AbsGoogGScitejrnk1jrnk2jrnk3titleauthors journal
AbsGoogGS65555043.363256Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation: A 35-Year Odyssey.Locke, Edwin A. and Latham, Gary P.American Psychologist
AbsGoogGS57366710.687293A Theory of Goal Setting and Task PerformanceA Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance, by LockeEdwin A. and LathamGary P.. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1990.Tosi, Henry L.Academy of Management Review
AbsGoogGS55895043.363256Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year odyssey.Locke, Edwin A. and Latham, Gary P.AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST
AbsGoogGS554310882.234138Self-Motivation for Academic Attainment: The Role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Personal Goal SettingZimmerman, Barry J. .et alAMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS26351247.635345Goal Setting and Task Performance: 1969–1980.Locke, Edwin A. .et alPSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN
AbsGoogGS21914333.668144Goal Setting and Self-Efficacy During Self-Regulated LearningSchunk, Dale H.EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST
AbsGoogGS166884490.60841Self-Efficacy for Reading and Writing: Influence of Modeling, Goal Setting, and Self-EvaluationSchunk, Dale H.Reading and Writing Quarterly
AbsGoogGS16536053.028196New Directions in Goal-Setting TheoryLocke, Edwin A. and Latham, Gary P.CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE
AbsGoogGS12926610.802268Goal Setting and Goal Striving in Consumer BehaviorBagozzi, Richard P. and Dholakia, Utpal M.Journal of Marketing
AbsGoogGS11526410.910358Effects of coaction, expected evaluation, and goal setting on creativity and productivityShalley, CEACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS11034933.408169Self-regulation through goal settingLatham, Gary P. and Locke, Edwin A.ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES
AbsGoogGS10536410.910358A review of research on the application of goal setting in organizationsLatham, GP and Yukl, GAACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS101310882.234138Self-Motivation for Academic Attainment: The Role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Personal Goal SettingZimmerman, Barry J. .et alAmerican Educational Research Journal
AbsGoogGS10096410.910358Goal Setting as a Motivator of Unethical BehaviorSchweitzer, Maurice E. .et alACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS9712844.840148Goals Gone Wild: The Systematic Side Effects of Overprescribing Goal SettingOrdóñez, Lisa D. .et alACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES
AbsGoogGS94928611.25967New Developments in and Directions for Goal-Setting ResearchLatham, Gary P. and Locke, Edwin A.EUROPEAN PSYCHOLOGIST
AbsGoogGS88312692.045168The Effect of Tailored Information, Goal Setting, and Tailored Feedback on Household Energy Use, Energy-Related Behaviors, and Behavioral AntecedentsAbrahamse, Wokje .et alJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS8481886.130324Conscientiousness and Performance of Sales Representatives: Test of the Mediating Effects of Goal Setting.Barrick, Murray R. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS7536610.802268Effects of trait competitiveness and perceived intraorganizational competition on salesperson goal setting and performanceBrown, SP .et alJournal of Marketing
AbsGoogGS7366410.910358Goal Setting and Goal Orientation: An Integration of Two Different Yet Related LiteraturesSeijts, Gerard .et alACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS7331886.130324Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations to Goal Setting, Motivation, and Performance.Erez, Amir and Judge, Timothy A.Journal of Applied Psychology
AbsGoogGS7216410.910358Impact of process and outcome feedback on the relation of goal setting to task performanceEarley, PC .et alACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS7073384.323185Goal Setting in Family Firms: Goal Diversity, Social Interactions, and Collective Commitment to Family–Centered GoalsKotlar, Josip and Massis, Alfredo Vittorio DeENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE
AbsGoogGS65113581.96684Managing distance by interdependence: Goal setting, task interdependence, and team-based rewards in virtual teamsHertel, G .et alEuropean Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
AbsGoogGS6456410.910358GOAL SETTING AS A MOTIVATOR OF UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR.Schweitzer, Maurice E. .et alAcademy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS63575580.66771Self‐regulation Through Goal Setting*Koch, Alexander K. and Nafziger, JuliaSCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
AbsGoogGS6061886.130324Goal Commitment and the Goal-Setting Process: Problems, Prospects, and Proposals for Future Research.Hollenbeck, John R. and Klein, Howard J.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS5954933.408169A Meta-Analytic Study of the Effects of Goal Setting on Task Performance: 1966–1984Mento, Anthony J. .et alORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES
AbsGoogGS5681886.130324Goal Commitment and the Goal-Setting Process: Conceptual Clarification and Empirical Synthesis.Klein, Howard J. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS56239081.04767Self-regulated learning: The interactive influence of metacognitive awareness and goal-settingRidley, DS .et alJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION
AbsGoogGS5494083.799416Self-Regulation of Goal-Setting: Turning Free Fantasies About the Future Into Binding Goals.Oettingen, Gabriele .et alJournal of Personality and Social Psychology
AbsGoogGS539115480.44171Goal setting—A motivational technique that worksLatham, Gary P. and Locke, Edwin A.ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS
AbsGoogGS5289182.463103New Developments in Goal Setting and Task PerformanceLocke, Edwin A. and Latham, Gary P.New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance
AbsGoogGS5196410.910358A Review of Research on the Application of Goal Setting in Organizations.Latham, Gary P. and Yukl, GaryAcademy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS51712082.100110Global governance by goal-setting: the novel approach of the UN Sustainable Development GoalsBiermann, F.CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY
AbsGoogGS51077830.65330Exploring Goal-Setting, Rewards, Self-Monitoring, and Sharing to Motivate Physical ActivityMunson, Sean A. and Consolvo, Sunny2012 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops,
AbsGoogGS5041886.130324Joint Effect of Feedback and Goal Setting on Performance: A Field Study of Residential Energy Conservation.Becker, Lawrence J.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS50450750.88996Goal Setting as a Strategy for Dietary and Physical Activity Behavior Change: A Review of the LiteratureShilts, Mical K. .et alAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION
AbsGoogGS50247940.92277Participation in Goal Setting: Effects on Self-Efficacy and Skills of Learning-Disabled ChildrenSchunk, Dale H.JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION
AbsGoogGS50128321.268103Cognitive self-efficacy in relation to personal mastery and goal setting across the life spanBerry, JM and West, RLINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT
AbsGoogGS50167190.73271Prioritization of key performance indicators: An integration of analytical hierarchy process and goal settingShahin, A and Mahbod, MAInternational Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
AbsGoogGS49952070.874119Goal Setting in Rehabilitation: An Overview of What, Why and HowWade, Derick TCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS4976710.687293Pygmalion, Goal Setting, and Expectancy: Compatible Ways to Boost ProductivityEden, DovAcademy of Management Review
AbsGoogGS4832415.322278Enhancing the Motivational Affordance of Information Systems: The Effects of Real-Time Performance Feedback and Goal Setting in Group Collaboration EnvironmentsJung, Jin Yong .et alMANAGEMENT SCIENCE
