConner, Tamlin S. .et al
AbsGoogGS12915861.787204Self-esteem reconsidered: Unstable self-esteem outperforms level of self-esteem as vulnerability marker for depressionFranck, Erik and Raedt, Rudi De
AbsGoogGS12922491.45998The relationship of drive for muscularity to sociocultural factors, self-esteem, physical attributes gender role, and social comparison in middle school boysSmolak, Linda and Stein, Jonathan A.
AbsGoogGS12922951.43729Perceived Emotional Intelligence, Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction in AdolescentsRey, Lourdes .et al
AbsGoogGS12943010.987100Social Class and Self-Esteem: Psychological Centrality, Compensation, and the Relative Effects of Work and HomeGecas, Viktor and Seff, Monica A.
AbsGoogGS1281247.635345The Healthy Pursuit of Self-Esteem: Comment on and Alternative to the Crocker and Park (2004) Formulation.DuBois, David L. and Flay, Brian R.
AbsGoogGS1281956.024210The Sweet Escape: Effects of Mortality Salience on Consumption Quantities for High- And Low-Self-Esteem ConsumersMandel, Naomi and Smeesters, Dirk
AbsGoogGS1284083.799416Why minority group members perceive or do not perceive the discrimination that confronts them: The role of self-esteem and perceived control.Ruggiero, Karen M. and Taylor, Donald M.
AbsGoogGS1286113.014116Longitudinal Invariance of Self-Esteem and Method Effects Associated With Negatively Worded ItemsMotl, Robert W. and DiStefano, Christine
AbsGoogGS12810852.238218“I'm Not Gay. . . . I'm a Real Man!”: Heterosexual Men's Gender Self-Esteem and Sexual PrejudiceFalomir‐Pichastor, Juan Manuel and Mugny, Gabriel
AbsGoogGS12818051.650103How Low Is Low? Low Self-Esteem as an Indicator of Internalizing Psychopathology in AdolescenceIsomaa, Rasmus .et al
AbsGoogGS12824751.373155Collective Self-Esteem as a Coping Resource for Male-to-Female Transsexuals.Sánchez, Francisco J. and Vilain, Éric
AbsGoogGS128110140.46578Relationship between self-esteem and depression among high school studentsBattle, J
AbsGoogGS1274083.799416Do people with low self-esteem really want to feel better? Self-esteem differences in motivation to repair negative moodsHeimpel, SA .et al
AbsGoogGS12710852.238218Self-Doubt and Self-Esteem: A Threat From WithinHermann, Anthony D. .et al
AbsGoogGS12743010.987100Multiple Roles and Identities: Factors Influencing Self-Esteem Among Middle-Aged Working Men and WomenReitzes, Donald C. and Mutran, Elizabeth J.
AbsGoogGS12745760.950125The Relationship Between Latino Adolescents’ Perceptions of Discrimination, Neighborhood Risk, and Parenting on Self-Esteem and Depressive SymptomsBehnke, Andrew O. .et al
AbsGoogGS12755400.84233Classroom environment, achievement, attitudes and self-esteem in geography and mathematics in SingaporeChionh, Yan Huay and Fraser, Barry J.
AbsGoogGS1266882.854300Reporting Tendencies Underlie Discrepancies Between Implicit and Explicit Measures of Self-EsteemOlson, Michael A. .et al
AbsGoogGS12611102.192160Emotional comparison and self-esteem as determinants of affiliation1Zimbardo, Philip G. and Formica, Robert
AbsGoogGS12611182.175181High Self-Esteem Among Adolescents: Longitudinal Trends, Sex Differences, and Protective FactorsBirndorf, Susan .et al
AbsGoogGS12612842.030136Peer Acceptance Protects Global Self-Esteem From Negative Effects of Low Closeness to Parents During Adolescence and Early AdulthoodBirkeland, Marianne Skogbrott .et al
AbsGoogGS12614791.869116The relevance of self-esteem and self-schemas to persecutory delusions: A systematic reviewKesting, Marie-Luise and Lincoln, Tania M.
AbsGoogGS12615321.829112Birth Cohort Differences in Self-Esteem, 1988–2008: A Cross-Temporal Meta-AnalysisGentile, Brittany .et al
AbsGoogGS12638761.05270Dimensionality and Norms of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in a German General Population SampleRoth, Marcus .et al
AbsGoogGS12639401.043227Body Dissatisfaction, Self-Esteem, and Depression in Obese Korean ChildrenShin, Na Young and Shin, Min Sup
AbsGoogGS12512842.030136Perceived Support and Internalizing Symptoms in African American Adolescents: Self-Esteem and Ethnic Identity as MediatorsGaylord‐Harden, Noni K. .et al
AbsGoogGS12523431.417106Team Sports Achievement and Self-Esteem Development Among Urban Adolescent GirlsPedersen, Sarah L. and Seidman, Edward
AbsGoogGS12527311.29662A preliminary study of self-esteem, stigma, and disclosure in adolescents who stutterBlood, Gordon W. .et al
AbsGoogGS12528861.250113Self-Stigma, Self-Esteem and Age in Persons With SchizophreniaWerner, Perla .et al
AbsGoogGS12533621.141153Global Self-Esteem, Goal Achievement Orientations, and Self-Determined Behavioural Regulations in a Physical Education SettingHein, Vello and Hagger, Martin S.
AbsGoogGS12534691.123134Relations Among Multiple Peer Influences, Body Dissatisfaction, Eating Disturbance, and Self-Esteem: A Comparison of Average Weight, At Risk of Overweight, and Overweight Adolescent GirlsThompson, J. Kevin .et al
AbsGoogGS1241886.130324Self-Esteem Variable in Vocational Choice.Korman, Abraham K.
AbsGoogGS1244083.799416Self-Esteem, Construal, and Comparisons With the Self, Friends, and Peers.Suls, Jerry .et al
AbsGoogGS12422351.463193Self-esteem as mediator and moderator of the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction in adolescentsÇivitçi, Nazmiye and Çivitçi, Asım
AbsGoogGS12425561.348168Life Stress, Social Support, and Self-Esteem in an Elderly Population.Krause, Neal
AbsGoogGS1234083.799416Intuition and the Correspondence Between Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem.Jordan, Christian H. .et al
AbsGoogGS12311182.175181Self-Esteem and Adolescent Sexual Behaviors, Attitudes, and Intentions: A Systematic ReviewGoodson, Patricia .et al
AbsGoogGS12311182.175181Body Image and Self-Esteem Among Adolescents Undergoing an Intervention Targeting Dietary and Physical Activity BehaviorsHuang, Jeannie S. .et al
AbsGoogGS12318051.650103Self-Esteem and Theoretical Mediators of Safer Sex Among African American Female Adolescents: Implications for Sexual Risk Reduction InterventionsSalazar, Laura F. .et al
AbsGoogGS12354620.85044Effects of the Learning Together Model of Cooperative Learning on English as a Foreign Language Reading Achievement, Academic Self-Esteem, and Feelings of School AlienationGhaith, Ghazi
AbsGoogGS12373280.68478Self-esteem, stress, and depression among graduate studentsKreger, DW
AbsGoogGS1221018.497318Threat of Future Layoffs, Self-Esteem, and Survivors' Reactions: Evidence From the Laboratory and the FieldBrockner, Joel .et al
AbsGoogGS1226882.854300Reducing Narcissistic Aggression by Buttressing Self-Esteem: An Experimental Field StudyThomaes, Sander .et al
AbsGoogGS12210852.238218Level and Stability of Self-Esteem as Predictors of Children's Intrinsic Motivation and Reasons for AngerWaschull, Stefanie B. and Kernis, Michael H.
AbsGoogGS12211102.192160Changes in Liking as a Means of Reducing Cognitive Discrepancies Between Self-Esteem and Aggression1Glass, David C.
AbsGoogGS12212842.030136Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence as Predictor of Depressive Symptoms in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood: The Mediating Role of Motivational and Social FactorsMasselink, Maurits .et al
AbsGoogGS12219241.601112The impact of labor force history on self-esteem and its component parts, anxiety, alienation and depressionGoldsmith, Arthur H. .et al
AbsGoogGS12222351.463193The contribution of bullying at school and low self-esteem to acts of delinquency among Australian teenagersRigby, Ken and Cox, Ian
AbsGoogGS12226671.314136Black Adolescent Girls: Do Gender Role and Racial Identity: Impact Their Self-Esteem?Buckley, Tamara R. and Carter, Robert T.
AbsGoogGS12228151.27293The effect of malocclusion and self-perceived aesthetics on the self-esteem of a sample of Jordanian adolescentsBadran, S.
AbsGoogGS12243010.987100Self-Esteem, Depressive Symptoms, and Adolescents' Sexual OnsetLongmore, Monica A. .et al
AbsGoogGS12251080.885404Self-Esteem and Subjective Well-Being Revisited: The Roles of Personal, Relational, and Collective Self-EsteemDu, Hongfei .et al
AbsGoogGS12255250.84464The death of the feel-good factor? Self-esteem in the educational contextHumphrey, N
AbsGoogGS1212105.709177Does Self-Esteem Have an Interpersonal Imprint Beyond Self-Reports? A Meta-Analysis of Self-Esteem and Objective Interpersonal IndicatorsCameron, Jessica J. and Granger, Steve
AbsGoogGS1213124.541239A multidimensional model of self-esteem in depressionRoberts, John Η. and Monroe, Scott M.
AbsGoogGS1214083.799416Peer-group affiliation and adolescent self-esteem: An integration of ego-identity and symbolic-interaction theories.Brown, B. Bradford and Lohr, Mary Jane
AbsGoogGS12113321.988217Determinants of subjective quality of life in depressed patients: The role of self-esteem, response styles, and social supportKuehner, Christine and Buerger, Christin
AbsGoogGS12122351.463193Mediating role of self-esteem on the relationship between mindfulness, anxiety, and depressionBajaj, Badri .et al
AbsGoogGS12124931.36798Self-beliefs among students: Grade level and gender differences in self-esteem, self-efficacy and implicit theories of intelligenceDiseth, Åge .et al
AbsGoogGS12126671.314136Body image, self-esteem, and depression-proneness: Closing the gender gapMcCaulay, Marci .et al
AbsGoogGS12155630.84078Effects of Self-Esteem and Narcissism on Bullying and Victimization During Early AdolescenceFanti, Kostas A. and Henrich, Christopher C.
AbsGoogGS12160670.79173Physical Attractiveness, Happiness, Neuroticism, and Self-EsteemMathes, Eugene W. and Kahn, Arnold S.
AbsGoogGS12010852.238218When Friends Make You Blue: The Role of Friendship Contingent Self-Esteem in Predicting Self-Esteem and Depressive SymptomsCambron, M. Janelle .et al
AbsGoogGS12019311.596161Testing Sociometer Theory: Self-Esteem and the Importance of Acceptance for Social Decision-MakingAnthony, Danu B. .et al
AbsGoogGS12023211.429193Associations of Multiple Domains of Self-Esteem With Four Dimensions of Stigma in SchizophreniaLysaker, Paul H. .et al
AbsGoogGS1191886.130324When Does Self-Esteem Relate to Deviant Behavior? The Role of Contingencies of Self-Worth.Ferris, D. Lance .et al
AbsGoogGS1196832.864378Self-Esteem as a Predictor of Initiation of Coitus in Early AdolescentsSpencer, Jennifer M .et al
AbsGoogGS1199142.465232Co-Occurrence of Social Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Adolescence: Differential Links With Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem?Jong, de Peter .et al
AbsGoogGS11912842.030136School-Based Extracurricular Activity Involvement and Adolescent Self-Esteem: A Growth-Curve AnalysisKort-Butler, Lisa A. and Hagewen, Kellie J.
AbsGoogGS11925221.356130Self-esteem, dispositional optimism, and health: Evidence from cross-lagged data on employeesMäkikangas, Anne .et al
AbsGoogGS1187332.746343State Self-Esteem Following StrokeChang, Anne M. and Mackenzie, Ann
AbsGoogGS1189152.464226Avoidant attachment and smartphone addiction in college students: The mediating effects of anxiety and self-esteemEunhyang, Kim and Eun-Young, Koh
AbsGoogGS11810852.238218The Invalidity of Disclaimers About the Effects of Social Feedback on Self-EsteemLeary, Mark R. .et al
AbsGoogGS11814931.85969Images of the Self and Self-Esteem: Do Positive Self-Images Improve Self-Esteem in Social Anxiety?Hulme, Natalie .et al
AbsGoogGS11838081.062137Impact of self-esteem on the oral-health-related quality of life of children with malocclusionAgou, Shoroog .et al
AbsGoogGS11854690.85063The self-esteem complex and youth fitnessFox, K.
AbsGoogGS11725301.353198Quality-of-Life and Self-Esteem Outcomes after Oncoplastic Breast-Conserving Surgery [Outcomes Article]Veiga, Daniela Francescato .et al
AbsGoogGS11745520.95388Engaging in Distancing Tactics Among Sport Fans: Effects on Self-Esteem and Emotional ResponsesBizman, Aharon and Yinon, Yoel
AbsGoogGS11640281.02993Sexual Revictimization: The Role of Sexual Self-Esteem and Dysfunctional Sexual BehaviorsBruggen, Lisa K. Van .et al
AbsGoogGS11641341.014133The Relationship Between Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Depression, Self-Esteem, Somatization, and Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderBiby, Erika L.
AbsGoogGS11682610.62051Impact of Parenting Styles on Adolescents' Self-Esteem and Internalization of Values in SpainMartínez, Isabel and García, José
AbsGoogGS11693740.552101Self-Esteem as a Mediator of the Effects of Stressors and Social Resources on Depressive Symptoms in Postpartum MothersHall, Lynne A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1154563.566129A Challenge of Living? Understanding the Psycho-Social Processes of the Child During Primary-Secondary Transition Through Resilience and Self-Esteem TheoriesJindal‐Snape, Divya and Miller, David
AbsGoogGS1159152.464226A mixed method approach to examining Facebook use and its relationship to self-esteemTazghini, Sarah and Siedlecki, Karen L.
AbsGoogGS11510882.234138The politics of self-esteemKahne, J
AbsGoogGS11516711.731236Competence and Self-Esteem During Transition From Childhood to Adolescence.Nottelmann, Editha D.
AbsGoogGS11516711.731236Reconstructions of Family Relationships: Parent–child Alliances, Personal Distress, and Self-Esteem.Jacobvitz, Deborah and Bush, Nell F.
AbsGoogGS11519311.596161Pulling Yourself Together: Meditation Promotes Congruence Between Implicit and Explicit Self-EsteemKoole, Sander L. .et al
AbsGoogGS11545760.950125Adolescent Self-Esteem in Cross-Cultural PerspectiveFarruggia, Susan P. .et al
AbsGoogGS11557130.82494Ethnic identification, self-esteem and immigrant psychological healthNesdale, Drew and Mak, Anita S.
AbsGoogGS1144083.799416Threatened egotism, narcissism, self-esteem, and direct and displaced aggression: Does self-love or self-hate lead to violence?Bushman, Brad J. and Baumeister, Roy F.
AbsGoogGS11413861.949105Computerized and Paper-and-Pencil Versions of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: A Comparison of Psychometric Features and Respondent PreferencesVispoel, Walter P. .et al
AbsGoogGS11414611.880101Studies of the Relationship Between Communication Apprehension and Self-EsteemMcCroskey, James C. .et al
AbsGoogGS11422251.466169Gratifications, Collective Self-Esteem, Online Emotional Openness, and Traitlike Communication Apprehension as Predictors of Facebook UsesZhang, Yin .et al
AbsGoogGS11424931.36798The Determinants of Scholastic Achievement: The Contribution of Personality Traits, Self-Esteem, and Academic Self-EfficacyGiunta, Laura Di .et al
AbsGoogGS11441341.014133Self-Esteem, Optimism, and Postpartum DepressionFontaine, Kevin R. and Jones, Lindsay
AbsGoogGS11446000.94692Critical thinking, self-esteem, and state anxiety of nursing studentsSuliman, Wafika A. and Halabi, Jehad O.
AbsGoogGS11447500.92760Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, and Peer Relations Among Gifted Children Who Feel “Different”Janos, P.M.
AbsGoogGS11456860.82746Unemployment and its psychological correlates: A Study of depressive symptoms, self-esteem, protestant ethic values, attributional style, and apathyFeather, N. T.
AbsGoogGS11465980.742105Relating Optimism, Hope, and Self-Esteem to Social Influences in Deterring Substance Use in AdolescentsCarvajal, Scott C. .et al
AbsGoogGS11469430.714113Disfiguring burn scars and adolescent self-esteemRobert, Rhonda .et al
AbsGoogGS1134083.799416The Dimensionality of Self-Esteem: Some Results of a College Sample.Fleming, James S. and Watts, William A.
AbsGoogGS11310852.238218Self-Esteem Maintenance Processes: Why Low Self-Esteem May Be Resistant to ChangeJosephs, Robert .et al
AbsGoogGS1128782.511241Identity and the Language of the Classroom: Investigating the Impact of Heritage Versus Second Language Instruction on Personal and Collective Self-Esteem.Wright, Stephen C. and Taylor, Donald M.
AbsGoogGS11216711.731236Self-Esteem Development Across the Life Span: A Longitudinal Study With a Large Sample From Germany.Orth, Ulrich .et al
AbsGoogGS11225221.356130Aggression, narcissism, self-esteem, and the attribution of desirable and humanizing traits to self versus othersLocke, Kenneth D.
AbsGoogGS11276480.66154Examining the Impostor Phenomenon in Relation to Self-Esteem Level and Self-Esteem InstabilitySchubert, Nick and Bowker, Anne
AbsGoogGS11285200.60454Sensation Seeking, Self-Esteem, and Unprotected Sex in College StudentsGullette, Donna L. and Lyons, Margaret A.
AbsGoogGS11110852.238218Harbingers of Depressotypic Reassurance Seeking: Negative Life Events, Increased Anxiety, and Decreased Self-EsteemJoiner, Thomas E. .et al
AbsGoogGS11122351.463193Dispositional and state forgiveness: The role of self-esteem, need for structure, and narcissismEaton, Judy .et al
AbsGoogGS11124751.373155Parental attachment, self-esteem, and antisocial behaviors among African American, European American, and Mexican American adolescentsArbona, C and Power, TG
AbsGoogGS11127441.29390Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem, and Ethnocentrism: A Study of Social Identity Versus Multicultural Theory of Development.Negy, Charles .et al
AbsGoogGS11127441.29390Taiwanese Students' Gender, Age, Interdependent and Independent Self-Construal, and Collective Self-Esteem as Predictors of Professional Psychological Help-Seeking Attitudes.Yeh, Christine J.
AbsGoogGS11146000.94692Evaluation of an assertiveness training program on nursing and medical students’ assertiveness, self-esteem, and interpersonal communication satisfactionLin, Yu‐Ju .et al
AbsGoogGS11159040.80697The Social Ecology of Middle Childhood: Family Support, Friendship Quality, and Self-EsteemFranco, Nathalie and Levitt, Morton
AbsGoogGS1104083.799416Self-Serving Attributions in Social Context: Effects of Self-Esteem and Social Pressure.Schlenker, Barry R. .et al
AbsGoogGS1104933.408169Procedural Fairness, Managers' Self-Esteem, and Managerial Behaviors Following a LayoffWiesenfeld, Batia M. .et al
AbsGoogGS1109152.464226Internet use, videogame playing and cell phone use as predictors of children’s body mass index (BMI), body weight, academic performance, and social and overall self-esteemJackson, Linda A. .et al
AbsGoogGS11011182.175181A Longitudinal Assessment of the Links Between Physical Activity and Self-Esteem in Early Adolescent Non-Hispanic FemalesSchmalz, Dorothy L. .et al
AbsGoogGS11012842.030136Mothers and Their Adolescent Daughters: Relationship Between Self-Esteem, Gender Role Identity, Body ImageUsmiani, Sonia and Daniluk, Judith C.
AbsGoogGS11019241.601112Self-esteem, financial knowledge and financial behaviorTang, Ning and Baker, Andrew
AbsGoogGS10910852.238218The Effects of a Self-Esteem Boost and Mortality Salience on Responses to Boost Relevant and Irrelevant Worldview ThreatsArndt, Jamie and Greenberg, Jeff
AbsGoogGS10916451.750136Self-esteem and depressionBrown, George W. .et al
AbsGoogGS10916711.731236Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms and Self-Esteem in Latino Youths: Examining the Role of Gender and Perceived Discrimination.Zeiders, Katharine H. .et al
AbsGoogGS10976770.66055Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, and Perceived Health Status Among Elder Korean Women: Focus on Living ArrangementsAn, Ji-Young .et al
AbsGoogGS10978460.649112Exercise and Self-Esteem in Breast Cancer Survivors: An Application of the Exercise and Self-Esteem ModelBaldwin, Maureen K. and Courneya, Kerry S.
AbsGoogGS10813321.988217Cyberbullying, Psychological Distress and Self-Esteem Among Youth in Quebec SchoolsCénat, Jude Mary .et al
AbsGoogGS10815861.787204Implicit but not explicit self-esteem predicts future depressive symptomatologyFranck, Erik .et al
AbsGoogGS10816711.731236Girls' Relationship Authenticity and Self-Esteem Across Adolescence.Impett, Emily A. .et al
AbsGoogGS10822151.468152Comparison of Eating Disorders and Other Dietary/Weight Groups on Measures of Perceived Control, Assertiveness, Self-Esteem, and Self-Directed HostilityWilliams, Catherine J. .et al
AbsGoogGS10822351.463193Affect and self-esteem as mediators between trait resilience and psychological adjustmentYa, Liu .et al
AbsGoogGS10822351.463193The impostor phenomenon in British university students: Relationships between self-esteem, mental health, parental rearing style and socioeconomic statusSonnak, Carina and Towell, Tony
AbsGoogGS10825051.360121Are violent people more likely to have low self-esteem or high self-esteem?Ostrowsky, Michael K.
AbsGoogGS10839401.043227Quality of Life and Self-Esteem in Children Treated for Idiopathic Short StatureTheunissen, N.C.M. .et al
AbsGoogGS10843930.97485Self-handicapping and self-esteemPrapavessis, H and Grove, JR
AbsGoogGS10853230.86484A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Premarital Communication, Relationship Stability, and Self-Esteem on Sexual Satisfaction in the First Year of MarriageLarson, Jeffry H. .et al
AbsGoogGS10873010.686187Treatment responsiveness of the Self-Esteem And Relationship questionnaire in erectile dysfunctionAlthof, Stanley E. .et al
AbsGoogGS108141690.33247Acne in Adolescents: Quality of Life, Self-Esteem, Mood and Psychological DisordersDunn, Lauren K. .et al
AbsGoogGS10710852.238218Daily Cognitive Appraisals, Daily Affect, and Long-Term Depressive Symptoms: The Role of Self-Esteem and Self-Concept Clarity in the Stress ProcessLee-Flynn, Sharon C. .et al
AbsGoogGS10720731.52895Big Five Personality Traits and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Iranian Muslim University StudentsJoshanloo, Mohsen and Afshari, Samaneh
AbsGoogGS10739401.043227Psychosocial aspects of constitutional short stature: Social competence, behavior problems, self-esteem, and family functioningGordon, Michael S. .et al
AbsGoogGS1062055.804174Development of Motivational Variables and Self-Esteem During the School Career: A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal StudiesScherrer, Vsevolod and Preckel, Franzis
AbsGoogGS1064083.799416Self-Esteem and Education: Sex and Cohort Comparisons Among High School Seniors.O'Malley, Patrick M. and Bachman, Jerald G.
AbsGoogGS1064083.799416Self-esteem and the cognitive accessibility of strengths and weaknesses after failure.Dodgson, Philip G. and Wood, Joanne V.
AbsGoogGS10611442.14891National Identity and Self-EsteemSpinner-Halev, Jeff and Theiss-Morse, Elizabeth
AbsGoogGS10642071.00147The Influence of Moral Disengagement, Morally Based Self-Esteem, Age, and Gender on Traditional Bullying and CyberbullyingRobson, Claire and Witenberg, Rivka T.
AbsGoogGS1051367.213261Performance Improvement Efforts in Response to Negative Feedback: The Roles of Source Power and Recipient Self-EsteemFedor, Donald B. .et al
AbsGoogGS1056662.884197Early Adolescent Self-Esteem as a Function of Social Class: Rosenberg and Pearlin RevisitedDemo, David H. and Savin-Williams, Ritch C.
AbsGoogGS10510852.238218When Do Ego Threats Lead to Self-Regulation Failure? Negative Consequences of Defensive High Self-EsteemLambird, Kathleen Hoffman and Mann, Traci
AbsGoogGS10526671.314136Self-esteem among young adults: Differences and similarities based on gender, race, and cohort (1990–2012)Sprecher, S .et al
AbsGoogGS10531151.190111Predictors of Self-Esteem VariabilityHayes, Adele M. .et al
AbsGoogGS10543010.987100Family Economic Hardship, Parental Support, and Adolescent Self-EsteemWhitbeck, Les B. .et al
AbsGoogGS1044083.799416Gender Differences in Implicit Self-Esteem Following a Romantic Partner’s Success or Failure.Ratliff, Kate A. and Oishi, Shigehiro
AbsGoogGS10419311.596161Evidence for the DTA Hypothesis II: Threatening Self-Esteem Increases Death-Thought AccessibilityHayes, Joseph .et al
AbsGoogGS10426991.30691Self-Esteem and Transformational LeadershipMatzler, Kurt .et al
AbsGoogGS10429721.22778An Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Academic Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Academic Stress for Direct and Re-Entry Students in Higher EducationMichie, Frances .et al
AbsGoogGS10445520.95388Age, Gender, and Self-Esteem Differences in Adolescent Coping StylesMullis, Ronald L. and Chapman, Paula L.
AbsGoogGS10476480.66154Social Comparison, Individualism-Collectivism, and Self-Esteem in China and the United StatesChung, Tyson and Mallery, Paul
AbsGoogGS10348750.91498Body Dissatisfaction and Psychological Distress in Adolescents: Is Self-Esteem a Mediator?Duchesne, Annie-Pier .et al
AbsGoogGS10124751.373155Self-esteem as a moderator between perceived discrimination and psychological distress among womenCorning, AF
AbsGoogGS991367.213261Performance improvement efforts in response to negative feedback: The roles of source power and recipient self-esteemFedor, D.
AbsGoogGS991886.130324Procedures: Do we really want to know them? An examination of the effects of procedural justice on self-esteemSchroth, HA and Shah, PP
AbsGoogGS982105.709177What Is Implicit Self-Esteem, and Does It Vary Across Cultures?Falk, Carl F. and Heine, Steven
AbsGoogGS987402.736327Sexual Health and Self-Esteem in Adolescents and Young Adults With CancerEvan, Elana E. .et al
AbsGoogGS9817741.670161Self-Esteem, Self-Affirmation, and Schadenfreude.Dijk, Wilco W. van .et al
AbsGoogGS974083.799416Satisfaction With Social Support During Crisis: Intimacy and Self-Esteem as Critical Determinants.Hobfoll, Stevan E. .et al
AbsGoogGS9623801.402182Self-Esteem and the Relation Between Risk Behavior and Perceptions of Vulnerability to Unplanned Pregnancy in College Women.Smith, Gabie E. .et al
AbsGoogGS9625221.356130Using Trait–state Models to Evaluate the Longitudinal Consistency of Global Self-Esteem From Adolescence to AdulthoodDonnellan, M. Brent .et al
AbsGoogGS9631301.188161The People Paradox: Self-Esteem Striving, Immortality Ideologies, and Human Response to Climate ChangeDickinson, Janis L.
AbsGoogGS944083.799416Self-Esteem and Favoritism Toward Novel in-Groups: The Self as an Evaluative Base.Gramzow, Richard H. and Gaertner, Lowell
AbsGoogGS9432581.16298Metacognition in Schizophrenia: The Relationship of Mastery to Coping, Insight, Self-Esteem, Social Anxiety, and Various Facets of NeurocognitionLysaker, Paul H. .et al
AbsGoogGS934083.799416Self-esteem, construal, and comparisons with the self, friends, and peersSuls, J .et al
AbsGoogGS9322151.468152Body Size Distortion and Self-Esteem in Asymptomatic, Normal Weight Males and FemalesThompson, J. Kevin and Thompson, M B A Colleen
AbsGoogGS9216321.757161On the Factor Structure of the Rosenberg (1965) General Self-Esteem Scale.Alessandri, Guido .et al
AbsGoogGS9216711.731236Getting by With a Little Help From Self and Others: Self-Esteem and Social Support as Resources During Early Adolescence.DuBois, David L. .et al
AbsGoogGS9146180.94460Self-Esteem in Children and Adolescents With Hearing LossWarner-Czyz, Andrea D. .et al
AbsGoogGS9149440.90593Body Image and Self-Esteem in Older AdulthoodBaker, Lucie and Gringart, Eyal
AbsGoogGS9156860.82746Prediction of Negative Attitudes Toward Australian Asylum Seekers: False Beliefs, Nationalism, and Self-EsteemPedersen, Anne .et al
AbsGoogGS9051080.885404Body Image and Self-Esteem in Lower-Limb AmputeesHolzer, Lukas A. .et al
AbsGoogGS9073280.68478Relations among perceived self-efficacy, self-esteem, and school achievementD'Amico, A and Cardaci, M
AbsGoogGS9091320.567133Hormonal Therapy Is Associated With Better Self-Esteem, Mood, and Quality of Life in TranssexualsGorin-Lazard, Audrey .et al
AbsGoogGS894723.508152Organizational Commitment, Organization-Based Self-Esteem, Emotional Exhaustion and Turnover: A Conservation of Resources PerspectiveLapointe, Émilie .et al
AbsGoogGS8911102.192160Sweets, Sex, or Self-Esteem? Comparing the Value of Self-Esteem Boosts With Other Pleasant RewardsBushman, Brad J. .et al
AbsGoogGS8973280.68478Parental behavior and self-esteem in childrenGrowe, GA
AbsGoogGS8813371.98474Stigmatization and Self-Esteem of Persons in Recovery From Mental Illness: The Role of Peer SupportVerhaeghe, Mieke .et al
AbsGoogGS8814791.869116The association of Internet addiction symptoms with anxiety, depression and self-esteem among adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderYen, C.F.
AbsGoogGS8823301.424145Physical Activity Disparities in Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Youth Ages 12–22 Years Old: Roles of Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Athletic Self-EsteemCalzo, Jerel P. .et al
AbsGoogGS8841081.01628Nation Branding, National Self-Esteem, and the Constitution of Subjectivity in Late ModernityBrowning, C. H.
AbsGoogGS8848750.91498Intergeneration Social Support Affects the Subjective Well-Being of the Elderly: Mediator Roles of Self-Esteem and LonelinessQian, Tian
AbsGoogGS88116130.43843Importance of clothing and self-esteem among adolescentsDaters, CM
AbsGoogGS874083.799416Transitions in Romantic Relationships and Development of Self-Esteem.Luciano, Eva C. and Orth, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS877802.649108Does Peer Victimization Predict Low Self-Esteem, or Does Low Self-Esteem Predict Peer Victimization? Meta-Analyses on Longitudinal StudiesGeel, Mitch van .et al
AbsGoogGS8712832.031213Temporal Variability in Global Self-Esteem and Specific Self-Evaluation as Prospective Predictors of Emotional Distress: Specificity in Predictors and Outcome.Roberts, John Η. and Gotlib, Ian H.
AbsGoogGS861367.213261The Motivational Effects of Diminished Self-Esteem for Employees Who Experience Abusive SupervisionVogel, Ryan M. and Mitchell, Marie S.
AbsGoogGS8673280.68478Children of divorce and its effect on their self-esteemBynum, MK and Durm, MW
AbsGoogGS8566750.73660Self-Esteem of Academic and Vocational Students: Does Within-School Tracking Sharpen the Difference?Houtte, Mieke Van .et al
AbsGoogGS848182.597249The Genetic Epidemiology of Self-EsteemRoy, Marc‐André .et al
AbsGoogGS8428531.26169Why Hospice Nurses Need High Self-EsteemOlthuis, Gert .et al
AbsGoogGS8428531.26169Professional Values, Self-Esteem, and Ethical Confidence of Baccalaureate Nursing StudentsIacobucci, Trisha A .et al
AbsGoogGS8437751.06758Self-Esteem Across Adulthood: The Role of ResourcesWagner, Jenny .et al
AbsGoogGS8450690.891157Sync or Sink? Interpersonal Synchrony Impacts Self-EsteemLumsden, Joanne .et al
AbsGoogGS8452260.87350Use of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale With Adult Cancer PatientsCurbow, Barbara and Somerfield, Mark R.
AbsGoogGS8310852.238218Self-Consistency for Low Self-Esteem in Dissonance Processes: The Role of Self-StandardsStone, Jeff
AbsGoogGS8358690.80986Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem as Concurrent Predictors of Suicidal Ideation, Depressive Symptoms, and LonelinessCreemers, Daan H. M. .et al
AbsGoogGS824083.799416Adolescents' Reference-Group Choices, Self-Esteem, and Adjustment.Rotheram‐Borus, Mary Jane
AbsGoogGS814083.799416Self-Esteem and Counterfactual Thinking.Roese, Neal J. and Olson, James M.
AbsGoogGS8143930.97485Relations of Parent- And Coach-Initiated Motivational Climates to Young Athletes’ Self-Esteem, Performance Anxiety, and Autonomous Motivation: Who Is More Influential?O'Rourke, Daniel J. .et al
AbsGoogGS8014221.91029Parenting Styles and Aggressive Adolescents: Relationships With Self-Esteem and Personal MaladjustmentPerez-Gramaje, A. Fernando .et al
AbsGoogGS791886.130324The Moderating Roles of Self-Esteem and Neuroticism in the Relationship Between Group and Individual Undermining Behavior.Duffy, Michelle K. .et al
AbsGoogGS7919131.60692The Longitudinal Interplay of Adolescents' Self-Esteem and Body Image: A Conditional Autoregressive Latent Trajectory AnalysisMorin, Alexandre J. S. .et al
AbsGoogGS7923801.402182Ovarian Cancer Patients' Psychological Distress: The Role of Physical Impairment, Perceived Unsupportive Family and Friend Behaviors, Perceived Control, and Self-Esteem.Norton, Tina R. .et al
AbsGoogGS7899810.52042The genesis and nature of self-esteemChrzanowski, G
AbsGoogGS7728191.271111Global Self-Esteem as a Correlate of Work-Related Attitudes: A Question of DimensionalityShahani, C.
AbsGoogGS7645210.95772Optimism and Self-Esteem Are Related to Sleep. Results From a Large Community-Based SampleLemola, Sakari .et al
AbsGoogGS76110140.46578Self-Reported Experience of Bullying of Students Who Stutter: Relations With Life Satisfaction, Life Orientation, and Self-EsteemBlood, Gordon W. .et al
AbsGoogGS752255.529168Revisiting Our Reappraisal of the (Surprisingly Few) Benefits of High Self-EsteemBaumeister, Roy F. and Vohs, Kathleen D.
AbsGoogGS7552810.86777The Effects of Mortality Salience on Self-Serving Attributions-Evidence for the Function of Self-Esteem as a Terror Management MechanismMikulincer, Mario and Florián, Víctor
AbsGoogGS746610.802268When Do Consumers Eat More? The Role of Appearance Self-Esteem and Food Packaging CuesArgo, Jennifer and White, Katherine
AbsGoogGS744083.799416Self-Esteem, Narcissism, and Stressful Life Events: Testing for Selection and Socialization.Orth, Ulrich and Luciano, Eva C.
AbsGoogGS7412842.030136The Effects of Ethnic/Racial Discrimination and Sleep Quality on Depressive Symptoms and Self-Esteem Trajectories Among Diverse AdolescentsYip, Tiffany
AbsGoogGS7465650.74521Me, My Selfie, and I: The Relations Between Selfie Behaviors, Body Image, Self-Objectification, and Self-Esteem in Young Women.Veldhuis, Jolanda .et al
AbsGoogGS7339401.043227Childhood obesity and self-esteemKaplan, K.
AbsGoogGS7349400.90655Different slopes for different folks: Self-esteem instability and gender as moderators of the relationship between self-esteem and attitudinal aggressionWebster, Gregory D. .et al
AbsGoogGS7357130.82494No Place to Call Home: Cultural Homelessness, Self-Esteem and Cross-Cultural IdentitiesHoersting, Raquel C. and Jenkins, Sharon Rae
AbsGoogGS7389460.57760Effects of exercise programs on depressive symptoms, quality of life, and self-esteem in older people: A systematic review of randomized controlled trialsPark, S.H.
AbsGoogGS724083.799416Self-Esteem, Self-Consciousness, and Task Performance: Replications, Extensions, and Possible Explanations.Brockner, Joel
AbsGoogGS7210852.238218The Long-Term Stability of Self-EsteemKuster, Farah and Orth, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS7215321.829112Explaining the “How” of Self-Esteem Development: The Self-Organizing Self-Esteem ModelRuiter, Naomi de .et al
AbsGoogGS7217891.66285Be Aware! If You Start Using Facebook Problematically You Will Feel Lonely: Phubbing, Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Facebook Intrusion. A Cross-Sectional StudyBłachnio, Agata and Przepiorka, Aneta
AbsGoogGS7219901.570100The Narcissistic Grandiosity Scale: A Measure to Distinguish Narcissistic Grandiosity From High Self-EsteemRosenthal, Seth A. .et al
AbsGoogGS7265980.742105Provoking Jealousy and Envy: Domain Relevance and Self-Esteem ThreatSalovey, Peter and Rodin, Judith
AbsGoogGS7288090.58670Youth Empowerment Programs for Improving Adolescents’ Self-Efficacy and Self-EsteemMorton, Matthew and Montgomery, Paul
AbsGoogGS714083.799416Mood, Self-Esteem, and Simulated Alternatives: Thought-Provoking Affective Influences on Counterfactual Direction.Sanna, Lawrence J. .et al
AbsGoogGS7112832.031213Manipulation of Self-Esteem as a Determinant of Mood of Elated and Depressed Women.Coleman, Ronald E.
AbsGoogGS7178930.64561Utilized Social Support and Self-Esteem Mediate the Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Suicide IdeationKleiman, Evan M. and Riskind, John H.
AbsGoogGS701886.130324If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again: Effects of Persistence-Performance Contingencies, Ego Involvement, and Self-Esteem on Task Persistence.Sandelands, Lloyd .et al
AbsGoogGS707192.779118Racial and Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Children’s Television Use and Self-EsteemMartins, Nicole and Harrison, Kristen
AbsGoogGS709142.465232A Population-Based Twin Study of Self-Esteem and GenderKendler, Kenneth S. .et al
AbsGoogGS7013861.949105Construct Validity of Area Specific Self-Esteem : the Hare Self-Esteem ScaleShoemaker, Allen L.
AbsGoogGS7014851.866117Girls’ Low Self-EsteemMahaffy, Kimberly A.
AbsGoogGS7058690.80986Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem in Currently Depressed Individuals With and Without Suicidal IdeationFranck, Erik .et al
AbsGoogGS694083.799416Seeking self-evaluative feedback: The interactive role of global self-esteem and specific self-viewsBernichon, T .et al
AbsGoogGS6917661.674180Impact of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia diagnosis and treatment on self-esteem and body imageMcDonald, T.W.
AbsGoogGS6825221.356130Age Differences in Instability, Contingency, and Level of Self-Esteem Across the Life SpanMeier, Laurenz L. .et al
AbsGoogGS6873280.68478Psychometric characteristics in normal and social phobic samples for a Spanish version of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleBaños, RM and Guillén, V
AbsGoogGS68110140.46578Children's Global Self-Esteem Predicted by Body-Esteem but Not by WeightMendelson, Beverley K. .et al
AbsGoogGS671956.024210Using Differentiated Brands to Deflect Exclusion and Protect Inclusion: The Moderating Role of Self-Esteem on Attachment to Differentiated BrandsDommer, Sara Loughran .et al
AbsGoogGS674083.799416Self-Esteem and Attraction.Jacobs, Larry .et al
AbsGoogGS6710852.238218Explaining the Paradoxical Rejection-Aggression Link: The Mediating Effects of Hostile Intent Attributions, Anger, and Decreases in State Self-Esteem on Peer Rejection-Induced Aggression in YouthReijntjes, Albert .et al
AbsGoogGS67113470.44954Quality of Life, Self-Esteem and Psychosocial Factors in Adolescents With Acne VulgarisVilar, Gustavo Nunes .et al
AbsGoogGS6620441.543142The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on social network sites use, body image disturbances and self-esteem among adolescent and young women.Vall-Roqué, Helena .et al
AbsGoogGS6625561.348168Protective Functions of Health and Self-Esteem Against Depression in Older Adults Facing Illness or Bereavement.Murrell, Stanley A. .et al
AbsGoogGS6650690.891157Depressive Symptoms, Self-Esteem and Perceived Parent–Child Relationship in Early AdolescenceBabore, Alessandra .et al
AbsGoogGS6656440.83265Government and self-esteemLane, RE
AbsGoogGS6695280.54448Hope, self-esteem and social support in persons with multiple sclerosis.Foote, A.
AbsGoogGS6695360.54327Resilience Among Urban American Indian Adolescents: Exploration Into the Role of Culture, Self-Esteem, Subjective Well-Being, and Social SupportStumblingbear-Riddle,
AbsGoogGS6522151.468152Binge Eating and Self-Esteem Predict Body Image Dissatisfaction Among Obese Men and Women Seeking Bariatric SurgeryGrilo, Carlos M. .et al
AbsGoogGS6528151.27293The impact of orthodontic treatment on quality of life and self-esteem in adult patientsJohal, A.
AbsGoogGS6528321.268103Ethnic Discrimination and Global Self-Worth in Early Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Ethnic Self-EsteemVerkuyten, Maykel and Thijs, Jochem
AbsGoogGS6552810.86777Relation Between Adult Attachment Styles and Global Self-EsteemBylsma, Wayne H. .et al
AbsGoogGS644083.799416Jealousy: Loss of Relationship Rewards, Loss of Self-Esteem, Depression, Anxiety, and Anger.Mathes, Eugene W. .et al
AbsGoogGS6416711.731236Development of Self-Esteem and Relationship Satisfaction in Couples: Two Longitudinal Studies.Erol, Ruth Yasemin and Orth, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS6448750.91498Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Body Weight in Adolescent FemalesO'Dea, Jennifer A.
AbsGoogGS631886.130324Self-Esteem as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Self-Perceived Abilities and Vocational Choice.Korman, Abraham K.
AbsGoogGS636912.850134The Meaning of Beauty: Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem and Attractiveness Beliefs in Body Dysmorphic DisorderBuhlmann, Ulrike .et al
AbsGoogGS639142.465232Insecure Attachment Is Associated With Paranoia but Not Hallucinations in Psychotic Patients: The Mediating Role of Negative Self-EsteemWickham, Sophie .et al
AbsGoogGS6344480.96870Men’s Self-Compassion and Self-Esteem: The Moderating Roles of Shame and Masculine Norm Adherence.Reilly, Erin D. .et al
AbsGoogGS6346380.941142Self-Esteem Revisited: Performance on the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure as a Measure of Self- Versus Ideal Self-Related Cognitions in DysphoriaRemue, Jonathan .et al
AbsGoogGS624083.799416Life Stress and Dysphoria: The Role of Self-Esteem and Hopelessness.Whisman, Mark A. and Kwon, Paul
AbsGoogGS6211612.132143Factorial invariance and self-esteem: Reassessing race and sex differencesHoelter, J.W.
AbsGoogGS6212842.030136Developmental Growth Trajectories of Self-Esteem in Adolescence: Associations With Child Neglect and Drug Use and Abuse in Young AdulthoodOshri, Assaf .et al
AbsGoogGS6213371.98474Protecting Self-Esteem From Stigma: A Test of Different Strategies for Coping With the Stigma of Mental IllnessIlic, Marie .et al
AbsGoogGS6219311.596161Gender Moderates the Relation Between Implicit and Explicit Self-EsteemPelham, Brett W. .et al
AbsGoogGS6219311.596161The Effects of Personal and Collective Mortality Salience on Individualism: Comparing Australians and Japanese With Higher and Lower Self-EsteemKashima, Emiko S. .et al
AbsGoogGS6226671.314136Sexual Self-Esteem in American and British College Women: Relations With Self-Objectification and Eating ProblemsCalogero, Rachel M. and Thompson, J. Kevin
AbsGoogGS6291320.567133Understanding the Relationships Between Self-Esteem, Experiential Avoidance, and ParanoiaUdachina, Alisa .et al
AbsGoogGS62118400.42839Psychosocial maladjustment in adolescence: Parental socialization, self-esteem, and substance useRiquelme, M .et al
AbsGoogGS6116711.731236Q-Sort Definitions of Social Competence and Self-Esteem: Discriminant Validity of Related Constructs in Theory and Data.Waters, Everett .et al
AbsGoogGS6130791.19988Predicting Self-Esteem and Intentions to Seek CounselingLannin, Daniel G. .et al
AbsGoogGS6135561.107105Cultural, Self-Esteem, and Demographic Correlates of Perception of Personal and Group Discrimination Among East Asian Immigrants.Barry, Declan T. and Grilo, Carlos M.
AbsGoogGS6151080.885404Anxiety, Affect, Self-Esteem, and Stress: Mediation and Moderation Effects on DepressionNima, Ali Al .et al
AbsGoogGS6023801.402182Relationships of Self-Esteem and Efficacy to Psychological Distress in Mothers of Children With Chronic Physical Illnesses.Silver, Ellen J. .et al
AbsGoogGS6048750.91498Relationships Among Mental Health, Self-Esteem and Physical Health in Chinese AdolescentsChan, Siu Ling .et al
AbsGoogGS6058690.80986Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Low Self-Esteem: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial in a Primary Care SettingWaite, Polly .et al
AbsGoogGS594083.799416Self-Esteem and Susceptibility to Social Influence.Nisbett, Richard E. and Gordon, Andrew
AbsGoogGS594083.799416Self-Esteem and Reactions to Being Observed by Others.Shrauger, J. Sidney
AbsGoogGS598072.606126Self-esteem advertisingDurgee, JF
AbsGoogGS5911132.188259Androgyny and Self-Esteem in the Upper-Middle Class: A Replication of Spence.O’Connor, Kevin C. .et al
AbsGoogGS5919311.596161“How Much Do You Like Your Name?” an Implicit Measure of Global Self-EsteemGebauer, Jochen E. .et al
AbsGoogGS5927441.29390A Longitudinal Study of Self-Esteem, Cultural Identity, and Academic Success Among American Indian Adolescents.Whitesell, Nancy Rumbaugh .et al
AbsGoogGS5927441.29390The Role of Collective Self-Esteem for Asian Americans Experiencing Racism-Related Stress: A Test of Moderator and Mediator Hypotheses.Liang, Christopher T. H. and Fassinger, Ruth E.
AbsGoogGS5934201.131170Mood and Self-Esteem of Persons With Multiple Sclerosis Following an ExacerbationMcCabe, Marita P.
AbsGoogGS5937641.069135Effects of parental marital status, income, and family functioning on African American adolescent self-esteemMandara, J and Murray, CB
AbsGoogGS5826671.314136Self-Objectification, Self-Esteem, and Gender: Testing a Moderated Mediation ModelChoma, Becky L. .et al
AbsGoogGS5853230.86484The Role of Sexual Mindfulness in Sexual Wellbeing, Relational Wellbeing, and Self-EsteemLeavitt, Chelom E. .et al
AbsGoogGS5857230.82343Effects of Family Context on Adolescents’ Psychological Problems: Moderated by Pubertal Timing, and Mediated by Self-Esteem and Interpersonal RelationshipsLin, Chung‐Ying and Tsai, Meng‐Che
AbsGoogGS5872240.69186Dysphoria and Hopelessness Following Battering: The Role of Perceived Control, Coping, and Self-EsteemClements, Caroline .et al
AbsGoogGS5891450.56649What helps–and what doesn't–when self-esteem is threatened?: Retrospective reports of esteem supportHolmstrom, AJ
AbsGoogGS5722151.468152Disordered Eating Patterns, Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Physical Activity in Preadolescent School ChildrenSands, Rob .et al
AbsGoogGS5735561.107105Subjective Experience in Schizophrenia: Factors Influencing Self-Esteem, Satisfaction With Life, and Subjective Distress.Bradshaw, William and Brekke, John S.