AbsGoogGS47552070.874119Goal Setting as an Outcome Measure: A Systematic ReviewHurn, Jane S .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS4751886.130324Goal Setting: A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Empirical Evidence.Tubbs, Mark E.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS4536610.802268Goal Setting and Goal Striving in Consumer BehaviorBagozzi, Richard P. and Dholakia, UtpalJOURNAL OF MARKETING
AbsGoogGS4286710.687293The role of intentions in work motivation: Implications for goal-setting theory and researchTubbs, ME and Ekeberg, SEAcademy of Management Review
AbsGoogGS4186710.687293Enriching goal-setting theory with time: An integrated approachFried, Y and Slowik, LHAcademy of Management Review
AbsGoogGS4181297.412222Organizational Goals and Environment: Goal-Setting as an Interaction ProcessThompson, James D. and McEwen, William J.AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW
AbsGoogGS41352070.874119A Systematic Review and Synthesis of the Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence Behind Patient-Centred Goal Setting in Stroke RehabilitationRosewilliam, Sheeba .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS40843930.97485Self-regulated learning of a motoric skill: The role of goal setting and self-monitoringZimmerman, BJ and Kitsantas, AJOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS3981886.130324Relationship of core self-evaluations to goal setting, motivation, and performance.Erez, Amir and Judge, Timothy A.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS39519241.601112Energy conservation through product-integrated feedback: The roles of goal-setting and social orientationMcCalley, LT Lorna and Midden, Cjh CeesJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS38736291.09575Promoting self-determination in early elementary school: Teaching self-regulated problem-solving and goal-setting skillsPalmer, SB and Wehmeyer, MLREMEDIAL AND SPECIAL EDUCATION
AbsGoogGS37563800.762124Theoretical aspects of goal-setting and motivation in rehabilitationSiegert, RJ and Taylor, WJDISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS3711886.130324Feedback: A Necessary Condition for the Goal Setting-Performance Relationship.Erez, MiriamJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS3671886.130324The Application of Goal Setting to SportsLocke, Edwin A. and Latham, Gary P.JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS3644083.799416Self-regulation of goal-setting: Turning free fantasies about the future into binding goals.Oettingen, Gabriele .et alJOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS3631886.130324Effects of Group Feedback, Goal Setting, and Incentives on Organizational Productivity.Pritchard, Robert D. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS35523801.402182Self-Regulation of Health Behavior: Social Psychological Approaches to Goal Setting and Goal Striving.Mann, Traci .et alHEALTH PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS3498242.590229Understanding the Ethical Cost of Organizational Goal-Setting: A Review and Theory DevelopmentBarsky, AdamJOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS
AbsGoogGS34032701.16048The Millennium Development Goals: A Cross-Sectoral Analysis and Principles for Goal Setting After 2015Waage, Jeff .et alLANCET
AbsGoogGS3361956.024210The Effect of Goal-Setting and Daily Electronic Feedback on In-Home Energy UseHouwelingen, Jeannet H. Van and Raaij, W. Fred vanJOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS3334083.799416Goal Setting, Achievement Orientation, and Intrinsic Motivation: A Mediational Analysis.Elliot, Andrew J. and Harackiewicz, Judith M.JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS32663800.762124Patient centered goal-setting in a subacute rehabilitation settingLeach, Emma .et alDISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS3246610.802268Effects of Trait Competitiveness and Perceived Intraorganizational Competition on Salesperson Goal Setting and PerformanceBrown, Steven P. .et alJOURNAL OF MARKETING
AbsGoogGS321187090.209137Goal-Setting Considerations for Persuasive Technologies That Encourage Physical ActivityConsolvo, Sunny .et alACM International Conference Proceeding Series
AbsGoogGS3201886.130324Resolving Scientific Disputes by the Joint Design of Crucial Experiments by the Antagonists: Application to the Erez–Latham Dispute Regarding Participation in Goal Setting.Latham, Gary P. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS3136410.910358The motivational effects of participation versus goal setting on performanceLatham, GP and Steele, TPACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS3136710.687293The ubiquity of the technique of goal setting in theories of and approaches to employee motivationLocke, EAAcademy of Management Review
AbsGoogGS3139152.464226Gamification of task performance with leaderboards: A goal setting experimentLanders, Richard N. .et alCOMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR
AbsGoogGS30960820.790125Sources of Perceived Organizational Support: Goal Setting and Feedback1Hutchison, Steven and Garstka, Mary L.JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS3066410.910358The effects of goal setting, external feedback, and self-generated feedback on outcome variables: A field experimentIvancevich, JM and McMahon, JTACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS3059182.463103Goal Setting and Student Achievement: A Longitudinal StudyMoeller, Aleidine J. .et alMODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS30320731.52895Increasing well-being through teaching goal-setting and planning skills: Results of a brief interventionMacLeod, AK .et alJOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES
AbsGoogGS301115480.44171Enhancing the Benefits and Overcoming the Pitfalls of Goal SettingLatham, Gary P. and Locke, Edwin A.ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS
AbsGoogGS29552070.874119Areas of Consensus and Controversy About Goal Setting in Rehabilitation: A Conference ReportPlayford, E Diane .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS2946410.910358IMPACT OF PROCESS AND OUTCOME FEEDBACK ON THE RELATION OF GOAL SETTING TO TASK PERFORMANCE.Earley, P. Christopher .et alAcademy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS2901287.415192Power and goal setting in channel negotiationsMcAlister, L .et alJournal of Marketing Research
AbsGoogGS2874723.508152Accountability, impression management, and goal setting in the performance evaluation processFrink, DD and Ferris, GRHUMAN RELATIONS
AbsGoogGS286104700.49248From the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: shifts in purpose, concept, and politics of global goal setting for developmentFukuda‐Parr, SakikoGender and Development
AbsGoogGS2801247.635345Motivational Effects of Knowledge of Results: A Goal-Setting Phenomenon?Locke, Edwin A. .et alPSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN
AbsGoogGS27969220.716100Injury Rehabilitation: A Goal-Setting Intervention StudyEvans, Lynne and Hardy, LewRESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT
AbsGoogGS27826991.30691Self‐efficacy as a Mediator of Goal Setting and PerformanceAppelbaum, Steven H. and Hare, AlanJournal of Managerial Psychology
AbsGoogGS2774933.408169Effects of feedback sign and credibility on goal setting and task performancePodsakoff, Philip M. and Farh, Jiing‐LihORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES
AbsGoogGS2751886.130324Goals, Strategy Development, and Task Performance: Some Limits on the Efficacy of Goal Setting.Earley, PC .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS27273280.68478Enhancing Performance Through Goal Setting, Engagement, and OptimismMedlin, Bobby and Green, Kenneth W.INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS
AbsGoogGS2711886.130324Importance of Participative Goal Setting and Anticipated Rewards on Goal Difficulty and Job Performance.Latham, Gary P. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS26950520.89378The Value of Feedback and Goal Setting Over Goal Setting Alone and Potential Moderators of this Effect: a Meta-AnalysisNeubert, Mitchell J.HUMAN PERFORMANCE
AbsGoogGS2686410.910358Effects of team building and goal setting on productivity: A field experimentBuller, PF and Jr, CH BellACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS26531151.190111Proximal goal-setting and self-regulatory processesStock, J and Cervone, DCOGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS2644723.508152Goal-Setting and Self-Directed Behavior ChangeKolb, David A. and Boyatzis, Richard E.Human Relations
AbsGoogGS26321911.476309Goal setting and strategies to enhance goal pursuit for adults with acquired disability participating in rehabilitationLevack, WMM .et alCOCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS
AbsGoogGS26142181.000155Goal-setting for behavior change in primary care: An exploration and status reportBodenheimer, Thomas and Handley, Margaret A.PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING
AbsGoogGS25911132.188259Treatment and Generalization Effects of Cognitive–behavioral and Goal-Setting Interventions With Aggressive Boys.Lochman, John E. .et alJOURNAL OF CONSULTING AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS25930651.20353Goal setting and performance management in the public sectorLatham, GP .et alINTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS2571367.213261Development and Field Test of a Feedback Seeking, Self-Efficacy, and Goal Setting Model of Work PerformanceRenn, Robert W. and Fedor, Donald B.JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT
AbsGoogGS2566410.910358The effects of training, goal setting, and knowledge of results on safe behavior: A component analysisReber, RA and Wallin, JAACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS2511886.130324Goal Setting as a Means of Increasing Motivation.Bryan, Judith F. and Locke, Edwin A.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS25126981.30698Improving the compositions of students with learning disabilities using a strategy involving product and process goal settingGraham, S .et alEXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN
AbsGoogGS2491886.130324Comparative Analysis of Goal-Setting Strategies Across Cultures.Erez, Miriam and Earley, P. ChristopherJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS2491886.130324The Effect of Goal Setting on Group Performance: A Meta-Analysis.Kleingeld, Ad .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS24838031.0638The Development of Goal Setting Theory: A Half Century Retrospective.Locke, Edwin A. and Latham, Gary P.MOTIVATION SCIENCE
AbsGoogGS2481886.130324Goal Setting, Conditions of Practice, and Task Performance: A Resource Allocation Perspective.Kanfer, Ruth .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS24412512.062131Reducing Accidents Using Goal Setting and Feedback: A Field StudyCooper, M. Dominic .et alJOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS24463800.762124The effects and experiences of goal setting in stroke rehabilitation–a systematic reviewSugavanam, T .et alDISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS2432844.840148Has Goal Setting Gone Wild, or Have Its Attackers Abandoned Good Scholarship?Locke, Edwin A. and Latham, Gary P.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES
AbsGoogGS24283020.61761Collaborative goal-setting with families: Resolving differences in values and priorities for servicesJr, DB BaileyTOPICS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION
AbsGoogGS2376410.910358A psychological success cycle and goal setting: Goals, performance, and attitudesHall, DT and Foster, LWACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS23450520.89378The Role of Goal Orientation on Negative Emotions and Goal Setting When Initial Performance Falls Short of One's Performance GoalCron, William L. .et alHUMAN PERFORMANCE
AbsGoogGS23352070.874119Goal Setting and Action Planning in the Rehabilitation Setting: Development of a Theoretically Informed Practice FrameworkScobbie, Lesley .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS22152070.874119Communication During Goal-Setting in Physiotherapy Treatment SessionsParry, RuthCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS21311132.188259Reactive Self-Monitoring: The Effects of Response Desirability, Goal Setting, and Feedback.Kazdin, Alan E.JOURNAL OF CONSULTING AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS2135593.187123Developing Children's Self-Efficacy and Skills: The Roles of Social Comparative Information and Goal SettingSchunk, Dale H.CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS21034681.12384The Use of Goal Setting and Contingency Contracting for Improving Children's Homework PerformanceMiller, Deborah L. and Kelley, Mary LouJOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS
AbsGoogGS2076410.910358Factors Affecting Job Attitudes in a Goal-Setting EnvironmentSteers, Richard M.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS20434371.12880Emergent leadership in the group goal-setting processSouza, G De and Klein, HJSMALL GROUP RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS20257760.81882Metaphoric Identity Mapping: Facilitating Goal Setting and Engagement in Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain InjuryYlvisaker, Mark .et alNEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS2014933.408169The dark side of consecutive high performance goals: Linking goal setting, depletion, and unethical behaviorWelsh, David T. and Ordóñez, Lisa D.ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES
AbsGoogGS2001886.130324Effect of Performance Feedback and Goal Setting on Productivity and Satisfaction in an Organizational Setting.Kim, Jay S. and Hamner, W. ClayJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS20046620.93936The Prediction of College Student Academic Performance and Retention: Application of Expectancy and Goal Setting TheoriesFriedman, Barry A. and Mandel, Rhonda G.Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice
AbsGoogGS1961886.130324Improving Job Performance Through Training in Goal Setting.Latham, Gary P. and Kinne, Sydney B.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS19410602.279104The Effect of Mental Practice and Goal Setting as a Transfer of Training Intervention on Supervisors’ Self‐efficacy and Communication Skills: An Exploratory StudyMorin, Lucie and Latham, Gary P.APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY-AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW-PSYCHOLOGIE APPLIQUEE-REVUE INTERNATIONALE
AbsGoogGS1931886.130324Importance of Supportive Relationships in Goal Setting.Latham, Gary P. and Saari, Lise M.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS19212512.062131An Exploratory Study of Goal Setting in Theory and Practice: A Motivational Technique That Works?Yearta, Shawn K. .et alJOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1911886.130324Assigned Versus Participative Goal Setting With Educated and Uneducated Woods Workers.Latham, Gary P. and Yukl, GaryJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS19142181.000155Goal setting as a health behavior change strategy in overweight and obese adults: A systematic literature review examining intervention componentsPearson, ErinPATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING
AbsGoogGS1904083.799416Proximal Versus Distal Goal Setting and Intrinsic Motivation.Manderlink, George and Harackiewicz, Judith M.JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1901367.213261The congruence of goal-setting strategies with socio-cultural values and its effect on performanceErez, MJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT
AbsGoogGS1891766.248194Goal-setting paradoxes? Trade-offs between working hard and working smart: The United States versus ChinaFang, E .et alJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE
AbsGoogGS1881886.130324Participative Goal-Setting: Social, Motivational, and Cognitive Factors.Erez, Miriam and Arad, RevitalJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS18846620.93936The SEEK mentoring program: An application of the goal-setting theorySorrentino, DMJournal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice
AbsGoogGS18721921.476100The Effects of Goal Setting and Self-Instruction on Learning a Reading Comprehension StrategyJohnson, Lenworth N. .et alJOURNAL OF LEARNING DISABILITIES
AbsGoogGS1878782.511241Effects of Goal Setting and Strategy Use on the Writing Performance and Self-Efficacy of Students With Writing and Learning Problems.Page-Voth, Victoria and Graham, SteveJOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS18740241.03198The influence of performance feedback on goal-setting and mental effort regulationVenables, L and Fairclough, SHMOTIVATION AND EMOTION
AbsGoogGS18434681.12384Effects of Public Posting, Goal Setting, and Oral Feedback on the Skills of Female Soccer PlayersBrobst, Brandilea and Ward, PhillipJOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS
AbsGoogGS18443930.97485Team building through team goal settingWidmeyer, WN and Ducharme, KJOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1834083.799416Goal setting, achievement orientation, and intrinsic motivation: A mediational analysis.Elliot, Andrew J. and Harackiewicz, Judith M.Journal of personality and social psychology
AbsGoogGS1811886.130324Disentangling Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting: Effects on Self-Regulatory Processes.Kozlowski, Steve W. J. and Bell, Bradford S.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS18131151.190111Extreme Goal Setting and Vulnerability to Mania Among Undiagnosed Young AdultsJohnson, Sheri L. and Carver, Charles S.COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS1811886.130324Effects of Externally Mediated Goal Setting on Intrinsic Motivation: A Laboratory Experiment.Mossholder, Kevin W.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS17878460.649112A Season-Long Team-Building Intervention: Examining the Effect of Team Goal Setting on CohesionSenécal, Julie .et alJOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1786410.910358Effects of Goal Difficulty, Goal-Setting Method, and Expected External Evaluation on Intrinsic MotivationShalley, Christina E. .et alACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS1771886.130324Effects of Task Difficulty, Goal Setting, and Strategy on Performance of a Heuristic Task.Huber, Vandra L.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS17546380.941142Comparative Effectiveness of Goal Setting in Diabetes Mellitus Group ClinicsNaik, Aanand D. .et alArchives of Internal Medicine
AbsGoogGS17578460.649112Predicting Race Performance in Triathlon: The Role of Perfectionism, Achievement Goals, and Personal Goal SettingStoeber, Joachim .et alJOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS17562410.77542Effect of goal setting on motivation and adherence in a six‐week exercise programWilson, K and Brookfield, DInternational Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
AbsGoogGS1744073.804205An Empirical Analysis of a Goal Setting QuestionnaireLee, Cynthia .et alJOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
AbsGoogGS17418511.63187Goal Setting and Negotiation Performance: A Meta-AnalysisZetik, Deborah C. and Stuhlmacher, Alice F.Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
AbsGoogGS17234371.12880Goal Setting and Team Performance in Innovative Projects:Hoegl, Martin and Parboteeah, K. PraveenSMALL GROUP RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS1721886.130324Effects of Assigned and Participative Goal Setting on Performance and Job Satisfaction.Latham, Gary P. and Yukl, GaryJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1722415.322278An Empirical Examination of Goals and Performance-to-Goal Following the Introduction of an Incentive Bonus Plan with Participative Goal SettingAnderson, Shannon W. .et alMANAGEMENT SCIENCE
AbsGoogGS1715783.10166The effectiveness of multi-component goal setting interventions for changing physical activity behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysisMcEwan, Desmond .et alHEALTH PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW
AbsGoogGS17052070.874119Goal Setting and Goal StrivingOettingen, Gabriele and Gollwitzer, Peter M.Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intraindividual Processes
AbsGoogGS16610082.338108Performance Management and Assessment: Methods for Improved Rater Accuracy and Employee Goal SettingLondon, Manuel .et alHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
AbsGoogGS1661367.213261Development and field test of a feedback seeking, self-efficacy, and goal setting model of work performanceRenn, Robert W.Journal of Management
AbsGoogGS16510392.30354Performance appraisal participation, goal setting and feedback: The influence of supervisory styleRoberts, GE and Reed, TReview of Public Personnel Administration
AbsGoogGS16239081.04767Developing self-regulated learners: Goal setting, self-evaluation, and organizational signals during acquisition of procedural skillsKitsantas, A .et alJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION
AbsGoogGS16123871.399110Future Goal Setting, Task Motivation and Learning of Minority and Non‐minority Students in Dutch SchoolsAndriessen, Iris .et alBRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS16090830.57035A behavioral analysis of goal settingFellner, DJ and Sulzer-Azaroff, BJournal of Organizational Behavior Management
AbsGoogGS16042181.000155Navigating patient-centered goal setting in inpatient stroke rehabilitation: How clinicians control the process to meet perceived professional responsibilitiesLevack, William .et alPATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING
AbsGoogGS15917891.66285Motivating Online Performance: The Influences of Goal Setting and Internet Self-Efficacy.Thompson, Lori Foster .et alSOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
AbsGoogGS1594933.408169Further evidence on the relationship between goal setting and expectancy theoriesKlein, Howard J.ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES
AbsGoogGS1584933.408169The effects of individual differences and goal origin on goal setting and performanceHollenbeck, John R and Brief, Arthur PORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES
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AbsGoogGS1575773.106111Strength-based performance appraisal and goal settingBouskila-Yam, Osnat and Kluger, Avraham N.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW
AbsGoogGS15663800.762124Toward a cognitive-affective model of goal-setting in rehabilitation: is self-regulation theory a key step?Siegert, RJ .et alDISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
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AbsGoogGS1564933.408169Effects of cognitive heuristics and goals on negotiator performance and subsequent goal settingHuber, Vandra L. and Neale, Margaret A.ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES
AbsGoogGS15562350.77579SMARTER goal setting in aphasia rehabilitationHersh, D .et alAPHASIOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1539182.463103Enhancing Willingness to Communicate: Relative Effects of Visualization and Goal SettingMunezane, YokoMODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS1535173.311163Goal Setting in the Australian Public Service: Effects on Psychological Empowerment and Organizational Citizenship BehaviorTaylor, JeannettePUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW
AbsGoogGS1531886.130324Comparative analysis of goal-setting strategies across cultures.Erez, Miriam and Earley, P. ChristopherJournal of Applied Psychology