AbsGoogGS5743870.97573Disability Pride Protects Self-Esteem Through the Rejection-Identification Model.Bogart, Kathleen R. .et al
AbsGoogGS5748360.91887Perceived Parenting, Self-Esteem, and General Self-Efficacy of Iranian American AdolescentsFrank, Gila .et al
AbsGoogGS564083.799416Enhancing Self-Esteem by Directed-Thinking Tasks: Cognitive and Affective Positivity Asymmetries.McGuire, William J. and McGuire, Claire V.
AbsGoogGS5610852.238218Self-Esteem and Affect as InformationHarber, Kent D.
AbsGoogGS5611542.139159A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of CBT Interventions Based on the Fennell Model of Low Self-EsteemKolubinski, Daniel C. .et al
AbsGoogGS5612842.030136Perceived Quality of the Mother–Adolescent and Father–Adolescent Attachment Relationship and Adolescents’ Self-EsteemKeizer, Renske .et al
AbsGoogGS5615531.811148Specific Vulnerability to Depressive Mood Reactions in Schoolchildren: The Moderating Role of Self-EsteemAbela, John R. Z. and Taylor, Geneviève
AbsGoogGS5622151.468152Weight concern across the life-span: Relationship to self-esteem and feminist identityTiggemann, M and Stevens, C
AbsGoogGS5628191.271111The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: A Bifactor Answer to a Two-Factor Question?McKay, Michael T. .et al
AbsGoogGS5635561.107105Impact of Perceived Racial Discrimination and Collective Self-Esteem on Psychological Distress Among Vietnamese-American College Students: Sense of Coherence as Mediator.Lam, Brian Trung
AbsGoogGS554083.799416Self-Esteem and Relationship Satisfaction During the Transition to Motherhood.Scheppingen, Manon A. van .et al
AbsGoogGS559632.40482Stability and Change in Self-Esteem During the Transition to ParenthoodBleidorn, Wiebke .et al
AbsGoogGS5511132.188259Locus of Control, Self-Esteem, Stimulus Appraisal, and Depressive Symptoms in Children.Moyal, Barbara R.
AbsGoogGS5519311.596161Changing Explicit and Implicit Attitudes: The Case of Self-EsteemGrumm, Mandy .et al
AbsGoogGS5522351.463193Is Self-Esteem the Primary Predictor of Disordered Eating?Shea, Maureen E. and Pritchard, Mary E.
AbsGoogGS5542230.999103Peer Victimization, Self-Esteem, and Ego Resilience Types in Adolescents: A Prospective Analysis of Person-Context InteractionsOverbeek, Geertjan .et al
AbsGoogGS5557840.817102Measures of the Narcissistic Personality: Complexity of Relationships With Self-Esteem and EmpathyWatson, P. J. .et al
AbsGoogGS541886.130324Task Success, Task Popularity, and Self-Esteem as Influences on Task Liking.Korman, Abraham K.
AbsGoogGS5411182.175181Effects of Self-Esteem and Academic Performance on Adolescent Decision-Making: An Examination of Early Sexual Intercourse and Illegal Substance UseWheeler, Stephanie B.
AbsGoogGS5413371.98474Self-Esteem and Fear of Negative Evaluation as Mediators Between Family Socioeconomic Status and Social Anxiety in Chinese Emerging AdultsCheng, Gang .et al
AbsGoogGS5425221.356130Self-Esteem and Multiculturalism: An Examination Among Ethnic Minority and Majority Groups in the NetherlandsVerkuyten, Maykel
AbsGoogGS5450920.88739Children With Different Levels of Hope: Are There Differences in Their Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction, Social Support, and Family Cohesion?Merkaš, Marina and Brajša-Žganec, Andreja
AbsGoogGS5323431.417106The Ability/Performance Dimension of Self-Esteem: Implications for Women's Achievement BehaviorStake, Jayne E.
AbsGoogGS5323431.417106General and Culturally Specific Factors Influencing Black and White Rape Survivors' Self-EsteemNeville, Helen A. .et al
AbsGoogGS5341341.014133Chinese Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale: A Validation and Prediction of Self-Esteem and Psychological DistressCheng, Suk‐Hang .et al
AbsGoogGS5351040.88642Fear, Dependence and Loss of Self-Esteem: Affective Barriers in Second Language Learning Among AdultsCohen, Yaier and Norst, Marlene J.
AbsGoogGS5212832.031213What Constitutes Vulnerable Self-Esteem? Comparing the Prospective Effects of Low, Unstable, and Contingent Self-Esteem on Depressive Symptoms.Sowislo, Julia F. .et al
AbsGoogGS5215691.799108Rates of Peer Victimization in Young Adolescents With ADHD and Associations With Internalizing Symptoms and Self-EsteemBecker, Stephen P. .et al
AbsGoogGS5222151.468152Chinese mean and women in the United States and Hong Kong: Body and self-esteem ratings as a prelude to dieting and exerciseDavis, C and Katzman, MA
AbsGoogGS5273280.68478Sex, Body-Esteem and Self-EsteemConnors, John and Casey, Paul J.
AbsGoogGS5274340.67636Asian Indians' Responses to Discrimination: A Mixed-Method Examination of Identity, Coping, and Self-Esteem.Tummala‐Narra, Pratyusha .et al
AbsGoogGS519142.465232Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting Self-Esteem From Age 14 to 17: A Longitudinal Study of Finnish TwinsRaevuori, Anu .et al
AbsGoogGS5112832.031213Attributional Style and Self-Esteem; The Prediction of Emotional Distress Following a Midterm Exam.Ralph, John A. and Mineka, Susan
AbsGoogGS5112832.031213Self-Esteem and Vulnerability to Depression: The Concurrent Validity of Interview and Questionnaire Measures.Andrews, Bernice and Brown, George W.
AbsGoogGS5113251.993106The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Psychiatric Disorders in AdolescentsGuillon, Marie-Sa .et al
AbsGoogGS5122151.468152Shape- And Weight-Based Self-Esteem and the Eating DisordersGeller, Josie .et al
AbsGoogGS5125561.348168Age and Race Differences in the Trajectories of Self-Esteem.Shaw, Benjamin A. .et al
AbsGoogGS5135561.107105Self-Esteem and Racial Preference in Black Children.Ward, Susan Harris and Braun, John R.
AbsGoogGS5139851.036105Are adolescents with high self-esteem protected from psychosomatic symptomatology?Piko, BF .et al
AbsGoogGS5012832.031213Attributions for Real and Hypothetical Events: Their Relation to Self-Esteem and Depression.Zautra, Alex .et al
AbsGoogGS5026671.314136Explaining Gender Differences in Depression: An Interpersonal Contingent Self-Esteem PerspectiveCambron, M. Janelle .et al
AbsGoogGS5057230.82343The Efficient Assessment of Self-Esteem: Proposing the Brief Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleMonteiro, Renan Pereira .et al
AbsGoogGS5070640.70484Implicit Dependency Regulation: Self-Esteem, Relationship Closeness, and Implicit Evaluations of Close OthersDeHart, Tracy .et al
AbsGoogGS5081700.62636The Influence of Grit on Life Satisfaction: Self-Esteem as a MediatorLi, Jie .et al
AbsGoogGS50110160.46556A First Test of the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure as a Measure of Self-Esteem: Irish Prisoner Groups and University StudentsVahey, Nigel .et al
AbsGoogGS494083.799416The Nature and Correlates of Self-Esteem Trajectories in Late Life.Wagner, Jenny .et al
AbsGoogGS4914791.869116Stereotype endorsement, metacognitive capacity, and self-esteem as predictors of stigma resistance in persons with schizophreniaNabors, LM .et al
AbsGoogGS4923801.402182The Unconscious Cost of Good Fortune: Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem, Positive Life Events, and Health.Shimizu, Mitsuru and Pelham, Brett W.
AbsGoogGS4925221.356130Actor and Partner Effects of Self-Esteem on Relationship Satisfaction and the Mediating Role of Secure Attachment Between the PartnersErol, Ruth Yasemin and Orth, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS4938761.05270The Relationship of Compliance With Coping Strategies and Self-EsteemGudjonsson, Gisli H. and Sigurdsson, Jon Fridrik
AbsGoogGS4948750.91498The Effect of Body Dissatisfaction on Disordered Eating: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and Negative Affect in Male and Female AdolescentsCruz-Sáez, Soledad .et al
AbsGoogGS4949400.90655The Puzzle of High Self-esteem Among Ethnic Minorities: Comparing Explicit and Implicit Self-esteemVerkuyten, Maykel
AbsGoogGS4973280.68478Relationship among self-esteem, psychological reactance, and other personality variablesJoubert, C.E.
AbsGoogGS4991320.567133A Prospective Study on the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Functioning During the First Year After Being Hospitalized for PsychosisRoe, David
AbsGoogGS49109030.47030Decisional Procrastination Correlates: Personality Traits, Self-Esteem or Perception of Cognitive Failure?Fabio, Annamaria Di
AbsGoogGS482974.738110Comparison of Changes in Physical Self-Concept, Global Self-Esteem, Depression and Anxiety Following Two Different Psychomotor Therapy Programs in Nonpsychotic Psychiatric InpatientsKnapen, Jan .et al
AbsGoogGS4819311.596161Fostering Relationship Resilience: An Intervention for Low Self-Esteem IndividualsMarigold, Denise C. .et al
AbsGoogGS4825221.356130Personal Identity Processes and Self-Esteem: Temporal Sequences in High School and College StudentsLuyckx, Koen .et al
AbsGoogGS4825561.348168Perceptions of Baby Talk, Frequency of Receiving Baby Talk, and Self-Esteem Among Community and Nursing Home Residents.O’Connor, Brian P. and Rigby, Holly
AbsGoogGS4837691.06879The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem, Depression and Anxiety Between Satisfaction With Body Appearance and Problematic Internet UseKoronczai, Beatrix .et al
AbsGoogGS4858690.80986Implicit Self-Esteem in Recurrently Depressed PatientsRisch, Anne Katrin .et al
AbsGoogGS4876480.66154Evaluative Concerns and Personal Standards Perfectionism: Self-Esteem as a Mediator and Moderator of Relations With Personal and Academic Needs and Estimated GPABlankstein, Kirk R. .et al
AbsGoogGS4893500.55368Self-esteem in the adaptation of Spanish-speaking adolescents: The role of immigration, family conflict, and depressionPortes, PR and Zady, MF
AbsGoogGS478182.597249Insight in Psychosis: Influence of Cognitive Ability and Self-EsteemCooke, Michael A. .et al
AbsGoogGS4719241.601112Self-Esteem and EarningsDrago, Francesco
AbsGoogGS4719311.596161Threat, High Self-Esteem, and Reactive Approach-Motivation: Electroencephalographic EvidenceMcGregor, Ian .et al
AbsGoogGS4737311.07568Cognitive Creative Abilities and Self-Esteem Across the Adult Life-SpanJaquish, Gail A. and Ripple, Richard E.
AbsGoogGS4745760.950125Cultural Similarities in Self-Esteem FunctioningBrown, Jonathon D. .et al
AbsGoogGS4752980.86643Memory and Self-EsteemWojciszke, Bogdan and Sobiczewska, Paulina
AbsGoogGS47134480.36048Collective Self-Esteem and Africultural Coping Styles in African American AdolescentsConstantine, Madonna G. .et al
AbsGoogGS4611182.175181Impact of Early Adolescent Anxiety Disorders on Self-Esteem Development From Adolescence to Young AdulthoodMaldonado, Lizmarie .et al
AbsGoogGS4616301.758133Delusions and self-esteemBowins, B and Shugar, G
AbsGoogGS4617231.70192Effect of Integrative Reminiscence Therapy on Depression, Well-Being, Integrity, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in Older AdultsMoral, Juan Carlos Meléndez .et al
AbsGoogGS4619311.596161Fluctuations in State Implicit Self-Esteem in Response to Daily Negative EventsDeHart, Tracy and Pelham, Brett W.
AbsGoogGS4619311.596161A Diary Study of Implicit Self-Esteem, Interpersonal Interactions and Alcohol Consumption in College StudentsDeHart, Tracy .et al
AbsGoogGS4639381.043119Self-Esteem of Young Adults Experiencing Interparental Violence and Child Physical MaltreatmentShen, April Chiung-Tao
AbsGoogGS4645520.95388Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem Among Black and White College StudentsDemo, David H. and Parker, Keith D.
AbsGoogGS4649810.90172Adolescent self-esteem in relation to sexual attitudes and behaviorMiller, B.
AbsGoogGS454083.799416The Regulatory Function of Self-Esteem: Testing the Epistemic and Acceptance Signaling Systems.Stinson, Danu Anthony .et al
AbsGoogGS458182.597249Self-Esteem in Recovered Bipolar and Unipolar Out-PatientsPardoen, Dominique .et al
AbsGoogGS458322.572149Competitive Memory Training (Comet) for Treating Low Self-Esteem in Patients With Depressive Disorders: A Randomized Clinical TrialKorrelboom, Kees .et al
AbsGoogGS4510852.238218Self-Esteem, Compensatory Self-Enhancement, and the Consideration of Health RiskBoney-McCoy, Sue .et al
AbsGoogGS4511542.139159Personal Resources and Depression in Schizophrenia: The Role of Self-Esteem, Resilience and Internalized StigmaRossi, Alessandro .et al
AbsGoogGS4519901.570100Cognitive Abilities Explain Wording Effects in the Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleGnambs, Timo and Schroeders, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS4540591.025101The Antidepressant Effects of Physical Activity: Mediating Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy MechanismsRyan, Michael P.
AbsGoogGS4543240.984126The Impact of School Violence on Self-Esteem and Depression Among Taiwanese Junior High School StudentsChen, Ji‐Kang and Wei, Hsi-Sheng
AbsGoogGS4550690.891157Predicting Adolescent Depression: The Interrelated Roles of Self-Esteem and Interpersonal StressorsFiorilli, Caterina .et al
AbsGoogGS4558690.80986Low Perception of Control as a Cognitive Factor of Eating Disorders. Its Independent Effects on Measures of Eating Disorders and Its Interactive Effects With Perfectionism and Self-EsteemSassaroli, Sandra .et al
AbsGoogGS4569270.71581Overvaluation of Shape and Weight as a Mediator Between Self-Esteem and Weight Bias Internalization Among Patients With Binge Eating DisorderPearl, Raymond .et al
AbsGoogGS4411542.139159The Impact of Stigma on Emotional Distress and Recovery From Psychosis: The Mediatory Role of Internalised Shame and Self-EsteemWood, Lisa .et al
AbsGoogGS4411562.135281Traits and Relationship Status: Stranger Versus Peer Group Inhibition and Test Intelligence Versus Peer Group Competence as Early Predictors of Later Self-EsteemAsendorpf, Jens B. and Aken, Marcel A. G. van
AbsGoogGS4413581.96684Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Well-Being: Empirical Examination of a Spillover EffectPierce, Jon L. .et al
AbsGoogGS4416451.750136Instability in Self-Esteem and Paranoia in a General Population SampleThewissen, Viviane .et al
AbsGoogGS4427441.29390Perfectionism in African American Students: Relationship to Racial Identity, GPA, Self-Esteem, and Depression.Elion, Audrey A. .et al
AbsGoogGS4434201.131170Disease-Related and Psychosocial Factors Associated With Depressive Symptoms in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis, Including Fear of Progression and Appearance Self-EsteemKwakkenbos, Linda .et al
AbsGoogGS4456860.82746Caregiver Reciprocity: The Effect of Reciprocity, Carer Self-Esteem and Motivation on the Experience of Caregiver BurdenReid, C. .et al
AbsGoogGS4460820.790125The Relationships of Role Clarity and Organization-Based Self-Esteem to Commitment to Supervisors and Organizations and Turnover IntentionsPanaccio, Alexandra and Vandenberghe, Christian
AbsGoogGS4476480.66154Active Social Network Sites Use and Loneliness: The Mediating Role of Social Support and Self-EsteemLin, Shanyan .et al
AbsGoogGS434083.799416Self-Esteem and Memory.Tafarodi, Romin W. .et al
AbsGoogGS4316711.731236Subjective and Objective Peer Approval Evaluations and Self-Esteem Development: A Test of Reciprocal, Prospective, and Long-Term Effects.Gruenenfelder-Steiger, Andrea E. .et al
AbsGoogGS4316711.731236Testing the Vulnerability and Scar Models of Self-Esteem and Depressive Symptoms From Adolescence to Middle Adulthood and Across Generations.Steiger, Andrea E. .et al
AbsGoogGS4319311.596161Masked Affective Priming by Name Letters: Evidence for a Correspondence of Explicit and Implicit Self-EsteemWentura, Dirk .et al
AbsGoogGS4322351.463193A meta-analytic review of the relation between self-esteem level and self-esteem instabilityOkada, Ryo
AbsGoogGS4337641.069135Predictors of self-esteem for Mexican American and European American youths: A reexamination of the influence of parentingRuiz, SY .et al
AbsGoogGS4338761.05270Question Wording Effects in the Assessment of Global Self-EsteemDunbar, Martin .et al
AbsGoogGS4341341.014133Relationship Among Self-Esteem, Internal-External Locus of Control, and Weight Change After Participation in a Weight Reduction ProgramNir, Z. and Neumann, Lily
AbsGoogGS4343240.984126The Mediator Roles of Life Satisfaction and Self-Esteem Between the Affective Components of Psychological Well-Being and the Cognitive Symptoms of Problematic Internet UseŞenol-Durak, Emre and Durak, Mithat
AbsGoogGS4345520.95388Role of Commitment to the Supervisor, Leader-Member Exchange, and Supervisor-Based Self-Esteem in Employee-Supervisor ConflictsLandry, Guylaine and Vandenberghe, Christian
AbsGoogGS4352810.86777Unemployment, Self-Esteem, and Depression: A Social Comparison Theory ApproachSheeran, Paschal .et al
AbsGoogGS421247.635345The Function of Self-Esteem in Terror Management Theory and Sociometer Theory: Comment on Pyszczynski Et Al. (2004).Leary, Mark R.
AbsGoogGS4210852.238218Your Money or Your Self-Esteem: Threatened Egotism Promotes Costly Entrapment in Losing EndeavorsZhang, Liqing and Baumeister, Roy F.
AbsGoogGS4210852.238218Self-Expression on Social Media: Do Tweets Present Accurate and Positive Portraits of Impulsivity, Self-Esteem, and Attachment Style?Orehek, E and Human, LJ
AbsGoogGS4213251.993106Increasing Self-Esteem: Efficacy of a Group Intervention for Individuals With Severe Mental DisordersBorras, Laurence .et al
AbsGoogGS4219311.596161Social Ecology Moderates the Association Between Self-Esteem and HappinessYuki, Masaki .et al
AbsGoogGS4220391.54589Unifying the Detrimental and Beneficial Effects of Social Network Site Use on Self-Esteem: A Systematic Literature ReviewKrause, Hannes .et al
AbsGoogGS4222351.463193Locus-of-hope and life satisfaction: The mediating roles of personal self-esteem and relational self-esteemDu, Hongfei .et al
AbsGoogGS4226671.314136Racial Identity and Gender as Moderators of the Relationship Between Body Image and Self-Esteem for African AmericansOney, Christina .et al
AbsGoogGS4227471.293130Parent–child Communication and Adolescent Self-Esteem in Separated, Intercountry Adoptive and Intact Non-Adoptive FamiliesLanz, Margherita .et al
AbsGoogGS4236131.09776Self-esteem and suicidal behaviour in youth: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studiesSoto-Sanz, V .et al
AbsGoogGS4255630.84078Self-Esteem and Future Orientation Predict Adolescents’ Risk EngagementJackman, Danielle M. and MacPhee, David
AbsGoogGS4282610.62051Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, Personality Traits and Psychopathological Symptoms in Adolescents With and Without Visual ImpairmentGaraigordobil, Maite and Iturrioz, Elena Bernarás
AbsGoogGS411886.130324Organizational Correlates of Employee Self-Esteem.Tharenou, Phyllis and Harker, Phillip
AbsGoogGS415043.363256Is High Self-Esteem Beneficial? Revisiting a Classic Question.Orth, Ulrich and Robins, Richard W.
AbsGoogGS4111182.175181Self-Esteem in Adolescent FemalesBiro, Frank M. .et al
AbsGoogGS4113251.993106Social Adjustment and Self-Esteem in Remitted Patients With Mood DisordersSerretti, Alessandro .et al
AbsGoogGS4119311.596161When Self-Disclosure Goes Awry: Negative Consequences of Revealing Personal Failures for Lower Self-Esteem IndividualsCameron, Jessica J. .et al
AbsGoogGS4121821.481127Social Identity and Intergroup Evaluative Bias: Realistic Categories and Domain Specific Self-Esteem in a Conflict SettingHunter, John .et al
AbsGoogGS4126231.328142Pathway of Protection: Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem, and Substance Use Among Multiracial YouthZapolski, Tamika C. B. .et al
AbsGoogGS4132631.160104The Long-Term Impact of Childhood Abuse on Internalizing Disorders Among Older Adults: The Moderating Role of Self-EsteemSachs‐Ericsson, Natalie .et al
AbsGoogGS4134201.131170“Don't Crack Under Pressure!”—Do Leisure Time Physical Activity and Self-Esteem Moderate the Relationship Between School-Based Stress and Psychosomatic Complaints?Gerber, Markus and Pühse, Uwe
AbsGoogGS4135781.103104Behavioral and Self-Reported Aggression as a Function of Domain-Specific Self-EsteemWebster, Gregory D. and Kirkpatrick, Lee A.
AbsGoogGS4190770.57069Pretreatment Self-Esteem and Posttreatment Sexual RecidivismThornton, David .et al
AbsGoogGS409032.478140Get Even and Feel Good? Moderating Effects of Justice Sensitivity and Counterproductive Work Behavior on the Relationship Between Illegitimate Tasks and Self-Esteem.Schulte-Braucks, Julia .et al
AbsGoogGS409142.465232Metacognitive Awareness of Cognitive Problems in Schizophrenia: Exploring the Role of Symptoms and Self-EsteemCella, Matteo .et al
AbsGoogGS4012832.031213Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem Discrepancies in Paranoia and Depression.Valiente, Carmen .et al
AbsGoogGS4022351.463193The Effect of Overt and Covert Narcissism on Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy Beyond Self-EsteemBrookes, James T.
AbsGoogGS4025221.356130Psychological defense and self-esteem instability: Is defense style associated with unstable self-esteem?Zeigler-Hill, Virgil .et al
AbsGoogGS4048750.91498Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Women’s Body Image, Self-Esteem and Eating Behaviours in Pregnancy: A Cross-Cultural StudyShloim, Netalie .et al
AbsGoogGS4049400.90655Genetic Influences on Level and Stability of Self-EsteemNeiss, Michelle B. .et al
AbsGoogGS4049400.90655The Mask of Zeal: Low Implicit Self-Esteem, Threat, and Defensive ExtremismMcGregor, Ian and Jordan, Christian H.
AbsGoogGS4050920.88739Portuguese Validation of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (ERQ-CA): Relations With Self-Esteem and Life SatisfactionTeixeira, Ana .et al
AbsGoogGS4058910.80758The Relationship Among Critical Inner Voices, Low Self-Esteem, and Self-Criticism in Eating DisordersNoordenbos, Greta .et al
AbsGoogGS4076480.66154Self-Esteem and Cyberchondria: The Mediation Effects of Health Anxiety and Obsessive–compulsive Symptoms in a Community SampleBajcar, Beata and Babiak, Jolanta
AbsGoogGS394083.799416The Effects of Self-Esteem and Evaluator Demandingness on Effort Expenditure.Sigall, Harold and Gould, Robert O.
AbsGoogGS3919311.596161Differentiating the Effects of Self-Control and Self-Esteem on Reactions to Mortality SalienceGailliot, Matthew T. .et al
AbsGoogGS3923431.417106Doing Gender for Different Reasons: Why Gender Conformity Positively and Negatively Predicts Self-EsteemGood, Jessica J. and Sanchez, Diana T.
AbsGoogGS3935131.115133Mediational Links Among Parenting Styles, Perceptions of Parental Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Depression on Alcohol-Related Problems in Emerging AdulthoodPatock‐Peckham, Julie A. and Morgan‐López, Antonio A.
AbsGoogGS3945520.95388Self-Esteem and the Evaluation of Ethnic Identity Among Turkish and Dutch Adolescents in the NetherlandsVerkuyten, Maykel
AbsGoogGS3945760.950125Acculturative Stress or Resilience? A Longitudinal Multilevel Analysis of Sojourners’ Stress and Self-EsteemGeeraert, Nicolas and Demoulin, Stéphanie
AbsGoogGS3952810.86777Development of collective self-esteem among students: Predicting adjustment to collegeBettencourt, BA .et al
AbsGoogGS3958690.80986Discrepancies Between Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem Among Adolescents With Social Anxiety DisorderSchreiber, Franziska .et al
AbsGoogGS387142.801230Tests of Multiplicative Models in Psychology: A Case Study Using the Unified Theory of Implicit Attitudes, Stereotypes, Self-Esteem, and Self-Concept.Blanton, Hart and Jaccard, James
AbsGoogGS3810852.238218Capitalizing on Multiple Social Identities to Prevent Stereotype Threat: The Moderating Role of Self-EsteemRydell, Robert J. and Boucher, Kathryn L.
AbsGoogGS3811542.139159Clinical Profiles of Stigma Experiences, Self-Esteem and Social Relationships Among People With Schizophrenia, Depressive, and Bipolar DisordersOliveira, Sandra .et al
AbsGoogGS3815531.811148Self-Esteem, Depression, Hopelessness, and Suicidal Intent Among Psychiatrically Disturbed Inpatient ChildrenMarciano, Paul and Kazdin, Alan E.
AbsGoogGS3816711.731236An Exploratory Study of Pubertal Maturation Timing and Self-Esteem Among Gay and Bisexual Male Youths.Savin‐Williams, Ritch C.
AbsGoogGS3820731.52895Humor Types Show Different Patterns of Self-Regulation, Self-Esteem, and Well-BeingLeist, Anja and Müller, Daniela
AbsGoogGS3827471.293130Smoking Behaviour in Youth: The Problem of Low Self-Esteem?Glendinning, Anthony and Inglis, David Jackson
AbsGoogGS3849400.90655Perfectionism and explicit self-esteem: The moderating role of implicit self-esteemZeigler-Hill, Virgil and Terry, Carol
AbsGoogGS3882090.62392The Self-Esteem of Adolescents With Cerebral PalsyMagill, Joyce and Hurlbut, Nancy L.
AbsGoogGS374083.799416A Jamesian Model of Self-Investment and Self-Esteem: Comment on Pelham (1995).Marsh, Herbert W.
AbsGoogGS379142.465232Stability and Change in Low Self-Esteem: The Role of Psychosocial FactorsAndrews, Bernice and Brown, George W.
AbsGoogGS3724751.373155Lesbian and Gay Male Group Identity Attitudes and Self-Esteem: Implications for Counseling.Walters, Karina L. and Simoni, Jane M.
AbsGoogGS3728321.268103Effects of Experimentally Manipulated Peer Rejection on Children's Negative Affect, Self-Esteem, and Maladaptive Social BehaviorNesdale, Drew and Lambert, Anne
AbsGoogGS3773280.68478Shame-focused coping styles and their associations with self-esteemYelsma, P .et al
AbsGoogGS3778460.649112The Longitudinal Effects of a Lifestyle Physical Activity Intervention and a Structured Exercise Intervention on Physical Self-Perceptions and Self-Esteem in Older AdultsOpdenacker, Joke .et al
AbsGoogGS361886.130324Self-Esteem and Outcome Fairness: Differential Importance of Procedural and Outcome Considerations.Vermunt, Riël .et al
AbsGoogGS3612842.030136Self-Esteem and Self-Presentation Among the Young as a Function of Age and GenderElliott, Gregory C.
AbsGoogGS3612842.030136Positive and Negative Self-Esteem Among Ethnic Minority Early Adolescents: Social and Cultural Sources and ThreatsVerkuyten, Maykel
AbsGoogGS3613371.98474The Protective Functions of Relationships, Social Support and Self-Esteem in the Life Satisfaction of Children of Migrant Workers in Shanghai, ChinaWong, Daniel Fu Keung .et al
AbsGoogGS3619221.602116Neuroimaging Self-Esteem: A fMRI Study of Individual Differences in WomenFrewen, Paul A. .et al
AbsGoogGS3621821.481127Associative and competitive indirect self-enhancement in close relationships moderated by trait self-esteemSchutz, A and Tice, DM
AbsGoogGS3622151.468152Dissimilarities in Eating Attitudes, Body Image Distortion, Depression, and Self-Esteem Between High-Intensity Male Runners and Women With Bulimia NervosaNudelman, Sheila .et al
AbsGoogGS3624751.373155Self-Esteem and Irrational Beliefs: An Exploratory Investigation With Implications for Counseling.Daly, Michael J. and Burton, Robert L.
AbsGoogGS3626031.33668The Associations of Quantitative/Qualitative Job Insecurity and Well-Being: The Role of Self-Esteem.Callea, Antonino .et al
AbsGoogGS3628191.271111Test of Structural Relationships Within a Proposed Exercise and Self-Esteem ModelSonstroem, Robert J. .et al
AbsGoogGS3641341.014133Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy; Perceived Parenting and Family Climate; And Depression in University StudentsOliver, J. M. and Paull, Julie C.
AbsGoogGS3648190.92042Does Low Self-Esteem Predict Anxiety Among Chinese College Students?Liu, Xinqiao .et al
AbsGoogGS3650690.891157The Self-Esteem Stability Scale (SESS) for Cross-Sectional Direct Assessment of Self-Esteem StabilityAltmann, Tobias and Roth, Marcus
AbsGoogGS3673280.68478Low self-esteem in eating disordered patients in the absence of depressionSilverstone, P.H.
AbsGoogGS3693500.55368Predicting Adolescent Self-Esteem From Participation in School Sports Among Latino SubgroupsErkut, Sumru and Tracy, Allison J.
AbsGoogGS358502.543120Does self-esteem matter? A framework depicting role of self-esteem between dispositional mindfulness and impulsive buyingDhandra, Tavleen Kaur
AbsGoogGS3510852.238218In Search of Clarity: Self-Esteem and Domains of Confidence and ConfusionStinson, Danu Anthony .et al
AbsGoogGS3513251.993106The Moderating Effects of Coping and Self-Esteem on the Relationship Between Defeat, Entrapment and Suicidality in a Sample of Prisoners at High Risk of SuicideGooding, Patricia .et al
AbsGoogGS3525221.356130Self-esteem is a shared relationship resource: Additive effects of dating partners’ self-esteem levels predict relationship qualityRobinson, Kelley J. and Cameron, Jessica J.
AbsGoogGS3544480.96870Caballerismo May Protect Against the Role of Machismo on Mexican Day Laborers’ Self-Esteem.Ojeda, Lizette and Piña‐Watson, Brandy
AbsGoogGS3548750.91498Do Body-Related Shame and Guilt Mediate the Association Between Weight Status and Self-Esteem?Pila, Eva .et al
AbsGoogGS3576480.66154How to measure self-esteem with one item? validation of the German single-item self-esteem scale (G-SISE)Brailovskaia, Julia and Margraf, Jürgen
AbsGoogGS3591320.567133Predictors of aggression on the psychiatric inpatient service: Self-esteem, narcissism, and theory of mind deficitsGoldberg, BR .et al
AbsGoogGS3593500.55368Dimensionality and Validity of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale for Use With Latino AdolescentsSupple, Andrew J. and Plunkett, Scott W.
AbsGoogGS3411102.192160When Helping Hurts: Effects of Donor-Recipient Similarity and Recipient Self-Esteem on Reactions to Aid1Nadler, Arie .et al
AbsGoogGS3419311.596161The Hidden Sides of Self-Esteem: Two Dimensions of Implicit Self-Esteem and Their Relation to Narcissistic ReactionsSakellaropoulo, Maya and Baldwin, Mark W.
AbsGoogGS3419311.596161The Great Escape: The Role of Self-Esteem and Self-Related Cognition in Terror ManagementWisman, Arnaud .et al
AbsGoogGS3423801.402182Body Image and Self-Esteem in Disorders of Sex Development: A European Multicenter Study.Grift, Tim C. van de .et al
AbsGoogGS3425561.348168Retirement Is Associated With Change in Self-Esteem.Bleidorn, Wiebke and Schwaba, Ted
AbsGoogGS3435721.105202Adjustment in Diabetic Adolescent Girls: II. Adjustment, Self-Esteem, and Depression in Diabetic Adolescent GirlsSullivan, Brian R.
AbsGoogGS3438611.05581The Relationships Among ADHD, Self-Esteem, and Test Anxiety in Young AdultsDan, Orrie and Raz, Sivan
AbsGoogGS3445210.95772Health Risk Behaviors and Self-Esteem Among College Students: Systematic Review of Quantitative StudiesArsandaux, Julie .et al
AbsGoogGS3450690.891157Contingent Self-Esteem and Vulnerability to Depression: Academic Contingent Self-Esteem Predicts Depressive Symptoms in StudentsSchöne, Claudia .et al
AbsGoogGS3450920.88739Linking Trait Mindfulness to Life Satisfaction in Adolescents: the Mediating Role of Resilience and Self-EsteemWang, KF and Kong, F
AbsGoogGS3455630.84078Global Self-Esteem, Appearance Satisfaction, and Self-Reported Dieting in Early AdolescenceBarker, Erin T. and Bornstein, Marc H.
AbsGoogGS3473280.68478Humor Styles, Self-Esteem, and Subjective HappinessYue, Xiaodong .et al
AbsGoogGS3493500.55368Effects of Self-Esteem and Ethnic IdentityKim, Eunha .et al
AbsGoogGS3310852.238218Self-Esteem Instability and PersonalityZeigler‐Hill, Virgil .et al
AbsGoogGS3310852.238218Ingroup Versus Outgroup Comparisons and Self-Esteem: The Role of Group Status and Ingroup IdentificationMartinot, Delphine .et al
AbsGoogGS3310852.238218Gender-Typical Responses to Sexual and Emotional Infidelity as a Function of Mortality Salience Induced Self-Esteem StrivingGoldenberg, Jamie L. .et al
AbsGoogGS3313321.988217Academic stress and depression of Chinese adolescents in junior high schools: Moderated mediation model of school burnout and self-esteem.Jiang, Shan .et al
AbsGoogGS3316711.731236Self-Esteem, Success-Failure, and Locus of Control in Negro Children.Epstein, Robert and Komorita, S. S.
AbsGoogGS3322351.463193Conservatism Is Good for You: Cultural Conservatism Protects Self-Esteem in Older AdultsHiel, Alain Van and Brebels, Lieven
AbsGoogGS3326151.33155Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms Among Black American Men: Moderated-Mediation Effects of Ethnicity and Self-EsteemMereish, Ethan H. .et al
AbsGoogGS3328341.26762Relations Between Facebook Intrusion, Internet Addiction, Life Satisfaction, and Self-Esteem: A Study in Italy and the USABłachnio, Agata .et al
AbsGoogGS3340591.025101Social Physique Anxiety and Physical Self-Esteem: Gender and Age EffectsHagger, Martin S. and Stevenson, Andy
AbsGoogGS3349400.90655Do Depressive Symptoms Erode Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence?Shahar, Golan and Henrich, Christopher C.
AbsGoogGS3355630.84078Self-EsteemMichaels, Marcia L. .et al
AbsGoogGS3358690.80986Implicit Self-Esteem in Bulimia NervosaCockerham, Elaine .et al
AbsGoogGS3373280.68478Emotional Uses of Facebook and Twitter: Its Relation With Empathy, Narcissism, and Self-Esteem in AdolescenceErrasti, José .et al
AbsGoogGS3376480.66154Fear of Missing Out and Self-Esteem as Mediators of the Relationship Between Maximization and Problematic Smartphone UseServidio, Rocco
AbsGoogGS33134950.35876Mother-Child Dyadic Synchrony in European American and African American Families During Early Adolescence: Relations With Self-Esteem and Prosocial BehaviorLindsey, Eric W. .et al
AbsGoogGS324083.799416Paradoxical Self-Esteem and Selectivity in the Processing of Social Information.Tafarodi, Romin W.
AbsGoogGS3212832.031213The Temporal Interplay of Self-Esteem Instability and Affective Instability in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients’ Everyday Lives.Santangelo, Philip .et al
AbsGoogGS3216711.731236Pathways Between Self-Esteem and Depression in Couples.Johnson, Matthew D. .et al
AbsGoogGS3216711.731236Self-Esteem Is Relatively Stable Late in Life: The Role of Resources in the Health, Self-Regulation, and Social Domains.Wagner, Jenny .et al
AbsGoogGS3272050.69252Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Health Status in Middle and Later AdulthoodPaxton, Susan J. and Phythian, Kathy
AbsGoogGS3273280.68478Test-Retest Reliability and Internal Consistency of Short-Form of Coopersmith's Self-Esteem InventoryBedeian, Arthur G. .et al
AbsGoogGS3273280.68478Exploring the Effect of Stress on Mood, Self-Esteem, and Daily Habits With Psychology Graduate StudentsMcKINZIE, CHARLA .et al
AbsGoogGS3278460.649112Participation in Organized Sport and Self-Esteem Across Adolescence: The Mediating Role of Perceived Sport CompetenceWagnsson, Stefan .et al
AbsGoogGS3284220.60969Self Esteem Levels vs Global Scores on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleGarcía, Jorge Acosta .et al
AbsGoogGS3286480.59645An Implicit Theory of Self-Esteem: The Consequences of Perceived Self-Esteem for Romantic DesirabilityZeigler-Hill, Virgil and Myers, Erin M.
AbsGoogGS32117270.43454The Maintenance of Self-Esteem: Lessons From the Culture of Alzheimer’s SufferersSabat, Steven R. .et al
AbsGoogGS32128130.38655Global Self-Esteem Across the Life Span: A Cross-Sectional Comparison Between Representative and Self-Selected Internet SamplesPullmann, Helle .et al
AbsGoogGS3110852.238218Self-Esteem, Similarity, Liking and HelpingKarylowski, Jerzy J.
AbsGoogGS3111542.139159The Intra-Day Dynamics of Affect, Self-Esteem, Tiredness, and Suicidality in Major DepressionCrowe, Eimear .et al
AbsGoogGS3113321.988217Association between bullying victimization and depressive symptoms in children: The mediating role of self-esteem.Zhong, Mengting .et al
AbsGoogGS3114791.869116Experiences of Discrimination and the Feelings of Loneliness in People With Psychotic Disorders: The Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem and Support SeekingŚwitaj, Piotr .et al
AbsGoogGS3121821.481127Opposing Effects of Personal and Collective Self-Esteem on Interpersonal and Intergroup ComparisonsLong, Karen M. and Spears, Russell
AbsGoogGS3126671.314136How Low Will Men With High Self-Esteem Go? Self-Esteem as a Moderator of Gender Differences in Minimum Relationship StandardsZeigler-Hill, Virgil .et al
AbsGoogGS3136661.08777Internalized stigma and quality of life domains among people with mental illness: the mediating role of self-esteemOliveira, SEH .et al
AbsGoogGS3139771.03754The Negative and Positive Self: A Longitudinal Study Examining Self-Esteem, Paranoia and Negative Symptoms in Individuals With First-Episode PsychosisPalmier-Claus, Jasper .et al
AbsGoogGS3145760.950125Self-Esteem and the Cultural Trade-OffTafarodi, Romin W. .et al
AbsGoogGS3153740.85873Competitive Memory Training (COMET) for Low Self-Esteem in Patients With Personality Disorders: A Randomized Effectiveness StudyKorrelboom, Kees .et al
AbsGoogGS3156890.82778Self-Esteem and Depression in Abusive, Neglecting, and Nonmaltreating MothersCulp, Rex E. .et al
AbsGoogGS3158690.80986Discrepancies Between Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem Are Linked to Symptom Severity in Borderline Personality DisorderVater, Aline .et al
AbsGoogGS3165980.742105Contingent Self-Esteem and Anticipated Reactions to Interpersonal Rejection and Achievement FailureZeigler-Hill, Virgil
AbsGoogGS3178460.649112Longitudinal Examination of the Exercise and Self-Esteem Model in Middle-Aged WomenElavsky, Steriani
AbsGoogGS31100310.51753An Examination of the Dynamics Involved in Parental Child-Invested Contingent Self-EsteemWuyts, Dorien .et al
AbsGoogGS3011182.175181Oral Health Behavior and Self-Esteem in Swedish Adolescents Over Four YearsKällestål, Carina .et al
AbsGoogGS3018511.63187Self-Esteem, Misogyny and Afrocentricity: An Examination of the Relationship Between Rap Music Consumption and African American PerceptionsDixon, Travis L. .et al
AbsGoogGS3019311.596161Self-Esteem Regulation After Success and Failure to Attain Unconsciously Activated GoalsBongers, K.C.A. .et al
AbsGoogGS3019311.596161Does Social Support Reduce Distress Caused by Ostracism? It Depends on the Level of One's Self-EsteemTeng, Fei and Chen, Zhansheng
AbsGoogGS3022351.463193Self-Esteem Mediates the Relationship Between Dispositional Gratitude and Well-BeingLin, Chih-Che
AbsGoogGS3022491.45998Self-Esteem Mediates the Relationship Between Connectedness to Nature and Body Appreciation in Women, but Not MenSwami, Viren .et al
AbsGoogGS3024751.373155Vocational Crystallization and Self-Esteem in College Students.Resnick, Harvey .et al
AbsGoogGS3026601.315186Multilevel Risk Factors and Developmental Assets for Internalizing Symptoms and Self-Esteem in Disadvantaged Adolescents: Modeling Longitudinal Trajectories From the Rural Adaptation ProjectSmokowski, Paul R. .et al
AbsGoogGS3055630.84078The Relation among Financial Strain, Parenting, Parent Self-Esteem, and Adolescent Self-EsteemMayhew, Kathryn P. and Lempers, Jacques D.
AbsGoogGS3060820.790125Mountains Out of Molehills? Tests of the Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem in Predicting Workplace Complaining1Heck, Anita Konieczka .et al
AbsGoogGS3076480.66154Collective Self-Esteem, Personal Self-Esteem, and Collective Efficacy in in-Group and Outgroup EvaluationsCremer, David De and Oosterwegel, Annerieke
AbsGoogGS291886.130324Self-Esteem as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Job Performance and Job Satisfaction.Inkson, James
AbsGoogGS294083.799416Variations in Mothers' Self-Esteem in Daily Life.Wells, Anne J.
AbsGoogGS296882.854300How Much Is Enough in a Perfect World? Cultural Variation in Ideal Levels of Happiness, Pleasure, Freedom, Health, Self-Esteem, Longevity, and IntelligenceHornsey, Matthew J. .et al
AbsGoogGS298182.597249Women's Self-Esteem: A Community Study of Women Who Report and Do Not Report Childhood Sexual AbuseRomans, Sarah .et al
AbsGoogGS2913371.98474Does Child Abuse Have an Impact on Self-Esteem, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Conditions of Individuals?Çelik, Çiğdem Berber and Odacı, Hatice
AbsGoogGS2916711.731236Effects of Maternal Employment on Sex Role Perception, Interests, and Self-Esteem in Kindergarten Girls.Miller, Shirley M.
AbsGoogGS2919221.602116When Compliments Do Not Hit but Critiques Do: An fMRI Study Into Self-Esteem and Self-Knowledge in Processing Social FeedbackSchie, Charlotte C. van .et al
AbsGoogGS2919311.596161Self-Esteem, Mood, and Intentions to Use Condoms: When Does Low Self-Esteem Lead to Risky Health Behaviors?MacDonald, Tara K. and Martineau, Alanna M.
AbsGoogGS2922351.463193Self-esteem and envy: Is state self-esteem instability associated with the benign and malicious forms of envy?Vrabel, Jennifer K. .et al
AbsGoogGS2926151.33155Acculturation and Its Effects on Self-Esteem Among Immigrant Latina WomenFlaskerud, Jacquelyn H. and Uman, Gwen
AbsGoogGS2926671.314136Global Self-Esteem in Technical/Vocational Versus General Secondary School Tracks: A Matter of Gender?Houtte, Mieke Van
AbsGoogGS2926671.314136Body Objectification, Self-Esteem, and Relationship Satisfaction: A Comparison of Exotic Dancers and College WomenDowns, Daniel M. .et al
AbsGoogGS2945520.95388Gender, Ethnicity, and the Structure of Self-Esteem: An Attitude Theory ApproachTashakkori, Abbas
AbsGoogGS2953740.85873An Evaluation of a CBT Group for Women With Low Self-EsteemMorton, Liza .et al
AbsGoogGS2969220.716100Predicting self-esteem from perceptions of actual and ideal ratings of body fatness: Is there only one ideal ''supermodel''?Marsh, HW and Roche, LA
AbsGoogGS2974340.67636Microaggressions and Self-Esteem in Emerging Asian American Adults: The Moderating Role of Racial Socialization.Thai, Christina J. .et al
AbsGoogGS2981700.62636The Pursuit of Self-Esteem and Its Motivational ImplicationsKaap‐Deeder, Jolene van der .et al
AbsGoogGS2985140.60439Evaluating Cognitive-Behavioral Group Counseling to Improve Elementary School Students' Self-Esteem, Self-Control, and Classroom BehaviorLarkin, Rufus and Thyer, Bruce A.
AbsGoogGS281886.130324Self-Esteem and Causal Attributions for Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction.Adler, Seymour
AbsGoogGS2810852.238218The Impact of Unfair Treatment on Depressive Mood: The Moderating Role of Self-Esteem Level and Self-Esteem InstabilityMeier, Laurenz L. .et al
AbsGoogGS2810852.238218For Better or Worse? Self-Esteem and the Contingencies of Acceptance in MarriageMurray, Susan .et al
AbsGoogGS2811132.188259Self-Esteem and Self-Estimates of Academic Performance.Morrison, Thomas L. .et al
AbsGoogGS2811862.11384Self-Esteem, Social Esteem, and PrideSalice, Alessandro
AbsGoogGS2815411.821129Self-Esteem in Patients Who Have Recovered From Psychosis: Profile and Relationship to Quality of LifeGureje, Oye .et al
AbsGoogGS2816451.750136Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depressive Symptoms: Self-Esteem as a Mediating MechanismKim, Youngmi .et al
AbsGoogGS2819221.602116Individual Differences in Neural Responses to Social Rejection: The Joint Effect of Self-Esteem and Attentional ControlGyurak, Anett .et al
AbsGoogGS2819311.596161Identity Moderates the Effects of Christmas Displays on Mood, Self-Esteem, and InclusionSchmitt, Michael .et al
AbsGoogGS2825221.356130High, Low, and in Between: Self-Esteem Development From Middle Childhood to Young AdulthoodChung, Joanne M. .et al
AbsGoogGS2825221.356130Self-esteem, belongingness, and worldview validation: Does belongingness exert a unique influence upon self-esteem?Gailliot, Matthew T. and Baumeister, Roy F.
AbsGoogGS2825221.356130Gender differences in the relationship between self-esteem and depression among college students: A cross-lagged study from ChinaGao, WJ .et al
AbsGoogGS2828321.268103Global Self-Esteem, Ethnic Self-Esteem, and Family Integrity: Turkish and Dutch Early Adolescents in the NetherlandsVerkuyten, Maykel
AbsGoogGS2830931.196198“I’m Proud to Be a Little Bit Different”: The Effects of Autistic Individuals’ Perceptions of Autism and Autism Social Identity on Their Collective Self-EsteemCooper, Rosalind .et al
AbsGoogGS2834691.123134Do Depression, Self-Esteem, Body-Esteem, and Eating Attitudes Vary by BMI Among African American Adolescents?Witherspoon, Dawn .et al
AbsGoogGS2842320.99784Internet Pornography Use, Body Ideals, and Sexual Self-Esteem in Norwegian Gay and Bisexual MenKvalem, Ingela Lundin .et al
AbsGoogGS2848360.91887Health Status and Peer Relationships in Early Adolescence: The Role of Peer Contact, Self-Esteem, and Social AnxietyMcCarroll, Elizabeth .et al
AbsGoogGS2850690.891157Damaged Self-Esteem Is Associated With Internalizing ProblemsCreemers, Daan H. M. .et al
AbsGoogGS2850690.891157Narcissistic Traits and Explicit Self-Esteem: The Moderating Role of Implicit Self-ViewPierro, Rossella Di .et al
AbsGoogGS2853740.85873Group Therapy for Self-Esteem, Using Creative Approaches and Metaphor as Clinical ToolsRigby, Liz and Waite, Sandy
AbsGoogGS2866410.73952A Longitudinal Study of Relations Among Adolescents’ Self-Esteem, General Self-Efficacy, Career Adaptability, and Life SatisfactionMarcionetti, Jenny and Rossier, Jérôme
AbsGoogGS2870970.70172The Influence of Experiences of Stigma on Recovery: Mediating Roles of Internalized Stigma, Self-Esteem, and Self-Efficacy.Jahn, Danielle R. .et al
AbsGoogGS2873280.68478Interpersonal Views of Narcissism and Authentic High Self-Esteem: It Is Not All About YouByrne, J. Stephen and O'Brien, Edward J.