AbsGoogGS1521886.130324Motivation, Behavior, and Performance: A Closer Examination of Goal Setting and Monetary Incentives.Terborg, James R. and Miller, Howard E.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1511886.130324Motivational Effects of Knowledge of Results: Knowledge or Goal Setting?Locke, Edwin A.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1496410.910358The Motivational Effects of Participation Versus Goal Setting on Performance.Latham, Gary P. and Steele, Timothy P.Academy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS14952070.874119Goal-setting in rehabilitation: report of a workshop to explore professionals' perceptions of goal-settingPlayford, E D .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS1496410.910358The Effects of Goal Setting, External Feedback, and Self-Generated Feedback on Outcome Variables: A Field Experiment.Ivancevich, John M. and McMahon, J. TimothyAcademy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS148121770.41360Perceived Efficacy and Goal Setting in Young ChildrenMissiuna, Cheryl and Pollock, NancyCanadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
AbsGoogGS14842181.000155Goal Setting as a Shared Decision Making Strategy Among Clinicians and Their Older PatientsSchulman‐Green, Dena .et alPATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING
AbsGoogGS1484083.799416Goal Setting and the Differential Influence of Self-Regulatory Processes on Complex Decision-Making Performance.Cervone, Daniel .et alJOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
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AbsGoogGS1441886.130324Assigned Versus Participative Goal Setting and Response Generalization: Managing Injury Control Among Professional Pizza Deliverers.Ludwig, Timothy D. and Geller, E. ScottJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
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AbsGoogGS14129331.238111Do We Practice What We Preach? Goal Setting for Ecological RestorationHallett, Lauren M. .et alRESTORATION ECOLOGY
AbsGoogGS14142181.000155Shared Decision Making Within Goal Setting in Rehabilitation Settings: A Systematic ReviewRose, Alice .et alPATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING
AbsGoogGS14052070.874119The Use of Patient-Specific Measurement Instruments in the Process of Goal-Setting: A Systematic Review of Available Instruments and Their FeasibilityStevens, An .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS14050520.89378Effects of leader's communication style and participative goal setting on performance and attitudesSagie, AHUMAN PERFORMANCE
AbsGoogGS1403374.331175Leading from different psychological distances: A construal-level perspective on vision communication, goal setting, and follower motivationBerson, Yair .et alLEADERSHIP QUARTERLY
AbsGoogGS13963800.762124The rehabilitation process for the geriatric stroke patient-an exploratory study of goal setting and interventionsWressle, EWA .et alDISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS1361886.130324Effects of Goal Setting on Performance and Job Satisfaction.Ivancevich, John M.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS13652810.86777Goal Setting Theory, Job Feedback, and OCB: Lessons From a Longitudinal StudyVigoda‐Gadot, Eran and Angert, LarisaBASIC AND APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1356710.687293A clarification of the goal setting and appraisal processes in MBOMcConkie, MLAcademy of Management Review
AbsGoogGS13452070.874119A Pilot Study of Self-Regulation Informed Goal Setting in People With Traumatic Brain InjuryMcPherson, Kathryn .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS1331886.130324Hierarchical Representation of Motives in Goal Setting.Bagozzi, Richard P. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1321886.130324The Motivational Components of Goal Setting.Terborg, James R.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS13291220.567115Awareness of activity limitations, goal setting and rehabilitation outcome in patients with brain injuriesFischer, S .et alBRAIN INJURY
AbsGoogGS1316410.910358A Psychological Success Cycle and Goal Setting: Goals, Performance, and Attitudes.Hall, Douglas T. and Foster, Lawrence W.Academy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS13085350.60343Beyond SMART? A New Framework for Goal SettingDay, Trevor A. and Tosey, PaulCurriculum Journal
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AbsGoogGS1291886.130324Effectiveness of Positive Reinforcement and Goal Setting as Methods of Management Development.Wexley, Kenneth N. and Nemeroff, Wayne F.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS12913581.96684Improving work motivation and performance in brainstorming groups: The effects of three group goal-setting strategiesWegge, J and Haslam, SAEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS12750520.89378The effects of personality on learning: The mediating role of goal settingKlein, HJ and Lee, SHUMAN PERFORMANCE
AbsGoogGS1276410.910358EFFECTS OF TEAM BUILDING AND GOAL SETTING ON PRODUCTIVITY: A FIELD EXPERIMENT.Buller, Paul F. and Bell, Cecil H.Academy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS12542181.000155Goal Setting in Diabetes Self-Management: Taking the Baby Steps to SuccessDeWalt, Darren A. .et alPATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING
AbsGoogGS12515861.787204Goal-setting and spouse involvement in the treatment of obesityDubbert, Patricia M. and Wilson, G. TerenceBEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY
AbsGoogGS12457880.81733Goal Setting and Energy ConservationHarding, Matthew and Hsiaw, AliceJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION
AbsGoogGS12429981.222130Strategies Used in the Pursuit of Achievability During Goal Setting in RehabilitationBarnard, Rachel .et alQUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS12350520.89378Examination of the Roles of Action-State Orientation and Goal Orientation in the Goal-Setting and Performance ProcessDiefendorff, James M.HUMAN PERFORMANCE
AbsGoogGS12352070.874119What Are the Barriers and Facilitators to Goal-Setting During Rehabilitation for Stroke and Other Acquired Brain Injuries? A Systematic Review and Meta-SynthesisPlant, Sarah .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS12372050.69252Exploring relationships between goal setting, goal pursuit and depression: a reviewStreet, HelenAUSTRALIAN PSYCHOLOGIST
AbsGoogGS12234681.12384The Effects of Goal Setting on Rugby PerformanceMellalieu, Stephen D. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS
AbsGoogGS12173280.68478Achievement, Attributions, Self-Efficacy, and Goal Setting by Accounting UndergraduatesCheng, Pi-Yueh and Chiou, Wen‐BinPSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS
AbsGoogGS1201287.415192Power and Goal Setting in Channel NegotiationsMcAlister, Leigh .et alJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS1198782.511241Should Patients Participate in Clinical Decision Making? An Optimised Balance Block Design Controlled Study of Goal Setting in a Rehabilitation UnitHolliday, Rosaline C. .et alJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY
AbsGoogGS1189182.463103The Achievement Motive, Goal Setting, and Probability Preferences.Atkinson, John W. .et alJOURNAL OF ABNORMAL AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS11827011.306121A Survey of Goal-Setting Methods Used in RehabilitationHolliday, Rosaline C. .et alNEUROREHABILITATION AND NEURAL REPAIR
AbsGoogGS11886440.59679An Evaluation of a Brief HIV/AIDS Prevention Intervention for College Students Using Normative Feedback and Goal SettingChernoff, Robert A. and Davison, Gerald C.AIDS EDUCATION AND PREVENTION
AbsGoogGS1181367.213261The joint influence of situational constraints and goal setting on performance and affective outcomesPeters, LH .et alJournal of Management
AbsGoogGS11839081.04767Group versus goal-setting effects on the self-regulated performance of students differing in self-efficacyTuckman, BWJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION
AbsGoogGS11869220.716100Effects of goal-setting interventions on selected basketball skills: A single-subject designSwain, A and Jones, GRESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT
AbsGoogGS11791390.56751Addressing the Challenges of Collaborative Goal Setting With Children and Their FamiliesBrewer, Kelly .et alPHYSICAL & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN PEDIATRICS