AbsGoogGS28109030.47030Anxiety and Self-Esteem as Mediators of the Relation Between Family Communication and Indecisiveness in AdolescenceCascio, Valentina Lo .et al
AbsGoogGS272105.709177Self-Esteem and Autonomic Physiology: Parallels Between Self-Esteem and Cardiac Vagal Tone as Buffers of ThreatMartens, Andy .et al
AbsGoogGS274083.799416Making Sense of Misfortune: Deservingness, Self-Esteem, and Patterns of Self-Defeat.Callan, Mitchell J. .et al
AbsGoogGS2710852.238218The Lability of Psychological Ratings: The Chameleon Effect in Global Self-EsteemMarsh, Herbert W. and Yeung, Alexander Seeshing
AbsGoogGS2710852.238218Do Women Feel Worse to Look Their Best? Testing the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Fertility Status Across the Menstrual CycleHill, Sarah E. and Durante, Kristina M.
AbsGoogGS2711562.135281Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, and Body Attitudes Among Japanese Male and Female AdolescentsLerner, Richard M. .et al
AbsGoogGS2719311.596161Drinking to Regulate Negative Romantic Relationship Interactions: The Moderating Role of Self-EsteemDeHart, Tracy .et al
AbsGoogGS2719311.596161When Partner Caring Leads to Sharing: Partner Responsiveness Increases Expressivity, but Only for Individuals With Low Self-EsteemForest, Amanda L. and Wood, Joanne V.
AbsGoogGS2725221.356130Self-Esteem Stability and Responses to the Stability of Self ScaleMarsh, Herbert W.
AbsGoogGS2725221.356130The interpersonal nature of self-esteem: Do different measures of self-esteem possess similar interpersonal content?Zeigler-Hill, Virgil
AbsGoogGS2725221.356130Self-esteem Interventions in Adults - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisNiveau, N .et al
AbsGoogGS2726991.30691Self-Esteem and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: A Systematic ReviewWhelpley, Christopher E. and McDaniel, Michael A.
AbsGoogGS2739681.038127Self-Esteem, Risky Sexual Behavior, and Pregnancy in a New Zealand Birth CohortBoden, Joseph M. and Horwood, L. John
AbsGoogGS2741341.014133Irrational Beliefs in Relation to Self-Esteem and DepressionMcLennan, James
AbsGoogGS2743010.987100The Domestication of Self: Gender Comparisons of Self-Imagery and Self-EsteemMackie, Marlene
AbsGoogGS2747900.92273Comparative study of sex differences in body image effects upon self-esteem in relation to social stressSingh, S and Singh, A
AbsGoogGS2748360.91887Explaining the Relationship Between Parenting and Internalizing Symptoms: The Role of Self-Esteem Level and ContingencyWouters, Sofie .et al
AbsGoogGS2749160.90986Interpersonal Learning Is Associated With Improved Self-Esteem in Group Psychotherapy for Women With Binge Eating Disorder.Gallagher, Meagan E. .et al
AbsGoogGS2750920.88739Bullying Victimization and Adolescents' Social Anxiety: Roles of Shame and Self-EsteemWu, XY .et al
AbsGoogGS2755630.84078Relation of Social Support and Self-Esteem to Problem Behavior:Moran, Benjamin L. and DuBois, David L.
AbsGoogGS2773280.68478Suicide attempt history, self-esteem, and suicide risk in a sample of 116 depressed voluntary inpatientsPalmer, CJ
AbsGoogGS27164840.26128Influence of self-esteem and emotion regulation in subjective and psychological well-being of adolescents: contributions to clinical psychologyFreire, T and Tavares, D
AbsGoogGS261886.130324Self-Esteem, Performance, and Satisfaction: Some Tests of a Theory.Greenhaus, Jeffrey H. and Badin, Irwin J.
AbsGoogGS264723.508152The Moderating Effects of Polychronicity and Achievement Striving on the Relationship Between Task Variety and Organization-Based Self-Esteem of Mid-Level Managers in ChinaHui, Chun .et al
AbsGoogGS265043.363256Is the Allure of Self-Esteem a Mirage After All?Krueger, Joachim I. .et al
AbsGoogGS2611102.192160Self-Esteem, Attitude Similarity, and AttractionHendrick, Clyde and Page, Horace A.
AbsGoogGS2618511.63187Organization-Based Self-Esteem in Work TeamsGardner, Donald G. and Pierce, Jon L.
AbsGoogGS2618511.63187Expecting to Meet a Rape Victim Affects Women’s Self-Esteem: The Moderating Role of Rape Myth AcceptanceBohner, Gerd and Lampridis, Efthymios
AbsGoogGS2622151.468152Assessment of Shape- And Weight-Based Self-Esteem in AdolescentsGeller, Josie .et al
AbsGoogGS2622351.463193Self-esteem in adolescents: Validation of the state self-esteem scaleLinton, Kathy E. and Richard, G.Marriott
AbsGoogGS2623431.417106A Mediational Model of Autonomy, Self-Esteem, and Eating Disordered Attitudes and BehaviorsFrederick-Recascino, Christina and Grow, Virginia M.
AbsGoogGS2625221.356130Narcissistic Self-Esteem or Optimal Self-Esteem? A Latent Profile Analysis of Self-Esteem and Psychological EntitlementStronge, Samantha .et al
AbsGoogGS2625371.351106Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Anxiety and Claimed Self-Handicapping: A Mediational AnalysisCoudevylle, Guillaume R. .et al
AbsGoogGS2626601.315186The Temporal Sequence of Depressive Symptoms, Peer Victimization, and Self-Esteem Across Adolescence: Evidence for an Integrated Self-Perception Driven ModelSaint-Georges, Zacharie and Vaillancourt, Tracy
AbsGoogGS2629951.22296The Role of Self-Esteem and Fear of Negative Evaluation in Compulsive BuyingBiolcati, Roberta
AbsGoogGS2631151.190111Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem and Attractiveness Beliefs Among Individuals With Body Dysmorphic DisorderBuhlmann, Ulrike .et al
AbsGoogGS2634201.131170Body Mass Index and Victimization During Adolescence: The Mediation Role of Depressive Symptoms and Self-EsteemGiletta, Matteo .et al
AbsGoogGS2636461.09196Authenticity With Authority Figures and Peers: Girls’ Friendships, Self-Esteem, and Depressive SymptomatologyTheran, Sally A.
AbsGoogGS2645520.95388Age and Gender Differences in the Self-Esteem of Chinese ChildrenWatkins, David .et al
AbsGoogGS2648750.91498Relational Self-Esteem, Psychological Well-Being, and Social Support in Children Affected by HIVDu, Hongfei .et al
AbsGoogGS2656890.82778Determinants of Maternal Self-Esteem in the Neonatal PeriodMcGrath, Margaret .et al
AbsGoogGS2657230.82343Collective and Individual Self-Esteem Mediate the Effect of Self-Construals on Subjective Well-Being of Undergraduate Students in ChinaYu, Xiaobo .et al
AbsGoogGS2670640.70484Mood, Self-Esteem, and Counterfactuals: Externally Attributed Moods Limit Self-Enhancement StrategiesSanna, Lawrence J. .et al
AbsGoogGS2682610.62051Unemployment, Self-Esteem, and Depression: Differences Between Men and WomenÁlvaro, José Luís .et al
AbsGoogGS2696880.53658Preschoolers' Inferred Self-Esteem: The Behavioral Rating Scale of Presented Self-Esteem in Young ChildrenFuchs-Beauchamp, Karen D.
AbsGoogGS254083.799416Interactive Effects of Self-Esteem and Task Difficulty on Social Conformity.Gergen, Kenneth J. and Bauer, Raymond A.
AbsGoogGS259632.40482Group-Value Ambiguity: Understanding the Effects of Academic Feedback on Minority Students' Self-EsteemMendoza-Denton, R .et al
AbsGoogGS259892.37198Effects of Written Emotional Disclosure on Implicit Self-Esteem and Body ImageO'Connor, Daryl B. .et al
AbsGoogGS2516711.731236Self-Esteem, Test Anxiety, Stress, and Verbal Learning.Lekarczyk, Dorothy Thorne and Hill, Kennedy T.
AbsGoogGS2518511.63187Effects of Threat to a Valued Social Identity on Implicit Self-Esteem and DiscriminationSmurda, Julie .et al
AbsGoogGS2519311.596161Becoming Irreplaceable: How Comparisons to the Partner’s Alternatives Differentially Affect Low and High Self-Esteem PeopleMurray, Susan .et al
AbsGoogGS2519311.596161Understanding the relationship between self-esteem and self-clarity: The role of desired self-esteemDeMarree, Kenneth G. and Rios, Kimberly
AbsGoogGS2520731.52895Emotional Stability and Self-Esteem as Mediators Between Mindfulness and HappinessBajaj, Badri .et al
AbsGoogGS2522151.468152An Experimental Test of the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Concern About Body Shape and Weight in Restrained EatersMeijboom, Anja .et al
AbsGoogGS2526671.314136Women’s Precollege Sports Participation, Enjoyment of Sports, and Self-EsteemShaffer, David R. and Wittes, Erin
AbsGoogGS2526671.314136Gender Differences in the Relationships Between Extracurricular Activities Participation, Self-Description, and Domain-Specific and General Self-EsteemGadbois, Shannon and Bowker, Anne
AbsGoogGS2533591.141104Mastery, Self-Esteem, and Optimism Mediate the Link Between Religiousness and Spirituality and Postpartum DepressionCheadle, Alyssa C. D. and Schetter, Christine Dunkel
AbsGoogGS2543240.984126The Impact of Fathers’ Work and Family Conflicts on Children’s Self-Esteem: The Hong Kong CaseLau, Yuk-Kam
AbsGoogGS2545210.95772Self-Esteem and Body Mass Index From Adolescence to Mid-Adulthood. A 26-Year Follow-UpKiviruusu, Olli .et al
AbsGoogGS2548750.91498Selfie Posting and Self-Esteem Among Young Adult Women: A Mediation Model of Positive Feedback and Body SatisfactionWang, Yuhui .et al
AbsGoogGS2573280.68478Still Logged In? The Link Between Facebook Addiction, FoMO, Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction and Loneliness in Social Media UsersUram, Patrycja and Skalski, Sebastian
AbsGoogGS2576480.66154Further Support for Multidimensionality Within the Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleRichardson, Chris G. .et al
AbsGoogGS2584560.60794Preschoolers' Creativity, Shyness, and Self-EsteemKemple, Kristen M. .et al
AbsGoogGS2591320.567133A Comparison of Self-Esteem and Perfectionism in Anorexia Nervosa and Body Dysmorphic DisorderHartmann, Andrea S. .et al
AbsGoogGS25152680.29641Self-Esteem Among Nursing Assistants: Reliability and Validity of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem ScaleMcMullen, Tara and Resnick, Barbara
AbsGoogGS2411102.192160Sex Differences in the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Susceptibility to Social Influence1Eagly, Alice H.
AbsGoogGS2419311.596161Compensatory Nonconformity: Self-Uncertainty and Low Implicit Self-Esteem Increase Adoption and Expression of Minority OpinionsRios, Kimberly .et al
AbsGoogGS2423431.417106Psychological Abuse, Self-Esteem, and Women's Dating Relationship Outcomes: A Comparison of the Self-Verification and Self-Enhancement PerspectivesKatz, Jennifer .et al
AbsGoogGS2426671.314136The Collateral Damage of Ambient Sexism: Observing Sexism Impacts Bystander Self-Esteem and Career AspirationsBradley-Geist, Jill C. .et al
AbsGoogGS2428321.268103Education-Related Goal Appraisals and Self-Esteem During the Transition to Secondary Education: A Longitudinal StudyVasalampi, Kati .et al
AbsGoogGS2440241.03198Comparing adolescent positive affect and self-esteem as precursors to adult self-esteem and life satisfactionCoffey, John K. and Warren, Michael T.
AbsGoogGS2440591.025101No Body Is Perfect: The Significance of Habitual Negative Thinking About Appearance for Body Dissatisfaction, Eating Disorder Propensity, Self-Esteem and SnackingVerplanken, Bas and Tangelder, Yonne
AbsGoogGS2442081.00170Affect Recognition and Self-Esteem in SchizophreniaGarfield, David .et al
AbsGoogGS2443240.984126Factorial Validity and Invariance of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale Among Portuguese YoungstersVasconcelos-Raposo, José .et al
AbsGoogGS2443870.97573Enhancing Self-Esteem in Women With Physical Disabilities.Hughes, Rosemary B. .et al
AbsGoogGS2449400.90655Self-Esteem Moderates the Effects of Daily Rejection on Health and Well-BeingFord, Maire and Collins, Nancy L.
AbsGoogGS2452840.86766Identity Processing Styles and the Need for Self-Esteem in Middle-Aged and Older AdultsSneed, Joel R. and Whitbourne, Susan Krauss
AbsGoogGS2469500.71456The Criminal Offending–Self-Esteem NexusOser, Carrie B.
AbsGoogGS2473280.68478Effects of Trauma and Religiosity on Self-EsteemReiland, Sarah and Lauterbach, Dean
AbsGoogGS2486870.59443Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism in Relation to Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, and Self-ConstrualRohmann, Elke .et al
AbsGoogGS234083.799416Self-Esteem, Reception, and Influenceability.Zellner, Miriam
AbsGoogGS239142.465232The Nature and Timing of Seasonal Affective Symptoms and the Influence of Self-Esteem and Social Support: A Longitudinal Prospective StudyMcCARTHY, E. .et al
AbsGoogGS2312242.083133The relationship of antecedents of search and self-esteem to adolescent search effort and perceived product knowledgeDarley, WK
AbsGoogGS2312832.031213Self-Esteem and Consistency of Social Behavior.Mossman, Beal Monroe and Ziller, Robert C.
AbsGoogGS2313251.993106Self-Esteem, Social Adjustment and Suicidality in Affective DisordersDaskalopoulou, E .et al
AbsGoogGS2314691.876115Self-Esteem and Quality of Life in Adolescents With Extreme Obesity in Saudi Arabia: The Effect of Weight Loss After Laparoscopic Sleeve GastrectomyAldaqal, Saleh M. and Sehlo, Mohammad Gamal
AbsGoogGS2316181.767112Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem in Youth With Autism Spectrum DisordersCruijsen, Renske van der and Boyer, Bianca
AbsGoogGS2319311.596161Self-Esteem Depends on the Beholder: Effects of a Subtle Social Value CueWeisbuch, Max .et al
AbsGoogGS2331151.190111Moderating Effects of Sociotropy and Autonomy on Affective and Self-Esteem Reactivity to Daily StressorsDasch, Kimberly B. .et al
AbsGoogGS2344480.96870Adonis on the Apps: Online Objectification, Self-Esteem, and Sexual Minority Men.Breslow, Aaron S. .et al
AbsGoogGS2348140.92039Association of Social Anxiety With Stigmatisation and Low Self-Esteem in Remitted Bipolar PatientsAydemir, Ömer and Akkaya, Cengiz
AbsGoogGS2348750.91498Self-Esteem Mediates the Effect of the Parent–adolescent Relationship on DepressionHu, Junmin and Ai, Hongshan
AbsGoogGS2353740.85873The Role of Self-Esteem in Depression: A Longitudinal StudyHilbert, Sven .et al
AbsGoogGS2381010.63063Teacher-Child Conflict and Aggressive Behaviour in First Grade: The Intervening Role of Children's Self-EsteemDoumen, Sarah .et al
AbsGoogGS23105710.48767Primary attachment in female adolescents: Association with depression, self-esteem, and maternal identificationSalzman, JP
AbsGoogGS221886.130324Moderating Influence of Self-Esteem on Relationships Between Job Complexity, Performance, and Satisfaction.Tharenou, Phyllis and Harker, Phillip
AbsGoogGS222974.738110Diagnosis of Narcissistic Self-Esteem Regulation in Patients With Factitious Illness (Munchausen Syndrome)Ehlers, Wolfram and Plassmann, Reinhard
AbsGoogGS224083.799416Self-Esteem and Consistency as Determinants of Anticipatory Opinion Change.Cooper, Joel and Jones, R.
AbsGoogGS229032.478140Ethnic Minorities’ Paranoia and Self-Preservative Work Behaviors in Response to Perceived Ethnic Discrimination, With Collective Self-Esteem as a Buffer.Kong, Dejun Tony
AbsGoogGS2210852.238218Adaptive Disengagement Buffers Self-Esteem From Negative Social FeedbackLeitner, Jordan B. .et al
AbsGoogGS2210852.238218Self-Esteem Memories: Feeling Good About Achievement Success, Feeling Bad About Relationship DistressPillemer, David B. .et al
AbsGoogGS2212242.083133Extrinsic and Intrinsic Contingent Self-Esteem and Materialism: A Correlational and Experimental InvestigationNagpaul, Tania and Pang, Joyce S.
AbsGoogGS2213321.988217A Metacognitive Model of Self-EsteemKolubinski, Daniel C. .et al
AbsGoogGS2213371.98474The Impact of Self-Stigma on Self-Esteem Among Persons With Different Mental DisordersPark, Keunwoo .et al
AbsGoogGS2216711.731236Ethnic Pride, Self-Esteem, and School Belonging: A Reciprocal Analysis Over Time.Hernández, Maciel M. .et al
AbsGoogGS2228321.268103Children's Implicit and Explicit Ethnic Group Attitudes, Ethnic Group Identification, and Self-EsteemDavis, Stephanie C. .et al
AbsGoogGS2235721.105202Self-Esteem and the Acute Effect of Anxiety on Ambulatory Blood PressureEdmondson, Donald .et al
AbsGoogGS2245760.950125Self-Esteem and Trait Importance Moderate Cultural Differences in Self-EvaluationsBrown, Jonathon D. and Cai, Huajian
AbsGoogGS2248360.91887Racial Socialization, Private Regard, and Behavior Problems in African American Youth: Global Self-Esteem as a MediatorDavis, BreAnna L. .et al
AbsGoogGS2249810.90172Subjective Family Socioeconomic Status and Life Satisfaction in Chinese Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and Social SupportYan, Wenjing .et al
AbsGoogGS2272240.69186The Buffering Effect of Social Support Between Domestic Violence and Self-Esteem in Pregnant Women in Tehran, IranAbadi, Mozhdeh Nasseh Lotf .et al
AbsGoogGS2273280.68478Relationships Among Self-Esteem, Stress, and Physical Activity in College StudentsHubbs, Allison .et al
AbsGoogGS2276480.66154Self-Knowledge and Narcissism in Iranians: Relationships With Empathy and Self-EsteemGhorbani, Nima .et al
AbsGoogGS2278930.64561The Suicidal Process and Self-EsteemThompson, Aiko K.
AbsGoogGS2282610.62051Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Psychopathological Symptoms in Persons With Intellectual DisabilityGaraigordobil, Maite and Pérez, José Ignacio Ruiz
AbsGoogGS2290770.57069The Stabilization of Self-Esteem Among Incarcerated Adolescents: Accommodative and Immunizing ProcessesGreve, Werner .et al
AbsGoogGS2293500.55368Self-Esteem, Cultural Identity, and Generation Status as Determinants of Hispanic AcculturationValentine, Sean
AbsGoogGS211247.635345Do People Need Self-Esteem? Comment on Pyszczynski Et Al. (2004).Crocker, Jennifer and Nuer, Noah
AbsGoogGS211886.130324Relevance of Personal Need Satisfaction for Overall Satisfaction as a Function of Self-Esteem.Korman, Abraham K.
AbsGoogGS211886.130324Person-Situation Effects in the Prediction of Performance: An Investigation of Ability, Self-Esteem, and Reward Contingencies.Terborg, James R. .et al
AbsGoogGS211916.087112Self-Esteem, Moral Capital, and WrongdoingBó, Ernesto Dal and Terviö, Marko
AbsGoogGS217082.80673What’s Really in a Name-Letter Effect? Name-Letter Preferences as Indirect Measures of Self-EsteemHoorens, Vera
AbsGoogGS2119311.596161Abstract Construal Levels Attenuate State Self-Esteem ReactivityVess, Matthew .et al
AbsGoogGS2119311.596161Defensive Self-Esteem Impacts Attention, Attitude Strength, and Self-Affirmation ProcessesHaddock, Geoffrey and Gebauer, Jochen E.
AbsGoogGS2123431.417106Will I Ever Think I’m Thin Enough? A Moderated Mediation Study of Women’s Contingent Self-Esteem, Body Image Discrepancies, and Disordered EatingZeigler-Hill, Virgil and Noser, Amy E.
AbsGoogGS2123701.405160Outcomes of a Character Strengths–Based Intervention on Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy of Psychiatrically Hospitalized YouthsToback, Rebecca L. .et al
AbsGoogGS2123801.402182Weight, Self-Esteem, Ethnicity, and Depressive Symptomatology During Pregnancy Among Inner-City Women.Cameron, Rebecca P. .et al
AbsGoogGS2125191.35643Self-esteem growth trajectory from adolescence to mid-adulthood and its predictors in adolescenceKiviruusu, O .et al
AbsGoogGS2126671.314136Weight-Related Sport Motives and Girls’ Body Image, Weight Control Behaviors, and Self-EsteemBruin, A.P. de .et al
AbsGoogGS2133591.141104Trajectories of Change in Self-Esteem in Older Adults: Exercise Intervention EffectsGothe, Neha P. .et al
AbsGoogGS2138721.053118Morally Based Self-Esteem, Drinking Motives, and Alcohol Use Among College Students.Lewis, Melissa A. .et al
AbsGoogGS2140591.025101Perceived Autonomy and Self-Esteem in Dutch Dialysis Patients: The Importance of Illness and Treatment PerceptionsJansen, D. .et al
AbsGoogGS2141341.014133Human Figure Drawings and House Tree Person Drawings as Indicators of Self-Esteem: A Quantitative ApproachGroth‐Marnat, Gary and Roberts, Lynne D.
AbsGoogGS2143010.987100Self-Esteem, Reflected Appraisals, and Self-ViewsAsencio, Emily K.
AbsGoogGS2143870.97573An Internet-Based Virtual Reality Intervention for Enhancing Self-Esteem in Women With Disabilities: Results of a Feasibility Study.Nosek, Margaret A. .et al
AbsGoogGS2148750.91498Relationships Among Resilience, Self-Esteem, and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese AdolescentsChung, Joanne Wai Yee .et al
AbsGoogGS2150690.891157Self-Esteem and Academic Engagement Among Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation ModelZhao, Ying .et al
AbsGoogGS2150690.891157The Effect of Self-Esteem on Corrupt Intention: The Mediating Role of MaterialismLiang, Yuan .et al
AbsGoogGS2151150.88476Do Locus of Control, Self-Esteem, Hope and Shame Mediate the Relationship Between Financial Hardship and Mental Health?Frankham, Charlotte .et al
AbsGoogGS2161330.78662Psychometric Evaluation of the Swedish Version of Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem ScaleEklund, Mona .et al
AbsGoogGS2169270.71581Loss of Control Over Eating in Pre-Adolescent Youth: The Role of Attachment and Self-EsteemGoossens, Lien .et al
AbsGoogGS2176480.66154The Role of Proximal and Distal Resilience Factors and Locus of Control in Understanding Hope, Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement Among Turkish Pre-AdolescentsÇelik, Duysal Aşkun .et al
AbsGoogGS2178460.649112The Physical Self in Motion: Within-Person Change and Associations of Change in Self-Esteem, Physical Self-Concept, and Physical Activity in Adolescent GirlsLindwall, Magnus .et al
AbsGoogGS21124690.40022Examining Associations Between Racism, Internalized Shame, and Self-Esteem Among African AmericansJohnson, Amber
AbsGoogGS201247.635345Converging Toward an Integrated Theory of Self-Esteem: Reply to Crocker and Nuer (2004), Ryan and Deci (2004), and Leary (2004).Pyszczynski, Tom .et al
AbsGoogGS209632.40482Culture and Self-Esteem Over TimeHamamura, Takeshi and Septarini, Berlian Gressy
AbsGoogGS2019221.602116Priming for Self-Esteem Influences the Monitoring of One’s Own PerformanceBengtsson, Sara .et al
AbsGoogGS2019311.596161The Impact of Ingroup Favoritism on Self-Esteem: A Normative PerspectiveIacoviello, Vincenzo .et al
AbsGoogGS2024191.391191Self-Esteem Change and Diurnal Cortisol Secretion in Older AdulthoodLiu, Sarah Y. .et al
AbsGoogGS2026601.315186Violent Peer Influence: The Roles of Self-Esteem and Psychopathic TraitsZalk, Maarten van and Zalk, Nejra Van
AbsGoogGS2032631.160104Emotional Experience With Dyslexia and Self-Esteem: The Protective Role of Perceived Family Support in Late AdulthoodCarawan, Lena W. .et al
AbsGoogGS2034201.131170Personality and Self-Esteem in Emerging Adults With Type 1 DiabetesRassart, Jessica .et al
AbsGoogGS2035351.111152Wearing My Heart on My Chest: Dating, New Relationships, and the Reconfiguration of Self-Esteem After Breast CancerKurowecki, Darya and Fergus, Karen
AbsGoogGS2039381.043119Self-Esteem, Narcissism, and Aggression: Different Types of Self-Esteem Predict Different Types of AggressionAmad, Suzana .et al
AbsGoogGS2041341.014133Attributional Cognitions, Coping Behavior, and Self-Esteem in Inpatients With Severe Spinal Cord InjuriesBout, Jan van den .et al
AbsGoogGS2041341.014133Depression and Self-Esteem: An Investigation That Used Behavioral and Cognitive Approaches to the Treatment of Clinically Depressed ClientsGardner, Pauline and Oei, Tian P. S.
AbsGoogGS2053740.85873Self-Esteem and Psychosis: A Pilot Study Investigating the Effectiveness of a Self-Esteem Programme on the Self-Esteem and Positive Symptomatology of Mentally Disordered OffendersLaithwaite, Heather .et al
AbsGoogGS2055630.84078The Relationship Between Unstable Self-Esteem and AggressionLee, Eunju J.
AbsGoogGS2055630.84078Perceived Family and Peer Transactions and Self-Esteem Among Urban Early AdolescentsRoberts, Ann .et al
AbsGoogGS2055630.84078Age and Gender Differences in the Relation Between Self-Concept Facets and Self-EsteemArens, A. Katrin and Hasselhorn, Marcus
AbsGoogGS2057130.82494The effects of racial self-esteem on the personal self-esteem of black youthWright, Beverly Hendrix
AbsGoogGS2070970.70172What Affects Self-Esteem of Persons With Psychiatric Disabilities: The Role of Causal Attributions of Mental Illnesses.Kahng, Sang Kyoung and Mowbray, Carol T.
AbsGoogGS2073280.68478Self-Esteem: Moderator or Mediator Between Perceived Stress and Expectancy of Success?Abel, Millicent H.
AbsGoogGS2073280.68478Self-Esteem at School and Self-Handicapping in Childhood: Comparison of Groups With Learning DisabilitiesAlesi, Marianna .et al
AbsGoogGS2076480.66154The Relationship Between Aggression, Narcissism, and Self-Esteem in Asian Children and AdolescentsAng, Rebecca P. and Yusof, Noradlin
AbsGoogGS20101430.5119Emotional competence and self-esteem in adolescence: impact on psychological adjustmentSchoeps, K .et al
AbsGoogGS1910852.238218Putting Yourself on the Line: Self-Esteem and Expressing Affection in Romantic RelationshipsLuerssen, Anna .et al
AbsGoogGS1911132.188259Sex Differences Related to Self-Esteem Factor Structure.Berger, Charles R.
AbsGoogGS1912692.045168Stairway to Heaven? (Ir)religious Identity Moderates the Effects of Immersion in Religious Spaces on Self-Esteem and Self-Perceived Physical HealthYsseldyk, Renate .et al
AbsGoogGS1914791.869116The Association Among Interpersonal Problems, Binge Behaviors, and Self-Esteem, in the Assessment of Obese IndividualsCoco, Gianluca Lo .et al
AbsGoogGS1916711.731236Codevelopment of Well-Being and Self-Esteem in Romantic Partners: Disentangling the Effects of Mutual Influence and Shared Environment.Orth, Ulrich .et al
AbsGoogGS1919241.601112Linking Self-Esteem With the Tendency to Engage in Financial PlanningNeymotin, Florence
AbsGoogGS1923211.429193Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety Mediate the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and ParanoiaBen-Zeev, Dror .et al
AbsGoogGS1923211.429193Self-Esteem Moderates Affective and Psychotic Responses to Social Stress in Psychosis: A Virtual Reality StudyJongeneel, Alyssa .et al
AbsGoogGS1931151.190111Controlling Your Weight Versus Controlling Your Lifestyle: How Beliefs About Weight Control Affect Risk for Disordered Eating, 10534_2006_9060_Fig3_HTML.gif Dissatisfaction and Self-EsteemLaliberte, Michele .et al
AbsGoogGS1935721.105202Effects of a Home-Based DVD-Delivered Physical Activity Program on Self-Esteem in Older Adults: Results From a Randomized Controlled TrialAwick, Elizabeth A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1938201.06141Sexual Orientation Differences in the Self-Esteem of Men and Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Bridge, Livia .et al
AbsGoogGS1941341.014133Sense of Personal Worth, Self-Esteem, and Anomia of Child-Abusing Mothers and ControlsShorkey, Clayton T.
AbsGoogGS1941761.00642School Dropout Intention and Self-Esteem in Immigrant and Native Students Living in Poverty: The Protective Role of Peer Acceptance at SchoolBianchi, Dora .et al
AbsGoogGS1942320.99784The Relationships Between Sense of Belonging to the Gay Community, Body Image Dissatisfaction, and Self-Esteem Among Australian Gay MenKousari-Rad, Pantea and McLaren, Suzanne
AbsGoogGS1944480.96870Masculinity and Problematic Pornography Viewing: The Moderating Role of Self-Esteem.Borgogna, Nicholas C. .et al
AbsGoogGS1950920.88739The Contributions of Self-Esteem, Loneliness, and Friendship to Children's Happiness: The Roles of Gender and AgeBaiocco, R .et al
AbsGoogGS1958690.80986Persecutory Delusions and the Self: An Investigation of Implicit and Explicit Self-EsteemMacKinnon, Katharine .et al
AbsGoogGS1958690.80986Is Implicit Self-Esteem Linked to Shape and Weight Concerns in Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters?Hoffmeister, Karolin .et al
AbsGoogGS1970980.70171The Dynamics of Self-Esteem and Physical Self: Between Preservation and AdaptationFortes, Marina .et al
AbsGoogGS1973130.68581Personal Vulnerability and Work-Home Interaction: The Effect of Job Performance-Based Self-Esteem on Work/Home Conflict and FacilitationInnstrand, Siw Tone .et al
AbsGoogGS1990770.57069Locus of Control, Causal Attributions, and Self-Esteem: A Comparison Between PrisonersBlatier, Catherine
AbsGoogGS19180940.22216Defining Self-Esteem as a Relationship Between Competence and Worthiness: How a Two-Factor Approach Integrates the Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of Self-EsteemMruk, Christopher J.
AbsGoogGS181247.635345Can We Really Do Without Self-Esteem? Comment on Crocker and Park (2004).Pyszczynski, Tom and Cox, Cathy R.
AbsGoogGS181886.130324Self-Esteem as Moderator of the Relationship Between Expectancies and Job Performance.Gavin, James
AbsGoogGS186882.854300Childhood Adversity, Self-Esteem, and Diurnal Cortisol Profiles Across the Life SpanZilioli, Samuele .et al
AbsGoogGS1810602.279104Effect of Students' Self-Esteem on Later Employment Status: Interactions of Self-Esteem With Gender and RaceDooley, David and Prause, JoAnn
AbsGoogGS1811132.188259On the Structure of Self-Esteem: Comments on Ziller's Formulation.Carlson, Rae
AbsGoogGS1811562.135281Imitation and Self-Esteem as Determinants of Self-Critical BehaviorHerbert, Emily W. .et al
AbsGoogGS1819311.596161Unstable High Self-Esteem and the Eliciting Conditions of Self-DoubtLupien, Shannon P. .et al
AbsGoogGS1819311.596161Discrepant and Congruent High Self-Esteem: Behavioral Self-Handicapping as a Preemptive Defensive StrategyLupien, Shannon P. .et al
AbsGoogGS1822351.463193Contingent on Contingencies: Connections Between Anger Rumination, Self-Esteem, and AggressionTurner, K. Amber and White, Barbara A.
AbsGoogGS1825221.356130Perfectionism Erodes Social Self-Esteem and Generates Depressive Symptoms: Studying Mother-Daughter Dyads Using a Daily Diary Design With Longitudinal Follow-UpSmith, Martin M. .et al
AbsGoogGS1828321.268103Changes in Adolescent Loneliness and Concomitant Changes in Fear of Negative Evaluation and Self-EsteemGeukens, Flore .et al
AbsGoogGS1836461.09196Interpersonal Expectations as a Function of Self-Esteem and SexBaldwin, Mark W. and Keelan, J. Patrick R.
AbsGoogGS1838611.05581Comparison of Quality of Life, Productivity, Functioning and Self-Esteem in Adults Diagnosed With ADHD and With Symptomatic ADHDPawaskar, Manjiri .et al
AbsGoogGS1841341.014133Social Avoidance and Distress as a Predictor of Perceived Locus of Control and Level of Self-EsteemGeist, Charles R. and Borecki, Susan
AbsGoogGS1843870.97573The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Functional Outcome in the Acute Stroke-Rehabilitation Setting.Vickery, Chad D. .et al
AbsGoogGS1848750.91498Self-Esteem, Social Participation, and Quality of Life in Patients With Multiple SclerosisMikula, Pavol .et al
AbsGoogGS1848750.91498Self-Esteem Moderates the Associations Between Body-Related Self-Conscious Emotions and Depressive SymptomsBrunet, Jennifer .et al
AbsGoogGS1851150.88476The Unanticipated Benefits of Behavioral Assessments and Interviews on Anxiety, Self-Esteem and Depression Among Women Engaging in Transactional SexGunn, Jayleen K. L. .et al
AbsGoogGS1852840.86766Suicide Risk Factors Among Older Adults: Exploring Thwarted Belongingness and Perceived Burdensomeness in Relation to Personality and Self-EsteemEades, Allison .et al
AbsGoogGS1855630.84078Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence:DuBois, David L. and Hirsch, Barton J.
AbsGoogGS1858690.80986The Impact of an Implicit Manipulation of Self-Esteem on Body DissatisfactionSvaldi, Jennifer .et al
AbsGoogGS1864680.754114Association Between Television Viewing and Self-Esteem in ChildrenTin, Sze Pui Pamela .et al
AbsGoogGS1873280.68478Self-Esteem Among College Students From Four Arab CountriesAbdel-Khalek, Ahmed M. .et al
AbsGoogGS1873280.68478Do I Need to Be Positive to Be Happy? Considering the Role of Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction, and Psychological Distress in Portuguese Adolescents’ Subjective HappinessFreire, Teresa and Ferreira, Gabriela
AbsGoogGS1876480.66154The Relationship Between Perceived Parental Attitudes and Shyness Among Turkish Youth: Fear of Negative Evaluation and Self-Esteem as MediatorsKoydemir-Özden, Selda and Demir, Ayhan
AbsGoogGS1876480.66154The Effects of Social Comparison Orientation on Psychological Well-Being in Social Networking Sites: Serial Mediation of Perceived Social Support and Self-EsteemLee, Jin Kyun
AbsGoogGS1876910.65966From Childhood to Young Adulthood: The Importance of Self-Esteem During Childhood for Occupational Achievements Among Young Men and WomenMagnusson, Charlotta and Nermo, Magnus
AbsGoogGS1891310.56743Self-Esteem and Tactile CommunicationSilverman, Alan F. .et al
AbsGoogGS1896860.53659Self-Esteem and Psychiatric Features of Turkish Adolescents With Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures: A Comparative Study With Epilepsy and Healthy Control GroupsSay, Gökçe Nur .et al
AbsGoogGS18135950.35450Associations Among Adverse Childhood Experiences, Aggression, Depression, and Self-Esteem in Serious Female Juvenile Offenders in JapanMatsuura, Naomi .et al
AbsGoogGS171886.130324Self-Esteem as a Moderator in Vocational Choice: Replications and Extensions.Korman, Abraham K.
AbsGoogGS174083.799416Self-Esteem and Satisfaction With Social Relationships Across Time.Moor, Elisabeth L. de .et al
AbsGoogGS176792.86897Work Experiences and Self-Esteem Development: A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal StudiesKrauss, Samantha and Orth, Ulrich
AbsGoogGS1711452.148113Neurocomputational Mechanisms Underpinning Aberrant Social Learning in Young Adults With Low Self-EsteemWill, Geert‐Jan .et al
AbsGoogGS1712832.031213Effects of Self-Esteem Manipulation on Arousal and Reactions to Sad Models in Depressed and Nondepressed College Students.Golin, Sanford .et al
AbsGoogGS1712832.031213Predictive Value of Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem for the Recurrence of Depression and Anxiety Disorders: A 3-Year Follow-Up Study.Tuijl, Lonneke A. van .et al
AbsGoogGS1712842.030136Change and Consistency of Self-Esteem in Early and Middle Adolescence in the Context of School TransitionBiałecka‐Pikul, Marta .et al
AbsGoogGS1716711.731236Relational Schemas and the Developing Self: Perceptions of Mother and of Self as Joint Predictors of Early Adolescents' Self-Esteem.Ojanen, Tiina and Perry, David G.
AbsGoogGS1723431.417106Mathematics and Self-Esteem: Implications for Women's Career ChoiceSinger, Joan M. and Stake, Jayne E.
AbsGoogGS1725221.356130Big Five Traits and Relationship Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Self-EsteemWeidmann, Rebekka .et al
AbsGoogGS1727471.293130Self-Esteem and Smoking in Youth—muddying the Waters?Glendinning, Anthony
AbsGoogGS1728321.268103The Development of Global and Domain Self-Esteem From Ages 10 to 16 for Mexican-Origin YouthHarris, Michelle A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1728321.268103Initiation and Continuation of Best Friends and Adolescents’ Alcohol Consumption: Do Self-Esteem and Self-Control Function as Moderators?Larsen, Helle .et al
AbsGoogGS1728861.250113Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Optimism as Psychological Resources Among Caregivers of People With Dementia: Findings From the IDEAL StudyLamont, Ruth A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1735561.107105Does the Outcome of a First Pregnancy Predict Depression, Suicidal Ideation, or Lower Self-Esteem? Data From the National Comorbidity Survey.Steinberg, Julia R. .et al
AbsGoogGS1741341.014133A Structural Analysis of Self-Esteem From Pre-Adolescence Through Young Adulthood: Anxiety and Extraversion as Agents in the Development of Self-EsteemKawash, George F.
AbsGoogGS1741341.014133Self-Esteem, Internal-External Locus of Control, and Their Relationship to Weight ReductionNir, Z. and Neumann, Lily
AbsGoogGS1743870.97573Possible Antecedents and Consequences of Self-Esteem in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: Preliminary Evidence From a Cross-Sectional Analysis.Dlugonski, Deirdre and Motl, Robert W.
AbsGoogGS1744480.96870Masculine Gender Role Discrepancy Strain and Self-Esteem.Rummell, Christina M. and Levant, Ronald F.
AbsGoogGS1747780.923116Individual and Family Factors Associated With Self-Esteem in Young People With Epilepsy: A Multiple Mediation AnalysisChew, Judith .et al
AbsGoogGS1748750.91498Longitudinal Analysis of Subjective Well-Being in Preadolescents: The Role of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Esteem and Perceived StressVillanueva, Lidón .et al
AbsGoogGS1748750.91498Self-Esteem and Illness Self-Concept in Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Long-Term Associations With Problem Areas in DiabetesLuyckx, Koen .et al
AbsGoogGS1749400.90655Towards Optimizing the Name Letter Test as a Measure of Implicit Self-EsteemAlbers, Luuk W. .et al
AbsGoogGS1750690.891157Personality Traits and Self-Esteem in Combat and Team SportsBojanić, Željka .et al
AbsGoogGS1756860.82746Self-Esteem and Adjustment in Adolescents From Bereaved, Divorced, and Intact Families: Family Type Versus Family EnvironmentPartridge, Sonia A. and Kotler, Tamara
AbsGoogGS1770970.70172Job Satisfaction and Job Success as Moderators of the Self-Esteem of People With Mental Illnesses.Casper, Edward S. and Fishbein, Steven M.
AbsGoogGS1773280.68478Relationship of Credit Attitude and Debt to Self-Esteem and Locus of Control in College-Age ConsumersPinto, Mary Beth .et al
AbsGoogGS1773280.68478Preliminary study of reminiscence therapy on depression and self-esteem in cancer patientsAndo, M .et al
AbsGoogGS1781640.62631Self-Stigma, Self-Esteem, and Co-Occurring DisordersRodrigues, Stephanie .et al
AbsGoogGS1782610.62051Adaptation, Validation, Reliability and Factorial Equivalence of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in Colombian and Spanish PopulationGómez-Lugo, Mayra .et al
AbsGoogGS1795230.54467Connectedness, Self-Esteem, and Prosocial Behaviors Protect Adolescent Mental Health Following Social Isolation: A Systematic Review.Preston, Angela J and Rew, Lynn
AbsGoogGS164083.799416Unraveling the Complex Relationship Between Work Transitions and Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction.Reitz, Anne K. .et al
AbsGoogGS168182.597249Self-Esteem as a Factor in Social and Domestic ViolenceRosen, Ismond
AbsGoogGS1611132.188259Self-Esteem and Self-Evaluative Covert Statements.Vasta, Ross and Brockner, Joel
AbsGoogGS1611542.139159Explicit Self-Esteem Mediates the Relationship Between Implicit Self-Esteem and Memory Biases in Major DepressionRomero, Nuria .et al
AbsGoogGS1620881.518107The History and Timing of Depression Onset as Predictors of Young Adult Self-EsteemGayman, Mathew D. .et al
AbsGoogGS1622351.463193Contingent self-esteem and the interpersonal circumplex: The interpersonal pursuit of self-esteemZeigler-Hill, Virgil
AbsGoogGS1623881.39954Internalizing and Externalizing Problems, Depression, and Self-Esteem in Non-Detained Male Juvenile OffendersImbach, Daniela .et al
AbsGoogGS1628321.268103Self-Esteem Development in Middle Childhood: Support for Sociometer TheoryMagro, Sophia W. .et al
AbsGoogGS1629951.22296Family Impacts on Self-Esteem in Chinese College FreshmenShi, Jingyu .et al
AbsGoogGS1631151.190111Dysphoria and Self-Esteem Following an Achievement Event: Predictive Validity of Goal Orientation and Personality Style Theories of VulnerabilityLindsay, Julie and Scott, Walter Dill
AbsGoogGS1636661.08777Cumulative trauma, gender discrimination and mental health in women: mediating role of self-esteemKucharska, J
AbsGoogGS1637311.07568Self and Self-Esteem: Theoretical Foundations and Their Implications for ResearchDickstein, Ellen
AbsGoogGS1638201.06141Relationships Between Transgender Congruence, Gender Identity Rumination, and Self-Esteem in Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Individuals.Brink, Femke van den .et al
AbsGoogGS1639691.03879Locus of Control and Self-Esteem as Correlates of Body Dissatisfaction in Croatian University StudentsPokrajac-Bulian, Alessandra and Živčić-Bećirević, Ivanka
AbsGoogGS1641341.014133Self-Esteem and Negative AffectLorr, Maurice and Wunderlich, Richard A.
AbsGoogGS1645520.95388The Effects of Self-Esteem, Task Label, and Performance Feedback on Task Liking and Intrinsic MotivationTang, Thomas Li-Ping and Sarsfield-Baldwin, Linda
AbsGoogGS1650920.88739Social Anxiety and Psychosocial Adjustment in Adolescents: Relation with Peer Victimization, Self-Esteem and Emotion RegulationGómez-Ortiz, O .et al
AbsGoogGS1652270.87354Pregnancy and Body Image in Poland: Gender Roles and Self-Esteem During the Third TrimesterKaźmierczak, Maria
AbsGoogGS1653740.85873Self-Verification and Social Anxiety: Preference for Negative Social Feedback and Low Social Self-EsteemValentiner, David P. .et al
AbsGoogGS1672050.69252An Analysis of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory: A Discussion of Two StudiesEdgar, Patricia .et al
AbsGoogGS1676480.66154Short Term Effects of Gossip Behavior on Self-EsteemCole, Jennifer and Scrivener, Hannah
AbsGoogGS1678460.649112Can Self-Esteem Protect Against the Deleterious Consequences of Self-Objectification for Mood and Body Satisfaction in Physically Active Female University Students?Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Cecilie .et al
AbsGoogGS1687270.59189Hopelessness, Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Personality in Russian Male Delinquent Adolescents Versus ControlsRuchkin, Vladislav .et al
AbsGoogGS16123250.40743Correlates of Self-Esteem Among the Lebanese Population: A Cross-Sectional StudyObeïd, Sahar .et al
AbsGoogGS156792.86897Self-esteem stability: the importance of basic self-esteem and competence strivings for the stability of global self-esteemJohnson, Maarit
AbsGoogGS158692.520108Adding Insult to Injury: Illegitimate Stressors and Their Association With Situational Well-Being, Social Self-Esteem, and Desire for RevengeSemmer, Norbert K. .et al
AbsGoogGS1510852.238218Sheltering the Self From the Storm: Self-Construal Abstractness and the Stability of Self-EsteemUpdegraff, John A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1511542.139159A Masked Negative Self-Esteem? Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem in Patients With Narcissistic Personality DisorderMarissen, Marlies A.E. .et al
AbsGoogGS1514151.91869The Role of Self-Esteem in Internet Addiction Within the Context of Comorbid Mental Disorders: Findings From a General Population-Based SampleSevelko, Katrin .et al
AbsGoogGS1516301.758133Stigma Resistance in Stable Schizophrenia: The Relative Contributions of Stereotype Endorsement, Self-Reflection, Self-Esteem, and Coping StylesKao, Yu Chen .et al
AbsGoogGS1521821.481127Intergroup Evaluation and Self-Esteem Motivations: Self-Enhancement and Self-ProtectionVerkuyten, Maykel
AbsGoogGS1522351.463193Second to fourth digit ratios and individual differences in women’s self-perceived attractiveness, self-esteem, and body-esteemWade, T.Joel .et al
AbsGoogGS1524751.373155Examining the Relationship Between Multiple Internalized Oppressions and African American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning Persons' Self-Esteem and Psychological Distress (vol 56, pg 110, 2009)Szymanski, DM and Gupta, A
AbsGoogGS1527441.29390Demanding Kin Relations and Depressive Symptoms Among Low-Income African American Women: Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem and Optimism.Taylor, Ronald D. .et al
AbsGoogGS1527511.291123Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Self-Esteem: A Meta-AnalysisKuck, Nora .et al
AbsGoogGS1528561.26078Attachment, Self-Esteem, and Socio-Emotional Adjustment: There Is More Than Just the MotherVerschueren, Karine
AbsGoogGS1539601.04094Child Maltreatment and Neglect in the United Arab Emirates and Relationship With Low Self-Esteem and Symptoms of DepressionShah, Syed M. .et al
AbsGoogGS1548750.91498Self-Esteem and Quality of Life of People Living With HIV/AIDSManhas, Coral
AbsGoogGS1550690.891157The Rasch Analysis of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in Individuals With Intellectual DisabilitiesPark, Ju-Young and Park, Eun-Young
AbsGoogGS1552840.86766Shielding Self-Esteem Through the Adoption of Psychological Disengagement Mechanisms: The Good and the Bad NewsTougas, Francine .et al
AbsGoogGS1558050.81662Ethnic and Religious Discrimination: The Multifaceted Role of Religiosity and Collective Self-EsteemHassan, Ghayda .et al
AbsGoogGS1562410.77542How Does Exercising Make You Feel? The Associations Between Positive and Negative Affect, Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, and VitalityRodrigues, Filipe .et al
AbsGoogGS1569220.716100Activity involvement, goal perspective, and self-esteem among Mexican American adolescentsGuinn, B .et al
AbsGoogGS1573280.68478Self-Esteem, Achievement Goals, and Self-Handicapping in College Physical EducationChen, Zuosong .et al
AbsGoogGS1577520.65459Individual Factors Affecting Self-esteem, and Relationships Among Self-esteem, Body Mass Index, and Body Image in Patients With SchizophreniaOh, EunJung .et al
AbsGoogGS1578930.64561Investigating the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Stigma Among Young Adults With History of Suicide AttemptsLehmann, Meshan .et al
AbsGoogGS15104990.49119A comparative study on self-esteem among students with different socio-economic statusTabernero, C .et al
AbsGoogGS15126900.39154Self-Esteem, Social Support Perception and Seizure Controllability Perception in Adolescents With EpilepsySiqueira, Nathália Ferreira .et al
AbsGoogGS15137500.34869Adolescent self-esteem and social adaptation: Chain mediation of peer trust and perceived social supportXin, Y .et al
AbsGoogGS15179830.22453The relative roles of teachers and peers on students' motivation in physical education and its relationship to self-esteem and Health-Related Quality of LifeKoka, A
AbsGoogGS15180940.22216Self-Concept and Self-Esteem: How the Content of the Self-Concept Reveals Sources and Functions of Self-EsteemLachowicz-Tabaczek, Kinga and Śniecińska, Justyna
AbsGoogGS146792.86897Self-esteem stability: the importance of basic self-esteem and competence strivings for the stability of global self-esteemJohnson, Maarit
AbsGoogGS149632.40482The Dyadic Nature of Self-Evaluations: Self-Esteem and Efficacy Shape and Are Shaped by Support Processes in RelationshipsJayamaha, Shanuki D. and Overall, Nickola C.