AbsGoogGS11752070.874119Improving patient and carer communication, multidisciplinary team working and goal-setting in stroke rehabilitationMonaghan, J .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS11656740.829140Goal Setting and Attainment in Alzheimer's Disease Patients Treated With DonepezilRockwood, Kenneth .et alJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY
AbsGoogGS1161886.130324Effects of Goal Setting and Supervision on Worker Behavior in an Industrial Situation.Ronan, W. W. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS1156410.910358The Effects of Training, Goal Setting, and Knowledge of Results on Safe Behavior: A Component Analysis.Reber, Robert A. and Wallin, Jerry A.Academy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS1146732.873108Goal-Setting and Self-ControlHsiaw, AliceJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY
AbsGoogGS1146710.687293Group Pay-for-Performance Plans: The Role of Spontaneous Goal SettingHollensbe, Elaine C. and Guthrie, Joanne F.Academy of Management Review
AbsGoogGS11450590.89260The Effects of Goal Setting and Group Size on Performance in a Social Dilemma.Seijts, Gerard and Latham, Gary P.CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DU COMPORTEMENT
AbsGoogGS11212842.030136Goal Setting and Self-Efficacy Among Delinquent, at-Risk and Not at-Risk AdolescentsCarroll, Annemaree .et alJOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE
AbsGoogGS11263800.762124Survival, Momentum, and Things That Make Me “Me”: Patients’ Perceptions of Goal Setting After StrokeBrown, Melanie .et alDISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS112128130.38655Goal-setting, self-efficacy, and memory performance in older and younger adultsWest, R L. and Thorn, Roxanne M.Experimental aging research
AbsGoogGS1095783.10166Updating Goal-Setting Theory in Physical Activity Promotion: A Critical Conceptual ReviewSwann, Christian .et alHEALTH PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW
AbsGoogGS10891220.567115Awareness and goal setting with the traumatically brain injuredBergquist, TF and Jackets, MPBrain Injury
AbsGoogGS10531151.190111Goal Setting and Behavior Change in a Smoking Cessation ProgramBorrelli, Belinda and Mermelstein, Robin J.COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS105103270.50048Using the ICF in goal setting: Clinical application using Talking Mats®Bornman, J and Murphy, JDisability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
AbsGoogGS10440051.03348Goal Setting and Monetary Incentives: When Large Stakes Are Not EnoughGómez-Miñambres, Joaquín .et alSocial Science Research Network
AbsGoogGS1039652.398134Calibration in Goal Setting: Examining the Nature of Judgments of ConfidenceHadwin, Allyson F. and Webster, ElizabethLEARNING AND INSTRUCTION
AbsGoogGS10344720.964133Implementing a Framework for Goal Setting in Community Based Stroke Rehabilitation: A Process EvaluationScobbie, Lesley .et alBMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS10351080.885404A Systematic Review Investigating Healthy Lifestyle Interventions Incorporating Goal Setting Strategies for Preventing Excess Gestational Weight GainBrown, Mary Jane .et alPLOS ONE
AbsGoogGS1033224.446180The Effects of Reward Type on Employee Goal Setting, Goal Commitment, and PerformancePresslee, Adam .et alACCOUNTING REVIEW
AbsGoogGS1016710.687293The Role of Goal Acceptance in Goal Setting and Task PerformanceErez, Miriam and Kanfer, Frederick H.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW
AbsGoogGS10143930.97485The effects of a goal-setting package on the performance of speed skatersWanlin, CM .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS10190830.57035The effects of feedback and goal setting on the productivity and satisfaction of university admissions staffWilk, LA and Redmon, WKJOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT
AbsGoogGS1001886.130324Goal Importance, Self-Focus, and the Goal-Setting Process.Hollenbeck, John R. and Williams, Charles R.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS10046380.941142Conditional Goal-Setting, Personal Goals and Hopelessness About the FutureHadley, Sandra A. and MacLeod, Andrew K.COGNITION & EMOTION
AbsGoogGS1003384.323185Going Beyond Research on Goal Setting: A Proposed Role for Organizational Psychological Capital of Family FirmsMemili, Esra .et alENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE
AbsGoogGS1001367.213261The effects of participative versus assigned goal setting on intrinsic motivationChang, GSY and Lorenzi, PJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT
AbsGoogGS1006410.910358Factors Affecting Job Attitudes in a Goal-Setting Environment.Steers, Richard M.Academy of Management Journal
AbsGoogGS991367.213261Group Incentives and Performance: A Study of Spontaneous Goal Setting, Goal Choice and CommitmentGuthrie, Joanne F. and Hollensbe, Elaine C.JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT
AbsGoogGS991886.130324Goal Setting, Evaluation Apprehension, and Social Cues as Determinants of Job Performance and Job Satisfaction in a Simulated Organization.White, Sam E. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS9940241.03198Mood induction effects upon goal setting and performance in young childrenHom, HL and Arbuckle, BMOTIVATION AND EMOTION
AbsGoogGS996410.910358Different Goal Setting Treatment and Their Effects On Performance and Job Satisfaction.Ivancevich, John M.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS9764470.756105Improving Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling Performance Using Goal Setting and FeedbackLingard, Helen .et alConstruction Management and Economics
AbsGoogGS9752070.874119Use of a Goal Setting Intervention to Increase Adherence to Low Back Pain Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled TrialCoppack, Russell J .et alCLINICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS9762410.77542Effects of goal setting on fear of failure in young elite athletesWikman, JM .et alInternational Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
AbsGoogGS9681350.62838Understanding Emerging Adulthood From a Goal-Setting PerspectiveShulman, Shmuel and Nurmi, Jari-ErikROLE OF GOALS IN NAVIGATING INDIVIDUAL LIVES DURING EMERGING ADULTHOOD
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AbsGoogGS9612552.058120The Importance of Integrated Goal Setting: The Application of Cost-of-Capital Concepts to Private FirmsAdams, Andrew .et alFamily Business Review
AbsGoogGS9650040.89856Effects of Salesperson Experience, Age, and Goal Setting on New Product Performance Trajectory: A Growth Curve Modeling ApproachFu, Frank Q.Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
AbsGoogGS9522271.46540Values are not just goals: Online ACT-based values training adds to goal setting in improving undergraduate college student performanceChase, Jared A. .et alJournal of Contextual Behavioral Science
AbsGoogGS9428081.27578Goal-Setting Participation and Goal Commitment: Examining the Mediating Roles of Procedural Fairness and Interpersonal Trust in a UK Financial Services OrganisationSholihin, Mahfud .et alBritish Accounting Review
AbsGoogGS9324321.38794Goal setting: an integral component of effective diabetes careMiller, CK and Bauman, JCURRENT DIABETES REPORTS
AbsGoogGS9264470.756105A critical review of safety initiatives using goal setting and feedbackCameron, I and Duff, RConstruction Management and Economics
AbsGoogGS9233621.141153Home advantage in soccer–A matter of expectations, goal setting and tactical decisions of coaches?Staufenbiel, K .et alJOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES
AbsGoogGS9148860.913169Recovering From Stroke: A Qualitative Investigation of the Role of Goal Setting in Late Stroke RecoveryLawler, John .et alJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
AbsGoogGS9163890.76162Using the WHO-ICF With Talking Mats to Enable Adults With Long-Term Communication Difficulties to Participate in Goal SettingMurphy, Joan and Boa, SallyAUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION
AbsGoogGS9129371.23787Goal Setting Using Telemedicine in Rural Underserved Older Adults With Diabetes: Experiences From the Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine ProjectWest, Susan .et alTELEMEDICINE JOURNAL AND E-HEALTH
AbsGoogGS9162410.77542The effects of self-talk and goal setting on self-regulation of learning a new motor skill in physical educationKolovelonis, A .et alInternational Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
AbsGoogGS9095100.54447Goal Setting and Action Planning for Health Behavior ChangeBailey, Ryan R.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LIFESTYLE MEDICINE
AbsGoogGS898782.511241Goal setting among adolescents: A comparison of delinquent, at-risk, and not-at-risk youth.Carroll, Annemaree .et alJournal of Educational Psychology
AbsGoogGS8884070.610114Goal Setting Frequency and the Use of Behavioral Strategies Related to Diet and Physical ActivityNothwehr, Faryle and Yang, JingzhenHEALTH EDUCATION RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS871886.130324Does Self-Regulation Require Cognitive Resources? Evaluation of Resource Allocation Models of Goal Setting.DeShon, Richard P. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS8734411.12789Collaborative Goal Setting With Elderly Patients With Chronic Disease or Multimorbidity: A Systematic ReviewVermunt, Neeltje Petronella Catharina Anna .et alBMC GERIATRICS
AbsGoogGS8726951.307178Adaptive Goal Setting and Financial Incentives: A 2 × 2 Factorial Randomized Controlled Trial to Increase Adults’ Physical ActivityAdams, Marc A. .et alBMC PUBLIC HEALTH
AbsGoogGS8790830.57035Prompts, goal setting and feedback to increase suggestive sellingRalis, MT and O'Brien, RMJournal of Organizational Behavior Management
AbsGoogGS8645970.946150Ecologically based goal setting in mangrove forest and tidal marsh restorationIII, Roy R LewisECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
AbsGoogGS866710.687293The Role of Intentions in Work Motivation: Implications for Goal-Setting Theory and ResearchTubbs, Mark E. and Ekeberg, Steven E.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW
AbsGoogGS852844.840148On Good Scholarship, Goal Setting, and Scholars Gone WildOrdóñez, Lisa D. .et alACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES
AbsGoogGS8582090.62392Examination of the Perceived Efficacy and Goal Setting System (PEGS) With Children With Disabilities, Their Parents, and TeachersMissiuna, Cheryl .et alAMERICAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
AbsGoogGS84127740.38836Goal Setting and Self-Monitoring for Students With DisabilitiesLee, Jimin .et alINTERVENTION IN SCHOOL AND CLINIC
AbsGoogGS8440241.03198The role of goal specificity in the goal-setting processKlein, Howard J. .et alMOTIVATION AND EMOTION
AbsGoogGS8385140.60439Using Goal Setting, Self‐monitoring, and Feedback to Increase Calorie Expenditure in Obese AdultsDonaldson, Jeanne M. and Normand, Matthew P.BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS
AbsGoogGS8343870.97573The Effects of Direct Involvement in Goal Setting on Rehabilitation Outcome for Persons With Traumatic Brain Injuries.Webb, Patrick M. and Glueckauf, Robert L.REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS8343930.97485Collegiate coaches' perceptions of their goal-setting practices: A qualitative investigationWeinberg, R .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS821367.213261Task strategy interventions in goal setting: The importance of search in strategy developmentEarley, PC .et alJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT
AbsGoogGS8265980.742105Using Self-Efficacy Theory to Resolve the Conflict Between Goal-Setting Theory and Expectancy Theory in Organizational Behavior and Industrial/Organizational PsychologyLocke, Edwin A. .et alJOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS8222351.463193A mega-trial investigation of goal setting, interest enhancement, and energy on procrastinationGröpel, Peter and Steel, PiersPERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES
AbsGoogGS826410.910358Utilizing Feedback and Goal Setting to Increase Performance Appraisal Interviewer Skills of ManagersNemeroff, Wayne F. and Cosentino, J.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS814153.749161The Importance of Union Acceptance for Productivity Improvement Through Goal SettingLatham, Gary P. and Saari, Lise M.PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS811886.130324Monitoring Reading Growth: Goal Setting, Measurement Frequency, and Methods of EvaluationJenkins, James J. and Terjeson, Kari J.LEARNING DISABILITIES RESEARCH & PRACTICE
AbsGoogGS8139081.04767Effects of Individual Goal-Setting Conferences on Achievement, Attitudes, and Goal-Setting BehaviorGaa, John P.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION
AbsGoogGS804073.804205Goal Setting and Competition as Determinants of Task PerformanceCampbell, Donald J. and Furrer, David M.JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
AbsGoogGS7919241.601112Motivation Through Goal SettingGómez‐Miñambres, JoaquínJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS7929831.22582Goal setting in psychotherapy: The relevance of approach and avoidance goals for treatment outcomeWollburg, E and Braukhaus, CPSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS796410.910358Effect of Behavior Plus Outcome Goal Setting and Feedback on Employee Satisfaction and Performance.Kim, Jay S.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS791247.635345Goal setting and task performance: 1969-1980.Locke, Edwin A. .et alPsychological Bulletin
AbsGoogGS7923201.429140The effects of feedback and goal setting on safety performance at two construction sitesLaitinen, Heikki and Ruohomäki, IsmoSAFETY SCIENCE
AbsGoogGS78110140.46578Goal-Setting Protocol in Adherence to Exercise by Italian AdultsAnnesi, James J.Perceptual and motor skills
AbsGoogGS7867190.73271The Effects of Goal Setting and Feedback on Manufacturing Productivity: A Field ExperimentStansfield, Timothy C. and Longenecker, Clinton O.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
AbsGoogGS7837771.06788In Pursuit of Change: Youth Response to Intensive Goal Setting Embedded in a Serious Video GameThompson, Debbe .et alJournal of diabetes science and technology
AbsGoogGS7734681.12384Using Goal Setting and Feedback to Increase Weekly Running DistanceWack, Stephanie .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS
AbsGoogGS7750520.89378Constraints or Catalysts? Reexamining Goal Setting Within the Context of NegotiationPolzer, Jeffrey T. and Neale, Margaret A.HUMAN PERFORMANCE
AbsGoogGS7715491.814203A Taxonomy for Goal Setting in the Care of Persons With DementiaBogardus, Sidney T. .et alJOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE
AbsGoogGS77122480.41072Practical Recommendations for Robot-Assisted Treadmill Therapy (Lokomat) in Children With Cerebral Palsy: Indications, Goal Setting, and Clinical Implementation Within the WHO-ICF FrameworkWarken, Birgit .et alNEUROPEDIATRICS
AbsGoogGS7721821.481127Are We on a Learning Curve or a Treadmill? The Benefits of Participative Group Goal Setting Become Apparent as Tasks Become Increasingly Challenging Over TimeHaslam, S. Alexander .et alEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS761886.130324Additive Effects of Task Difficulty and Goal Setting on Subsequent Task Performance.Campbell, Donald J. and Ilgen, Daniel R.Journal of Applied Psychology
AbsGoogGS7597840.53155‘Finding a Balance’ in Involving Patients in Goal Setting Early After Stroke: A Physiotherapy PerspectiveLloyd, Anna .et alPhysiotherapy Research International
AbsGoogGS7546950.935115Using Personal Goal Setting to Promote the Social Inclusion of People With Intellectual Disability Living in Supported AccommodationMcConkey, Roy and Collins, SuzanneJOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS7516571.738160Goal setting as a feature of homecare services for older people: does it make a difference?Parsons, John .et alAGE AND AGEING