AbsGoogGS1410852.238218The Influence of Discrimination and Fairness on Collective Self-EsteemScheepers, Daan .et al
AbsGoogGS1410852.238218Low Self-Esteem Predicts Indirect Support Seeking and Its Relationship Consequences in Intimate RelationshipsDon, Brian P. .et al
AbsGoogGS1411182.175181Homosexuality Tolerance Among Male and Female Vietnamese Youth: An Examination of Traditional Sexual Values, Self-Esteem, and Demographic/Contextual CharacteristicsNguyen, Trang Quynh and Blum, Robert W.
AbsGoogGS1416711.731236The Association of Age, Sense of Control, Optimism, and Self-Esteem With Emotional Distress.Jiménez, María Guadalupe .et al
AbsGoogGS1417891.66285Self-Esteem Shapes the Impact of GPA and General Health on Facebook AddictionBaturay, Meltem Huri and Toker, Sacip
AbsGoogGS1418511.63187Shall I Leave or Shall We Fight? Effects of Threatened Group-Based Self-Esteem on Identity Management StrategiesMartiny, Sarah E. .et al
AbsGoogGS1423801.402182Perceived Social Support and Chronic Inflammation: The Moderating Role of Self-Esteem.Lee, David S. and Way, Baldwin M.
AbsGoogGS1427441.29390The Role of Collective Self-Esteem on Anxious-Depressed Symptoms for Asian and Latino Children of Immigrants.Gupta, Taveeshi .et al
AbsGoogGS1427511.291123ADHD Subtype-Specific Cognitive Correlates and Association With Self-Esteem: A Quantitative DifferenceMolavi, Parviz .et al
AbsGoogGS1428321.268103Attending to the Role of Identity Exploration in Self-EsteemSoenens, Bart .et al
AbsGoogGS1428321.268103Mean-Level Change and Intraindividual Variability in Self-Esteem and Depression Among High-Risk ChildrenKim, Jungmeen and Cicchetti, Dante
AbsGoogGS1434591.12580The Developmental Trajectory of Self-Esteem Across the Life Span in Japan: Age Differences in Scores on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale From Adolescence to Old AgeOgihara, Yuji and Kusumi, Takashi
AbsGoogGS1435561.107105Multidimensional Self-Esteem and Alcohol Use Among Mexican American and White Non-Latino Adolescents: Concurrent and Prospective Effects.Swaim, Randall C. and Wayman, Jeffrey C.
AbsGoogGS1435561.107105Evaluating Dosage Effects for the Positive Action Program: How Implementation Impacts Internalizing Symptoms, Aggression, School Hassles, and Self-Esteem.Smokowski, Paul R. .et al
AbsGoogGS1436461.09196Stability, Change, and Determinants of Self-Esteem During Adolescence and Emerging AdulthoodSánchez-Queija, Inmaculada .et al
AbsGoogGS1440061.033106Self-Esteem, Incarceration and RecidivismGendreau, Paul .et al
AbsGoogGS1441341.014133Measuring Self-Acceptance: Expectancy for Success vs. Self-EsteemMearns, Jack
AbsGoogGS1445520.95388Self-Esteem Instability and Humor Styles: Does the Stability of Self-Esteem Influence How People Use Humor?Vaughan, Jessica Erin .et al
AbsGoogGS1448750.91498Experience of Sexual Self-Esteem Among Men Living With HIVRohleder, Poul .et al
AbsGoogGS1449160.90986Modification of Low Self-Esteem in Women Alcoholics: A Behavior Treatment Approach.Burtle, Vasanti .et al
AbsGoogGS1449400.90655Relational Schemas, Self-Esteem, and the Processing of Social StimuliKoch, Erika J.
AbsGoogGS1449400.90655How Will I Love You? Self-Esteem Instability Moderates the Association Between Self-Esteem Level and Romantic Love StylesZeigler-Hill, Virgil .et al
AbsGoogGS1450690.891157How Should Self-Esteem Be Considered in Cancer Patients?Niveau, Noémie .et al
AbsGoogGS1454210.854141Self-Esteem Fluctuations and Cardiac Vagal Control in Everyday LifeSchwerdtfeger, Andreas and Scheel, Sophie-Marie
AbsGoogGS1473280.68478Self-Esteem, Psychological Distress, and Coping Styles in Pregnant Smokers and Non-SmokersVarescon, Isabelle .et al
AbsGoogGS1478460.649112Does the Physical Self-Efficacy Scale assess self-efficacy or self-esteem?Hu, L .et al
AbsGoogGS1491310.56743The Psychological Correlates of Decreased Death Anxiety After a Near-Death Experience: The Role of Self-Esteem, Mindfulness, and Death RepresentationsBianco, Simone .et al
AbsGoogGS14107780.47657Do Maternal Depression and Self-Esteem Moderate and Mediate the Association Between Intimate Partner Violence After Childbirth and Postpartum Suicidal Ideation?Islam, Md. Jahirul .et al
AbsGoogGS1310602.279104Self-Esteem and Justice Orientation as Moderators for the Effects of Individual-Targeted and Group-Targeted JusticeSekiguchi, Tomoki and Hayashi, Yoichiro
AbsGoogGS1310852.238218Selective Memory and the Persistence of Paradoxical Self-EsteemTafarodi, Romin W. .et al
AbsGoogGS1311132.188259Vicarious Anxiety: A Systematic Evaluation of a Vicarious Threat to Self-Esteem.Kendall, Philip C. .et al
AbsGoogGS1312842.030136Self-Esteem and National Identification in Times of Islamophobia: A Study Among Islamic School Children in the NetherlandsThijs, Jochem .et al
AbsGoogGS1315531.811148Cultural Affiliation and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Internalizing Symptoms Among Mexican American AdolescentsMcDonald, Elizabeth J. .et al
AbsGoogGS1315861.787204Lower Self-Positivity and Its Association With Self-Esteem in Women With Borderline Personality DisorderWinter, Dorina .et al
AbsGoogGS1320391.54589Attributional Style, Self-Esteem, and Celebrity WorshipNorth, Adrian C. .et al
AbsGoogGS1322351.463193Effects of self-esteem and need for approval on affective and cognitive reactions: Defensive and true self-esteemLobel, Thalma E. and Teiber, Amina
AbsGoogGS1322491.45998Self-Esteem, Social Support, Collectivism, and the Thin-Ideal in Latina UndergraduatesCordero, Elizabeth D.
AbsGoogGS1323431.417106Women Derive Collective Self-Esteem From Their Feminist IdentityCarpenter, Sandra and Johnson, Lesley E.
AbsGoogGS1323431.417106Feminism as a Correlate of Self-Esteem, Self-Acceptance, and Social Support Among LesbiansLeavy, Richard L. and Adams, Eve M.
AbsGoogGS1328341.26762Anxious Attachment and Facebook Addiction: The Mediating Role of Need to Belong, Self-Esteem, and Facebook Use to Meet Romantic PartnersStănculescu, Elena and Griffiths, Mark D.
AbsGoogGS1333681.14069Personality Symptoms and Self-Esteem as Correlates of Psychopathology in Child Psychiatric Patients: Evaluating Multiple Informant DataPauw, Sarah De .et al
AbsGoogGS1341341.014133Character Style of the Defensively High Self-Esteem ManHarder, David W.
AbsGoogGS1343870.97573Multilevel Modeling of Self-Esteem Change During Acute Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation.Vickery, Chad D. .et al
AbsGoogGS1345520.95388Differences in the Source and Level of Self-Esteem of Chinese College StudentsWatkins, David and Yu, Jiayuan
AbsGoogGS1348750.91498Perceived Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Drug Addicts: Self-Esteem and Loneliness as MediatorsCao, Qilong and Liang, Ying
AbsGoogGS1353860.85727Retrospective Reports of Attachment Disruptions, Parental Abuse and Neglect Mediate the Relationship Between Pathological Narcissism and Self-EsteemMaxwell, Kendal and Huprich, Steven K.
AbsGoogGS1374680.67478Structural Integrity of Frontostriatal Connections Predicts Longitudinal Changes in Self-EsteemChavez, Robert S. and Heatherton, Todd F.
AbsGoogGS1376290.66235Effects of Self-esteem Improvement Program on Self-esteem and Peer Attachment in Elementary School Children with Observed Problematic BehaviorsPark, Kyung Min and Park, Heeok
AbsGoogGS1390890.56962Self-Esteem in Adult Prison Population: The Development and Validation of the Self-Esteem Measure for Prisoners (SEM-P)Debowska, Agata .et al
AbsGoogGS1393500.55368Ethnic Identity and Self-EsteemCislo, Andrew M.
AbsGoogGS122255.529168Asymmetries in Mutual Understanding: People With Low Status, Power, and Self-Esteem Understand Better Than They Are UnderstoodTalaifar, Sanaz .et al
AbsGoogGS122974.738110Changed for the Worse: Subjective Change in Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem in Individuals With Current, Past, and No Posttraumatic Stress DisorderRoth, Jenny .et al
AbsGoogGS124083.799416Distraction and Self-Esteem Effects on Attitude Change.Rule, Brendan Gail and Rehill, David
AbsGoogGS124083.799416Anticipatory Attitude Change as a Function of Self-Esteem and Issue Familiarity.Dinner, Sherry H. .et al
AbsGoogGS124083.799416Reward Allocation and Self-Esteem: The Roles of Modeling and Equity Restoration.Brockner, Joel .et al
AbsGoogGS126792.86897Coping with threats to self-esteem: the differing patterns of subjects with high versus low trait self-esteem in first-person accountsSchütz, Astrid
AbsGoogGS1210852.238218Self-Esteem Accessibility as Attitude Strength: On the Durability and Impactfulness of Accessible Self-EsteemDeMarree, Kenneth G. .et al
AbsGoogGS1211102.192160Self-Esteem, Self-Concept, and the Life Goals and Sex-Role Attitudes of College Students1Zuckerman, Diana M.
AbsGoogGS1211542.139159The Inter-Relationship Between Mood, Self-Esteem and Response Styles in Adolescent Offspring of Bipolar Parents: An Experience Sampling StudyPavlickova, Hana .et al
AbsGoogGS1213371.98474The Role of Self-Esteem for Outcome in First-Episode PsychosisVracotas, Nadia .et al
AbsGoogGS1218511.63187Group Membership and Radicalization: A Cross-National Investigation of Collective Self-Esteem Underlying ExtremismOzer, Simon .et al
AbsGoogGS1220881.518107Puerto Rican Early Adolescents' Self-Esteem PatternsErkut, Sumru .et al
AbsGoogGS1222151.468152An Investigation of the Influence of Dieting and Self-Esteem on Dietary DisinhibitionEldredge, Kathleen L.
AbsGoogGS1222151.468152Sexual Abuse and Bulimic Symptoms in Eating Disorders: Do Family Interaction and Self-Esteem Explain the Links?Waller, Glenn
AbsGoogGS1223431.417106Self-Esteem and Sex-Role Attitudes: A Comparison of Italian- And Anglo-Australian Adolescent GirlsGrieve, Norma .et al
AbsGoogGS1226671.314136Self-Esteem as a Mediator Between Instrumentality, Gender Role Conflict and Depression in Male Korean High School StudentsChoi, Hee Joung .et al
AbsGoogGS1228321.268103Romantic Relationships in Intra-Ethnic and Inter-Ethnic Adolescent Couples in Germany: The Role of Attachment to Parents, Self-Esteem, and Conflict Resolution SkillsBucx, Freek and Seiffge-Krenke, Inge
AbsGoogGS1228391.26643The Complex and Dynamic Interplay Between Self-Esteem, Belongingness and Physical Activity in Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Study in Adolescence and Young AdulthoodMazereel, Victor .et al
AbsGoogGS1231151.190111The Dynamics of Self-Esteem in Cognitive Therapy for Avoidant and Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorders: An Adaptive Role of Self-Esteem Variability?Cummings, Jorden A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1237181.07883Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Work-Life OutcomesGordon, Judith R. and Hood, Elizabeth D.
AbsGoogGS1237311.07568A Dialectical Approach to Moral Judgment and Self-EsteemMeacham, John A.
AbsGoogGS1238691.05349Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults: Effects of Perceived Social Support, Self-Esteem, and AdjustmentLieberman, Zofnat .et al
AbsGoogGS1238761.05270Structure of Contingent Self-EsteemSchwinger, Malte .et al
AbsGoogGS1238761.05270A New Reliable and Valid Tool for Measuring Implicit Self-EsteemKrause, Sascha .et al
AbsGoogGS1239691.03879Self-Esteem and Responsibility for Change in Recovery From Bulimia NervosaTroop, Nicholas A. .et al
AbsGoogGS1240241.03198Procedural Justice Effects on Self-Esteem Under Certainty Versus Uncertainty EmotionsCremer, David De and Hiel, Alain Van
AbsGoogGS1241341.014133Self-Esteem and Sexual PermissivenessHerold, Edward S. and Goodwin, Marilyn Shirley
AbsGoogGS1241341.014133Personal Worth, Self-Esteem, Anomia, Hostility and Irrational Thinking of Abusing Mothers: A Multivariate ApproachShorkey, Clayton T. and Armendariz, Juan
AbsGoogGS1249400.90655Testing Competence and Acceptance Explanations of Self-EsteemKoch, Erika J. and Shepperd, James A.
AbsGoogGS1249400.90655Self-Esteem and Evaluations of Targets With Ostensibly Different Levels of Self-WorthZeigler-Hill, Virgil and Besser, Avi
AbsGoogGS1250690.891157Aging Adventure Athletes Assess Achievements and Alter Aspirations to Maintain Self-EsteemBuckley, Ralf
AbsGoogGS1255190.84487The Relationships of Racial Identity and Gender Role Conflict to Self-Esteem of Asian American Undergraduate MenShek, Yen Ling and McEwen, Marylu K.
AbsGoogGS1255630.84078Bidirectional Relations Between Disordered Eating, Internalization of Beauty Ideals, and Self-Esteem: A Longitudinal Study With AdolescentsEspinoza, Paola .et al
AbsGoogGS1256860.82746The Rosy Glow of Self-Esteem: Depression, Masculinity, and Causal AttributionsFeather, N. T.
AbsGoogGS1258260.81339The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale as a Measure of Self-Esteem for the Noninstitutionalized ElderlyClassen, Sherrilene .et al
AbsGoogGS1258690.80986The Effect of Social Exclusion on State Paranoia and Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem in a Non-Clinical SampleStewart, C. N. .et al
AbsGoogGS1264000.76189Compared to Controls, Individuals With Lichen Planopilaris Have More Depression, a Lower Self-Esteem, and a Lower Quality of LifeAlirezaei, Pedram .et al
AbsGoogGS1266410.73952Relationships Between Career Counseling Attitudes and Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy Among Emirati University StudentsAl-Darmaki, Fatima R.
AbsGoogGS1270970.70172Associations of Social Anxiety and Self-Esteem Across Six Months for Persons Living With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.Lysaker, Paul H. .et al
AbsGoogGS1272050.69252Ethnicity, Gender, Self-Esteem, and Coping Styles: A Comparison of Australian and South-East Asian Secondary StudentsNeill, Lynn M. and Proeve, Michael
AbsGoogGS1273130.68581Parental Authority, Nurturance, and Two-Dimensional Self-EsteemTafarodi, Romin W. .et al
AbsGoogGS1273130.68581Associations of Self-Esteem and Temperament Traits to Self- And Teacher-Reported Social Status Among ClassmatesHintsanen, Mirka .et al
AbsGoogGS1273280.68478Self-Handicapping Among University Students: The Role of Procrastination, Test Anxiety, Self-Esteem, and Self-CompassionYildirim, Funda and Demir, Ayhan
AbsGoogGS1273280.68478Psychometric properties of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale among people with arthritisSheasby, JE .et al
AbsGoogGS1282610.62051Anxiety, Depressed Mood, Self-Esteem, and Traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Distant Witnesses of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: Transitory Responses and Psychological ResilienceMatt, Georg E. and Vázquez, Carmelo
AbsGoogGS1285410.60336A systematic review of obsessive-compulsive disorder and self: Self-esteem, feared self, self-ambivalence, egodystonicity, early maladaptive schemas, and self concealmentJaeger, T .et al
AbsGoogGS1291320.567133Self-Esteem and Relapse in SchizophreniaHolding, Joanne C. .et al
AbsGoogGS12147370.31358Blood on the Ice: Status, Self-Esteem, and Ritual Injury Among Inuit Hockey PlayersCollings, Peter and Condon, Richard G.
AbsGoogGS12182500.21930The Social Value of Self-EsteemRutherford, MB
AbsGoogGS111886.130324Self-Esteem of Industrial Workers.Lefkowitz, Joel
AbsGoogGS111886.130324Task Enjoyment and Task Perseverance in Relation to Task Success and Self-Esteem.Leonard, Skipton and Weitz, Joseph
AbsGoogGS111886.130324Self-Esteem as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Scientific Interests and the Job Satisfaction of Physicists and Engineers.Dipboye, Robert L. .et al
AbsGoogGS118722.51791Salespeople’s Renqing Orientation, Self-Esteem, and Selling Behaviors: An Empirical Study in TaiwanTsai, Ming-Hong .et al
AbsGoogGS119632.40482Singlehood and Attunement of Self-Esteem to FriendshipsFisher, Adrian T. .et al
AbsGoogGS1110852.238218Self-Esteem and Communal Responsiveness Toward a Flawed Partner: The Fair-Weather Care of Low-Self-Esteem IndividualsLemay, Edward P. and Clark, Margaret S.
AbsGoogGS1111132.188259Sex Differences in Sources of Social Self-Esteem.Hollender, John W.
AbsGoogGS1112842.030136Peer Problems and Low Self-Esteem Mediate the Suspicious and Non-Suspicious Schizotypy–Reactive Aggression Relationship in Children and AdolescentsWong, Keri Ka-Yee and Raine, Adrian
AbsGoogGS1116321.757161Initial and Noninitial Name-Letter Preferences as Obtained Through Repeated Letter Rating Tasks Continue to Reflect (Different Aspects Of) Self-Esteem.Hoorens, Vera .et al
AbsGoogGS1116711.731236Media Exposure in Very Young Girls: Prospective and Cross-Sectional Relationships With BMIz, Self-Esteem and Body Size Stereotypes.Rodgers, Rachel F. .et al
AbsGoogGS1116711.731236Implicit and Explicit Self-Construals in Chinese-Heritage and Italian Nonimmigrant Early Adolescents: Associations With Self-Esteem and Prosocial Behavior.Moscardino, Ughetta .et al
AbsGoogGS1122351.463193Psychopathic Boldness: Narcissism, Self-Esteem, or Something in Between?Miller, Joshua D. .et al
AbsGoogGS1125221.356130Self-Esteem Moderates Affective Reactions to Briefly Presented Emotional FacesRichter, Anne and Ridout, Nathan
AbsGoogGS1126671.314136The Transmission of Birth Stories From Mother to Daughter: Self-Esteem and Mother–Daughter AttachmentHayden, Julia .et al
AbsGoogGS1127441.29390Perceived Racial Discrimination, Internalized Racism, Social Support, and Self-Esteem Among Black Individuals in Canada: A Moderated Mediation Model.Cénat, Jude Mary .et al
AbsGoogGS1127471.293130Differences in Depression and Self-Esteem Reported by Learning Disabled and Behavior Disordered Middle School StudentsStanley, Patricia D. .et al
AbsGoogGS1128321.268103Maternal Achievement-Oriented Psychological Control: Implications for Adolescent Academic Contingent Self-Esteem and Mathematics AnxietyChing, Boby Ho-Hong .et al
AbsGoogGS1134691.123134Assessment of an Illness-Specific Dimension of Self-Esteem in Youths With Type 1 DiabetesSchneider, Stefan .et al
AbsGoogGS1140061.033106The Impact of Persistent Deviant Sexual Interests and Persistent Low Self-Esteem on Sexual HomicideHealey, Jay and Beauregard, Eric
AbsGoogGS1141341.014133Prediction of Achievement in Reading, Self-Esteem, Auding, and Verbal Language by Adult Illiterates in a Psychoeducational Tutorial ProgramGold, Patricia Cohen and Johnson, John A.
AbsGoogGS1142520.995221Positive representation of relational self-esteem versus personal self-esteem in Chinese with interdependent self-construalLi, Jiwen .et al
AbsGoogGS1143870.97573The Association of Level and Stability of Self-Esteem and Depressive Symptoms in the Acute Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Setting.Vickery, Chad D. .et al
AbsGoogGS1148750.91498Bullying, Internalized Hepatitis (Hepatitis C Virus) Stigma, and Self-Esteem: Does Spirituality Curtail the Relationship in the WorkplaceNoor, Ayesha .et al
AbsGoogGS1148750.91498Post-Traumatic Growth Among 5195 Adolescents at 8.5 Years After Exposure to the Wenchuan Earthquake: Roles of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Self-EsteemTang, Wanjie .et al
AbsGoogGS1149400.90655Self-Esteem Instability and the Desire for FameNoser, Amy E. and Zeigler-Hill, Virgil
AbsGoogGS1149400.90655The robust self-esteem proxy: Impressions of self-esteem inform judgments of personality and social valueCameron, Jessica J. .et al
AbsGoogGS1152840.86766Probing Resilience: Daily Environmental Mastery, Self-Esteem, and Stress AppraisalMontpetit, MA and Tiberio, SS
AbsGoogGS1164170.76094Self-Esteem, Adjustment, and Locus of Control Among Youth in an Emergency ShelterSimmons, Jane T. and Weinman, Maxine L.
AbsGoogGS1173960.67967Music Listening as Self-Enhancement: Effects of Empowering Music on Momentary Explicit and Implicit Self-EsteemElvers, Paul .et al
AbsGoogGS1176480.66154The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion in Socially AnxiousHolas, Paweł .et al
AbsGoogGS1190770.57069Longitudinal Relation Between General Well-Being and Self-EsteemBarendregt, Charlotte S. .et al
AbsGoogGS11110160.46556The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure as a Measure of Self-EsteemTimko, C. Alix .et al
AbsGoogGS11110820.46249Losing Confidence Over Time: Temporal Changes in Self-Esteem Among Older Children and Early Adolescents in Japan, 1999-2006Ogihara, Y .et al
AbsGoogGS11132060.36942A Comparison of Death Anxiety, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Social Anxiety SymptomsLowe, Juanita and Harris, Lynne M.
AbsGoogGS11139100.34238Married Women in Missions: The Effects of Cross-Cultural and Self Gender-Role Expectations on Well-Being, Stress, and Self-EsteemHall, M. Elizabeth Lewis and Duvall, Nancy S.
AbsGoogGS11156230.28524Young emerging adults' graduateness and career adaptability: Exploring the moderating role of self-esteemIsmail, S .et al
AbsGoogGS104083.799416Characteristic Self-Esteem, Sex, and Resistance to Temptation.Eisen, Marvin
AbsGoogGS1011132.188259Self-Esteem and Sources of Cognitive Bias in the Evaluation of Past Performance.Warren, Natalie T.
AbsGoogGS1012842.030136Why is Self-Esteem Higher Among American than Chinese Early Adolescents? The Role of Psychologically Controlling Parenting.Chen, Hung-Yang .et al
AbsGoogGS1016321.757161Rasch Analysis of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale With African Americans.Chao, Ruth Chu-Lien .et al
AbsGoogGS1022351.463193Linking classmate autonomy support with prosocial behavior in Chinese left-behind adolescents: The moderating role of self-esteem and gritMa, CH .et al
AbsGoogGS1025251.35474Risk Can Be Good for Self-Esteem: Beyond Self-Determination TheoryWoodman, Tim .et al
AbsGoogGS1035781.103104An Evaluation of the Use of Defeat-Induced Loss of Status in the Rat as a Model of Loss of Self-Esteem and Depression in HumansMarrow, Lynne P. and Brain, Paul F.
AbsGoogGS1043870.97573Self-Esteem Stability and Depressive Symptoms in Acute Stroke Rehabilitation: Methodological and Conceptual Expansion.Vickery, Chad D. .et al
AbsGoogGS1044480.96870Cisgender Men and Trans Prejudice: Relationships With Sexual Orientation and Gender Self-Esteem.Anderson, Veanne N.
AbsGoogGS1045760.950125The Reporting of Self-Esteem in Japan and CanadaTafarodi, Romin W. .et al
AbsGoogGS1047780.923116Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem Discrepancies in People With Psychogenic Nonepileptic SeizuresDimaro, Lian .et al
AbsGoogGS1048750.91498Mediating Effect of Psychologicalsuzhion the Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Self-EsteemLiu, Guangzeng .et al
AbsGoogGS1049400.90655Threatened State Self-Esteem Reduces ForgivenessStrelan, Peter and Zdaniuk, Agnes
AbsGoogGS1049810.90172A Contextual Examination of the Associations Between Social Support, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Well-Being Among Jamaican AdolescentsGardner, Alex A. and Webb, Haley J.
AbsGoogGS1050690.891157Implicit Self-Esteem in Borderline Personality and Depersonalization DisorderHedrick, Alexis N. and Berlin, Heather A.
AbsGoogGS1050920.88739Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Depression in Korean AdolescentsYou, Sukkyung .et al
AbsGoogGS1057760.81882The Nature of Self-Esteem and Its Relationship to Anxiety and Depression in Adult Acquired Brain InjuryLongworth, Catherine .et al
AbsGoogGS1062020.77825Adult Attachment Styles, Self-Esteem, and Quality of Life in Women With FibromyalgiaSechi, Cristina .et al
AbsGoogGS1073280.68478Self-Esteem and Social-Personal Orientation of Indian 12- And 18-Year-OldsSmart, Mollie Stevens and Smart, Russell Cook
AbsGoogGS1087270.59189Ethnic Identity, Ethnic Attitudes, Self-Esteem, and Esteem Toward Others Among Estonian and Russian AdolescentsValk, Aune
AbsGoogGS10110140.46578Relationship of Need Achievement to Self-Esteem: Evidence for Validity of Form B of Coopersmith's Self-Esteem InventoryBedeian, Arthur G.
AbsGoogGS10110660.46242Linking Collective Self-Esteem to Well-Being Indicators of Arts Therapies Students and Practitioners: Meaning and Engagement as MediatorsOrkibi, Hod and Bar-nir, Adi
AbsGoogGS10152680.29641Applying the Cantril Methodology to Study Self-Esteem: Psychometrics of the Self-Anchoring Self-Esteem ScaleCarpenter, Janet S.
AbsGoogGS10216020.1567Contribution of Self-Esteem and Collective Self-Esteem in Predicting DepressionSharma, Shivani and Agarwala, Surila
AbsGoogGS91247.635345Race and self-esteem revisited: Reply to Hafdahl and Gray-Little (2002)Twenge, JM and Crocker, J
AbsGoogGS91886.130324Task Ego-Involvement and Self-Esteem as Moderators of Situationally Devalued Self-Esteem.Wiener, Yoash
AbsGoogGS99152.464226A meta-analysis on the association between self-esteem and problematic smartphone useCasale, S .et al
AbsGoogGS99632.40482Selectively Myopic? Self-Esteem and Attentional Bias in Response to Potential Relationship ThreatsLamarche, Veronica M. and Murray, Susan
AbsGoogGS910852.238218The Effects of Self-Esteem and Ego Threat on Interpersonal Appraisals of Men and Women: A Naturalistic StudyVohs, Kathleen D. and Heatherton, Todd F.
AbsGoogGS917891.66285A Communication Multiplexity Approach to Social Capital: On- And Offline Communication and Self-EsteemRui, Jian Raymond .et al
AbsGoogGS919311.596161Riding a Wave of Self-Esteem: Perseverative Tendencies as Dispositional ForcesRobinson, Michael D. and Cervone, Daniel
AbsGoogGS919311.596161Regulating Connection: Implicit Self-Esteem Predicts Positive Non-Verbal Behavior During Romantic Relationship-ThreatPeterson, Julie Longua and DeHart, Tracy
AbsGoogGS919901.570100Self-Esteem in 60 Seconds: The Six-Item State Self-Esteem Scale (SSES-6)Webster, Gregory D. .et al
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AbsGoogGS922351.463193Development and Validation of a Self-Esteem Contingency Questionnaire for AdolescentsWouters, Sofie .et al
AbsGoogGS922351.463193Self-Esteem Buffers the Mortality Salience Effect on the Implicit Self-Face ProcessingGuan, Lili .et al
AbsGoogGS922351.463193Does trait self-esteem serve as a protective factor in maintaining daily affective well-being? Multilevel analyses of daily diary studies in the US and SingaporeNg, MHS .et al
AbsGoogGS922951.43729Can Mentoring Promote Self-Esteem and School Connectedness? An Evaluation of the Mentor-Up ProjectMarino, Claudia .et al
AbsGoogGS924751.373155Effects of Computer-Based Cognitive Restructuring on Rationally Mediated Self-Esteem.Horan, John J.
AbsGoogGS926151.33155Motivation Patterns, Self-Esteem, and Depression of Patients After First Myocardial InfarctionNir, Z. and Neumann, Lily
AbsGoogGS926601.315186The Structure of Psychopathology and Association With Poor Sleep, Self-Harm, Suicidality, Risky Sexual Behavior, and Low Self-Esteem in a Population Sample of AdolescentsSunderland, Matthew .et al
AbsGoogGS927441.29390Internalized Racism and Self-Esteem: Do Depressive Symptoms Matter?Roberson, Katheryn and Pieterse, Alex L.
AbsGoogGS927441.29390Through Which Looking Glass? Distinct Sources of Public Regard and Self-Esteem Among First- And Second-Generation Immigrants of Color.Perkins, Krystal M. .et al
AbsGoogGS928611.25967Rejection Sensitivity, Self-Esteem Instability, and Relationship OutcomesGöncü, Aslı and Sümer, Nebi
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AbsGoogGS936131.09776Differences between individualist and collectivist cultures in emotional Facebook usage: relationship with empathy, self-esteem, and narcissismErrasti, JM .et al
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AbsGoogGS941341.014133An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Attitude Change Techniques for Enhancing Self-EsteemFriedenberg, William P. and Gillis, John S.
AbsGoogGS949400.90655Collective Self-Esteem Contingency and Its Role in Predicting Intergroup BiasAmiot, Catherine E. and Hornsey, Matthew J.
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AbsGoogGS952260.87350Sexual Self-Esteem and Psychosocial Functioning in Military Veterans After CancerSyme, Maggie L. .et al
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AbsGoogGS973280.68478The Relationship Between Cultural Identity and Self-Esteem Among Chinese Uyghur College Students: The Mediating Role of Acculturation AttitudesLi, Dong .et al
AbsGoogGS973280.68478Correlations of the MMPI-2 Low Self-Esteem Scale with Two Self-Esteem MeasuresMcCurdy, Bruce A. and Kelly, David B.
AbsGoogGS996880.53658Retrospective Reports of Perceived 'Guan' Parenting: Relationships to Adult Attachment Styles, Emotion Regulation, and Self-Esteem.Ang, Chin-Siang and Sin, Alison Bao-Jin
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AbsGoogGS81886.130324Body Image, Self-Esteem, Expectations, Self-Assessments, and Actual Success in a Simulated Job Interview.King, Marc R. and Manaster, Guy J.
AbsGoogGS84083.799416The Need to Affiliate and Self-Esteem in Institutionalized Children.Youngleson, Martin L.
AbsGoogGS86792.86897Revisiting Values and Self-Esteem: A Large-Scale Study in the United StatesDu, Hongfei .et al
AbsGoogGS89632.40482No Assistance Desired: How Perceptions of Others’ Self-Esteem Affect Support-SeekingCavallo, Justin V. and Hirniak, Alexandra
AbsGoogGS810852.238218Extraversion as a Moderator of the Efficacy of Self-Esteem Maintenance StrategiesVaughan-Johnston, Thomas I. .et al
AbsGoogGS811182.175181Self-Esteem in Children and Adolescents After Septic Shock Caused by Neisseria Meningitidis: Scars Do MatterVermunt, Lindy .et al
AbsGoogGS812842.030136Parental Phubbing, Self-Esteem, and Suicidal Ideation among Chinese Adolescents: A Longitudinal Mediational Analysis.Wang, Xingchao and Qiao, Yuran
AbsGoogGS812842.030136Construct validity of the offer self-image questionnaire and its relationship with self-esteem, depression, and ego developmentLindfors, K .et al
AbsGoogGS813251.993106The impact of self-esteem on eating disordersMora, F .et al
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AbsGoogGS817231.70192Unpacking the Role of Self-Esteem in Career Uncertainty: A Self-Determination PerspectiveLin, Shin-Huei .et al
AbsGoogGS817891.66285The Impact of Parental Depression on Children’s Smartphone Addiction: A Serial Mediation Model With Parental Neglect and Children’s Self-EsteemMun, Il Bong and Lee, Seyoung
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AbsGoogGS835351.111152Distancing, Self-Esteem, and Subjective Well-Being in Head and Neck CancerDevins, Gerald M. .et al
AbsGoogGS835561.107105Family and Friend Social Support as Mediators of Adolescent Sibling Victimization and Mental Health, Self-Esteem, and Delinquency.Tucker, Corinna Jenkins .et al
AbsGoogGS837641.069135Parent Responsiveness and Gender Moderate Bidirectional Links Between Self-Esteem and Weight Concerns During Adolescence.Hochgraf, Anna K. .et al
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AbsGoogGS848190.92042Emotional Intelligence and Academic Engagement in Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-EsteemMartín, Ana Belén Barragán .et al
AbsGoogGS850920.88739Parental Warmth and Involvement and the Self-Esteem of Young People in Hong KongLing, MTWL .et al
AbsGoogGS853230.86484Insecure Attachment and Sexual Satisfaction: A Path Analysis Model Integrating Sexual Mindfulness, Sexual Anxiety, and Sexual Self-Esteem.Lafortune, David .et al
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AbsGoogGS853370.862139The Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism (5HTTLPR) Moderates the Effect of Adolescent Environmental Conditions on Self-Esteem in Young Adulthood: A Structural Equation Modeling ApproachJonassaint, Charles R. .et al
AbsGoogGS853740.85873Cognitive Therapy for Low Self-Esteem in the Treatment of Depression in an Older AdultChatterton, Lynne .et al
AbsGoogGS855630.84078Contextual Variations in Negative Mood and State Self-EsteemReynolds, Bridget M. and Repetti, Rena L.
AbsGoogGS860990.78983Cognitive Functioning Correlates of Self-Esteem and Health Locus of Control in SchizophreniaWang, Chien-Shu .et al
AbsGoogGS862920.77146Body Dissatisfaction and Its Relation to Big Five Personality Factors and Self-Esteem in Young Adult College Women in IndiaSoohinda, Geeta .et al
AbsGoogGS873280.68478Collective Self-Esteem: Role of Social Context Among Asian-American College StudentsKim, Eunha and Lee, Donghyuck
AbsGoogGS873280.68478Predictors of Mental Health Symptoms, Automatic Thoughts, and Self-Esteem Among University StudentsHiçdurmaz, Duygu .et al
AbsGoogGS873280.68478Effects of Gender, Age, Locus of Control, and Self-Esteem on Estimates of College GradesBorges, Marilyn A. .et al
AbsGoogGS876480.66154The Link Between Mindfulness and Psychological Well-Being Among University Students: The Mediating Role of Social Connectedness and Self-EsteemRehman, Abaid Ur .et al
AbsGoogGS876480.66154An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship of Problematic Facebook Use With Loneliness and Self-Esteem: The Mediating Roles of Extraversion and Self-PresentationSmith, Troy
AbsGoogGS877520.65459The Effect of Positive Group Psychotherapy on Self-Esteem and State Anger Among Adolescents at Korean Immigrant ChurchesLee, Eun Jin
AbsGoogGS877520.65459The impact of spirituality, social support, and self-esteem on the resilience of Haitian nurses: Implications for nursing education.Caton, Marcia Theresa
AbsGoogGS879590.64045Chinese and European American Undergraduates’ Perceptions of Maternal Warmth and Negativity as Predictors of Self-Esteem and Life SatisfactionDavis, Alexandra N. .et al
AbsGoogGS881160.62943Effects of Experimentally Induced Peer-Group Rejection and Out-Group Ethnicity on Children's Anxiety, Self-Esteem, and in-Group and Out-Group AttitudesNesdale, Drew and Pelyhe, Helga
AbsGoogGS881700.62636Daily Affect and Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence: Correlates of Mean Levels and Within-Person VariabilityNelis, Sabine and Bukowski, William M.
AbsGoogGS881700.62636Predicting Intra-Individual Academic Achievement Trajectories of Adolescents Nested in Class Environment: Influence of Motivation, Implicit Theory of Intelligence, Self-Esteem and ParentingRoskam, Isabelle and Nils, Frédéric
AbsGoogGS881870.62555Anger, Emotional Fragility, Self-Esteem, and Psychiatric Comorbidity in Patients With Hidradenitis Suppurativa/Acne InversaTugnoli, Stefano .et al
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AbsGoogGS896880.53658Antecedents of Self-Esteem of Nepalese and Filipino College StudentsWatkins, David .et al
AbsGoogGS897180.53487A Decline in Self-Esteem in Adults Over 50 Is Not Found in Japan: Age Differences in Self-Esteem From Young Adulthood to Old AgeOgihara, Yuji
AbsGoogGS8108350.47333Problems in the Assessment of Self-EsteemBingham, William C.
AbsGoogGS8116610.43745Experiences of upward social comparison in entertainment contexts: Emotions, state self-esteem, and enjoymentLewis, N
AbsGoogGS8118400.42839Coping Strategies and Self-Esteem in Women With Breast CancerJoaquin-Mingorance, Miriam .et al
AbsGoogGS8150100.30419The Influence of Perceived Discrimination, Sense of Control, Self-Esteem and Multiple Discrepancies on the Mental Health and Subjective Well-Being in Serbian Immigrants in CanadaVesna, Vukojević .et al
AbsGoogGS8174180.23623Narcissism, Life Satisfaction, and Harmony: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and Self-CompassionDemirci, İbrahim .et al
AbsGoogGS8196810.19022Internet addiction prevalence in youths and its relation with depressive symptoms, self-esteem, and bullyingTural Hesapçioglu, S and Yesilova, H
AbsGoogGS8216020.1567Self-Esteem and Collective Self-Esteem Among Adolescents: An Interventional ApproachSharma, Shivani and Agarwala, Surila
AbsGoogGS71886.130324Self-Esteem and the Diffusion of Leadership Style.Bowers, David
AbsGoogGS72974.738110Self-Esteem and Social Adjustment in Depressed Youths: A Randomized Trial Comparing Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Family TherapyKolaitis, Gerasimos .et al
AbsGoogGS74083.799416Self-Esteem and Opinion Change.Levonian, Edward
AbsGoogGS76792.86897Self-Esteem as a Better Predictor of Restrained Eaters' Food Intake Than Attributional Style and Disinhibition TendencyJansen, Anita .et al
AbsGoogGS76792.86897In Good Times and in Bad: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Bereavement on Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction in CouplesReitz, Anne K. .et al
AbsGoogGS79142.465232Is Being Gender Nonconforming Distressing? It Depends Where You Live: Gender Equality Across 15 Nations Predicts How Much Gender Nonconformity Is Related to Self-EsteemZentner, Marcel and Aufsess, Christian von
AbsGoogGS79152.464226The agony of partner choice: The effect of excessive partner availability on fear of being single, self-esteem, and partner choice overloadThomas, MF .et al
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AbsGoogGS710852.238218You Don’t Really Love Me, Do You? Negative Effects of Imagine-Other Perspective-Taking on Lower Self-Esteem Individuals’ Relationship Well-BeingVorauer, Jacquie D. and Quesnel, Matthew
AbsGoogGS711132.188259Self-Advocacy and Self-Esteem.Mirels, Herbert L. and McPeek, Robert W.
AbsGoogGS714791.869116Self-Esteem in Adults With Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorders: The Roles of Tic Severity, Treatment, and ComorbidityWeingarden, Hilary .et al
AbsGoogGS715411.821129Coping Strategies and Self-Esteem in the High-Risk Offspring of Bipolar ParentsGoodday, Sarah M. .et al
AbsGoogGS715691.799108Adolescent Personality Traits, Low Self-Esteem and Self-Harm Hospitalisation: A 15-Year Follow-Up of the Norwegian Young-Hunt1 CohortJunker, Asbjørn .et al
AbsGoogGS716711.731236The Relationship of Self-Esteem Status and Task Ambiguity to the Self-Reinforcement Behavior of Children.Reschly, Daniel J. and Mittman, Arthur
AbsGoogGS718511.63187The Risk of Male Success and Failure: How Performance Outcomes Along With a High-Status Identity Affect Gender Identification, Risk Behavior, and Self-EsteemReinhard, Marc-André .et al
AbsGoogGS721591.49169Social media affordances and fatigue: The role of privacy concerns, impression management concerns, and self-esteemYang, HJ and Zhang, ST
AbsGoogGS722191.468159Levels and Instability of Daily Self-Esteem in Adolescents: Relations to Depressive and Anxious Symptoms.Mlawer, Fanny .et al
AbsGoogGS722351.463193Explicit self-esteem and contingencies of self-worth: The moderating role of implicit self-esteemMaroiu, Cristina .et al
AbsGoogGS722351.463193Communion and self-esteem: No relationship? A closer look at the association of agency and communion with different components of self-esteemHauke, Nicole and Abele, Andrea E.
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AbsGoogGS724751.373155Effects of Group Counseling on Self-Esteem.Mackeen, Beverly A. and Herman, Al
AbsGoogGS725221.356130Does High Self-Esteem Foster Narcissism? Testing the Bidirectional Relationships Between Self-Esteem, Narcissistic Admiration and RivalryCichocka, Aleksandra .et al
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AbsGoogGS726601.315186Lower Implicit Self-Esteem as a Pathway Linking Childhood Abuse to Depression and Suicidal IdeationReid-Russell, Azure .et al
AbsGoogGS727441.29390Pubertal Timing as a Moderator Between General Discrimination Experiences and Self-Esteem Among African American and Caribbean Black Youth.Seaton, Eleanor K. and Carter, Rona
AbsGoogGS728861.250113Self-Esteem Among Elderly People Receiving Care Insurance at Home and at Day Centers for the ElderlyRon, Pnina
AbsGoogGS731151.190111Cultivating Self-Compassion Promotes Disclosure of Experiences That Threaten Self-EsteemDupasquier, Jessica R. .et al
AbsGoogGS738201.06141Psychological Quality of Life in a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Sample: Correlates of Stress, Mindful Acceptance, and Self-Esteem.Vosvick, Mark A. and Stem, Wiley
AbsGoogGS738611.05581The Contribution of Therapeutic Horseback Riding to the Improvement of Executive Functions and Self-Esteem Among Children With ADHDAviv, Tal-Li Matild .et al
AbsGoogGS740051.03348Bully Perpetration and Self-Esteem: Examining the Relation Over TimeRose, Chad A. .et al
AbsGoogGS741341.014133Online Evaluative Conditioning Did Not Alter Internalized Homonegativity or Self-Esteem in Gay MenFleming, J. B. and Burns, Michelle Nicole
AbsGoogGS744610.96662I. Autoethnography and Women's Self-EsteemDefrancisco, Victoria Pruin .et al
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AbsGoogGS745760.950125Perceptions of Psychological Adjustment, Achievement Outcomes, and Self-Esteem in Japan and AmericaBrown, Robert A.
AbsGoogGS749400.90655Self-Esteem and Self-Perpetuating Effects of Threat on Contingencies of Self-WorthBuckingham, Justin T. .et al
AbsGoogGS749400.90655Self-esteem importance beliefs: A new perspective on adolescent self-esteemVaughan-Johnston, Thomas I. .et al
AbsGoogGS750690.891157A Comparison of the Predictive Validity of Self-Esteem Level and Directly Measured Self-Esteem Stability in the Temporal Prediction of Psychological DistressRoth, Marcus and Altmann, Tobias
AbsGoogGS750920.88739Understanding the Relation between Gratitude and Life Satisfaction among Adolescents in a Post-Disaster Context: Mediating Roles of Social Support, Self-Esteem, and HopeZhou, X .et al
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AbsGoogGS756890.82778Attachment, Self-Esteem, and Psychomotor Development in Extremely Premature Children at Preschool AgeWintgens, Anne .et al
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AbsGoogGS758690.80986Influence of Sad Mood Induction on Implicit Self-Esteem and Its Relationship With Symptoms of Depression and AnxietyTuijl, Lonneke A. van .et al
AbsGoogGS760670.79173Self-Esteem, Resilience, Social Support, and Acculturative Stress as Predictors of Loneliness in Chinese Internal Migrant Children: A Model-Testing Longitudinal Study.Kuo, Ben C H .et al
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AbsGoogGS769270.71581Perfectionism, Weight and Shape Concerns, and Low Self-Esteem: Testing a Model to Predict Bulimic SymptomsMela, Carmelo La .et al
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AbsGoogGS772050.69252The Assessment of Self-Esteem: A Cautionary NoteBogan, Jeffrey
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AbsGoogGS773280.68478Self-Esteem as a Potential Mediator of the Association Between Social Integration, Mental Well-Being, and Physical Well-BeingSchwager, Susanne .et al
AbsGoogGS773640.68234The Gendered Mirror on the Wall: Satisfaction with Physical Appearance and Its Relationship to Global Self-esteem and Psychosomatic Complaints Among Adolescent Boys and GirlsAlm, S and Låftman, SB
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AbsGoogGS791320.567133Cultural Identity Conflict and Psychological Well-Being in Bicultural Young Adults: Do Self-Concept Clarity and Self-Esteem Matter?Rahim, Haza F .et al
AbsGoogGS799590.52239Psychometric Properties of the Self-Esteem Questionnaire for South African AdolescentsWild, Lauren G. .et al
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AbsGoogGS7128480.38519How parental autonomy support prevent from adolescents' depression and low self-esteem: a mediational model with trait Emotional IntelligenceBarberis, N .et al
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AbsGoogGS61247.635345Explicating methods in reviews of race and self-esteem: Reply to Twenge and Crocker (2002)Hafdahl, AR and Gray-Little, B
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AbsGoogGS614791.869116Assessment of implicit self-esteem in bipolar manic and euthymic patients using the implicit association testPark, JY .et al
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AbsGoogGS645520.95388Attitudes towards favoring the fall of Tall Poppies: The role of Social Dominance Orientation, Authoritarianism, Political Ideologies, and Self-Esteem.Marques, Mathew D .et al
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AbsGoogGS5156230.28524Private and public collective self-esteem among black and white South African studentsThomas, TA
AbsGoogGS5156230.28524Test anxiety: contributions of gender, age, parent's occupation and self-esteem among secondary school students in NigeriaChukwuorji, JC and Nwonyi, SK
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