AbsGoogGS736632.895236The Moderating Effect of Goal-Setting Characteristics on the Sales Control Systems–job Performance RelationshipFang, Eric .et alJOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS7390830.57035Using Task Clarification, Goal Setting, and Feedback to Decrease Table Busing Times in a Franchise Pizza RestaurantAmigo, Seth .et alJOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT
AbsGoogGS738782.511241Interacting Effects of Goal Setting and Self- Or Other-Referenced Feedback on Children's Development of Self-Efficacy and Cognitive Skill Within the Taiwanese Classroom.Shih, Shu‐Shen and Alexander, Joyce M.JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
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AbsGoogGS5790830.57035A behavioral analysis of goal settingFellner, D.Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
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AbsGoogGS426410.910358Dyadic Goal Setting and Role Stress: A Field StudyQuick, James C.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
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AbsGoogGS4290830.57035A Daily-Adjusted Goal-Setting and Feedback Procedure for Improving Productivity in a University Admissions DepartmentWilk, Leslie A. and Redmon, William K.Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
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AbsGoogGS2171150.69986The Effect of Individual Goal-Setting Conferences on Academic Achievement and Modification of Locus of Control OrientationGaa, John P.PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS
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AbsGoogGS971150.69986Goal Setting and Behavior Contracting for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties: Analysis of Daily, Weekly, and Total Goal AttainmentRuth, William J.PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS
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AbsGoogGS81886.130324Joint effect of feedback and goal setting on performance: A field study of residential energy conservation.Becker, Lawrence J.Journal of Applied Psychology
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AbsGoogGS6132370.36838How Values Affect the Mutual Goal Setting Process With Multiproblem FamiliesCarey, RuthJournal of community health nursing
AbsGoogGS655300.84342Self-recording and goal-setting: Effects on on-task and math productivity of low-achieving Korean elementary school studentsLee, Changnam and Tindal, GeraldJournal of Behavioral Education
AbsGoogGS69912.371288A model of management goal setting and its dissipative structureMalaska, Pentti and Kinnunen, TuomoEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS671150.69986Effects of involving conduct problem adolescents in goal setting: An exploratory investigationMaher, Charles A.PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS
AbsGoogGS61886.130324Resolving scientific disputes by the joint design of crucial experiments by the antagonists: Application to the Erez-Latham dispute regarding participation in goal setting.Latham, Gary P. .et alJournal of Applied Psychology
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AbsGoogGS5103150.50178Clinical Indicators: The Role of Patient in Goal Setting, Evaluation and Ethical PracticeMyers, J.INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL
AbsGoogGS558100.81530The Effect of Goal Setting in Asthma Self-Management Education: A systematic ReviewLiao, Yaoji .et alINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCES
AbsGoogGS5143890.3248A Goal Setting Intervention Positively Impacts Adolescents’ Dietary Behaviors and Physical Activity Self-EfficacyShilts, Mical K. and Townsend, Marilyn S.Journal of Youth Development
AbsGoogGS585140.60439Precision Teaching and Fluency: The Effects of Charting and Goal-Setting on Skaters' Performance.Pocock, Trudy Louise .et alJournal of Behavioral Health and Medicine
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AbsGoogGS53624.108106Comparison of Collaborative Goal Setting With Enhanced Education for Managing Diabetes-Associated Distress and Hemoglobin A1c LevelsWoodard, Lauren E. .et alJAMA NETWORK OPEN
AbsGoogGS511132.188259Effect of Probability of Forthcoming Success on Sex Differences in Goal Setting: A Test of the Fear of Success Hypothesis.Stake, Jayne E.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
AbsGoogGS521911.476309Goal setting and activities to enhance goal pursuit for adults with acquired disabilities participating in rehabilitationLevack, William MM .et alCochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
AbsGoogGS557760.81882Engaging children and adolescents with acquired brain injury and their families in goal setting: The family perspectiveCollins, A .et alNEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION
AbsGoogGS51886.130324Participative goal-setting: Social, motivational, and cognitive factors.Erez, Miriam and Arad, RevitalJournal of Applied Psychology
AbsGoogGS593740.552101Increasing the quality of patient care through performance counseling and written goal settingDyer, Elaine D. .et alNursing Research
AbsGoogGS578950.64586Goal Setting and Performance among Elementary School StudentsPunnett, Betty JaneJOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH
AbsGoogGS51886.130324Does self-regulation require cognitive resources? Evaluation of resource allocation models of goal setting.DeShon, Richard P. .et alJournal of Applied Psychology
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AbsGoogGS5103050.50220Mind the gap: Patients’ experiences and perceptions of goal setting in palliative careBoa, Sally .et alPROGRESS IN PALLIATIVE CARE
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AbsGoogGS433021.15374Goal Setting in Cardiac RehabilitationStone, James A. and King, Kathryn M.Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention
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AbsGoogGS443870.97573Comparing of Goal Setting Strategy With Group Education Method to Increase Physical Activity Level: A Randomized TrialJiryaee, Nasrin .et alJournal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Scie
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AbsGoogGS450590.89260Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Collaborative Goal Setting in the Care of Patients With DiabetesMorris, Heather .et alBMJ OPEN DIABETES RESEARCH & CARE
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AbsGoogGS473810.68066A Conversation Approach Based on Shared Goal-Setting and Shared Decision-Making for Nurses in Cancer Aftercare: A Developmental StudyFriesen-Storms, Jolanda .et alEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING
AbsGoogGS428161.27291Goal Setting and Health-Related Outcomes in Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Literature From 2000 to 2020Tabaei-Aghdaei, Zahra .et alMEDICAL CARE RESEARCH AND REVIEW
AbsGoogGS445760.950125A Comparison of Goal Setting and Reputational Orientations of African Adolescents From Refugee Backgrounds in Intensive English Centers and Mainstream Secondary School ClassroomsGunasekera, Sashya .et alJOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY
AbsGoogGS413621.962145The Value of Proactive Goal Setting and Choice in 3‐ to 7‐year‐olds' Use of Working Memory Gating Strategies in a Naturalistic TaskFreier, Livia .et alDEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE
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AbsGoogGS486440.59679Strategies Chosen by YMSM During Goal Setting to Reduce Risk for HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections: Results From the Keep It Up! 2.0 Prevention TrialMotley, Darnell .et alAIDS Education and Prevention
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AbsGoogGS443930.97485The what, why, and how of goal setting: A review of the goal-setting process in applied sport psychology practiceBird, Matthew D. .et alJOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
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